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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I loved everything Joy had to say about Bernie and she is right in that Bernie has been vindicated with what is going on. I had no interest in what the others had to say due to their disrespect of Bernie..
  2. I am starting to see what some of you guys say about Marie, she has a personal story for every topic. Today on Wednesday's show they were talking about essential workers not having adequate protection to deal with the public during the pandemic and she chimed in that her niece works at the grocery store, I actually rolled my eyes. I actually like Marie but it made me think of you guys who believe that she makes up stories..lol I am not a pet person but the segment with the animals made me smile. Eve looks much better off the show with minimal makeup but I wish she would stop fussing with her wig. CarrieAnn looks fine as well and her home looks comfortable. Marie is all dolled up like she got her makeup done by professionals at the studio and Sheryl looks fine as well. Whereas Sharon looks really scared stressed out and she looks like she aged. I wonder if she is thinking of her son and husband who have chronic diseases. I don't care for Sharon but my heart goes out to her during this time.
  3. Due to racial bias in the healthcare system, Black women are more likely die in childbirth in the United states and there is a high infant mortality rate of Black babies as well. The sad thing is that these deaths are preventable but nobody cares enough to take these Black women seriously and that leads to dangerous consequences. Plus, it has nothing to do with your economic status because Beyonce and Serena Williams, both wealthy famous Black women almost lost their lives having their babies..Serena is using her horrifying experience to shed light on this epidemic of Black maternal deaths in our country.
  4. One child does not substitute the pain of losing another child. It is like when people tell women who have had miscarriages to just have another baby like that will automatically take away her grief over her loss. Eric may still have Holly but he just lost 2 daughters, one he has been raising for months and one he never even saw or held for the brief moment she was alive..
  5. Wendy was a bitch today being Monday, trashing her supposed friend Nene saying that being on the Real Housewives of Atlanta is slumming it if she had to do it since she worked too damn hard to get where she is at.. Wow, talk about looking down on your friends, with friends like Wendy who needs enemies.. Wendy looked horrible and she is also miserable, going through the quarantine without Big Kev. Meanwhile Big Kev is layed up in luxury with Sharina and their baby.
  6. Tamar was right when she used to say on the show that Jeannie wanted a Black rapper...lol.. Tamar also congratulated Jeannie on her engagement on instagram, very interesting..
  7. He just found out that his daughter, his firstborn is dead and that he has bonded with his niece as his daughter. I think Eric has a right to act as he wishes. He can do whatever he wants to Xander and it will never be enough pain and suffering as far as I am concerned. I can't imagine what Eric and Sara will feel in having to give up Rachel and never having had the chance to grieve their own daughter as her parents. Xander took that away from Eric and Sara. You are never the same after losing your child but they could have been on the way to deal with that forever pain. Now they will now lose two daughters after all is said and done..
  8. Rich Black women are not exempted from dying in childbirth. Beyonce and Serena despite their wealth fame and status almost lost their lives having their babies. It goes to show you that we are still dealing with the consequences of slavery. Racism is not just being called the N word it is how insidious it is in that it permeates every aspect of our lives. Black women cannot have their babies in peace without fear of death for themselves and their babies in the USA, a damn shame! The irony is that the Opioid epidemic did not hit the Black community like it did other communities because doctors do not believe we feel pain so we were not prescribed pain medications that were highly addictive. Notice how our country champions understanding compassion and empathy with it comes to people who suffer from opioid addictions unlike those who suffered from crack addictions in the 80's and 90's. They were demonized hated and locked up for life.
  9. There was a backlash against Sharon for her despicable treatment of Marie. She put out a statement on tweeter saying that she did not disrespect Marie and that she is free to express her opinions. She also said that she is an emotional wreck over Corona and it may have affected her behavior. Let's not forget that Sharon does take medication for her mental illness. I will defend Sharon in that regard, we are all affected by Corona some worst than others. Sharon is a nasty piece of work and we all know that she always needs a foil to feel alive. Marie is her target in this version of the talk. We all saw how she attacked other women on the panel in the past.. Sharon's hair color is just awful and it just washes her out. She does have beautiful skin that she has managed to keep healthy despite being in Southern California for years. I think that a chocolate brown hair color would be wonderful for her. I am also enjoying the show with all of the wonkiness and talking with you guys on here..
  10. I would love it if Sunny cut her hair and went natural.. She does too much with her hair and makeup. She is too beautiful for that horrid look she has now..
  11. I think Sal wears her hair natural in real life and I assume the show does not want her to have that look since Valerie wears hers that way. So Lani has to wear that awful wig. Can't the show afford a decent wig? A nice lace front wig would be really good on her. It would be realistic for Lani to wear her hair natural and change it up by wearing wigs, getting braids and hair pieces on occasion. Plenty of sisters do that in real life but I don't think the show is ready for that..
  12. If the Black father expressed a preference for his son to be light-skinned revealing himself to be a colorist and that would be a bigger issue than him wanting his son to be dark. Colorism exists in the Black and Latino community. I have yet to see any show tackle that issue..
  13. The hatred against Bernie is so out of line. The ladies were so awful that they made me miss Megan. I expect Megan to treat people that she disagrees with like crap. Whoopie should be sanctioned for her behavior today, you don't treat a guest in that manner not to mention a sitting senator. Wow just wow! It is disappointing because I don't understand what is so evil about a man like Bernie who wants equality by challenging the status quo.
  14. Joy has cabin fever. She is frustrated scared and rightfully angry with what is going on. This is her worst nightmare on what would happen if we ever had a national emergency. She will never be like Megan not even on her worst day..
  15. I wish that Ron had shown us how and why Justin and Kayla fell in love. I don't really remember Justin and Kayla interacting back in the day as in-laws. I just fanwank that Adrienne/Justin and Kayla kept in touch as family over the years and made sure that their children had bonded as cousins. I remember Abigail saying that she used to play with the Kiriakis brothers as children. So Stefanie must have done the same as well..
  16. The problem is that soap operas no longer have stories built around the heroes and heroines with the villains and anti-heroes adding to the mix. It is now all about the villains and the heroes are written so bad that the audience roots for the villains to win. The trend started with Sami versus Carrie and it just got worst over the years.. Back in the day, when Samantha Evans was torturing her twin Marlena in the same way that Sami was doing with Carrie, the audience was firmly on Marlena's side while having some sympathy for Samantha who was a tragic character. She was more troubled than pure evil and the writing was so much better because you had writers that loved the genre and did not try change it or trash it for their own purposes. JER, Langan and Dena were writers who damaged the show with their horrific writing with the approval of Ken Corday..
  17. I think Whoopie buys her own clothes for the show. I doubt any stylist worth her salt would dress her so bad. The thing is Whoopie has a great shape that she hides under the tents that she wears. I remember that week she wore dresses high heel shoes bras and skirts years ago and she looked great.. They had her wear bold colors that complimented her dark skin.
  18. She was doing it again tonight. I am here for Rachel taking them all to task for not taking this pandemic seriously. Her fury was giving me life..
  19. Why does she have to put up with Messy's nastiness? It irritates me that she gets away with so much and everybody has to just deal with it. Megan clearly does not like Sara and why would she want to come back and get abused by her.. Abby went to the producers numerous times about Messy and nothing was done.
  20. I love Sunny and she does not bother me at all even when she does her fiery Latina persona to get a laugh. Representation matters and somebody who came from a hood like Sunny can look at her and say if she made it despite everything stacked up against her, then so can I. I am happy for her son..
  21. It is funny to me how Messy only cares when an issue affects her personally otherwise she does not give a damn.. I will have to say that Whoopie looks the best outside of the studio and that is because Whoopie does not put on alot of makeup on her face even in the studio. She still looks the same after all of these years, her face is rounder due to gaining weight. I will say that Megan has beautiful skin, she does not need alot of makeup and that is the only good thing about her. Lisa Ling looks awful and I was shocked. I hope my shallowness did not offend anybody on here. Stay safe everybody!
  22. The show will never be good, so what is the point of replacing Ron and getting someone even worst than him. I shudder to think of what a Dena Higley return would be like..
  23. Poor Sarah! She is the only sympathetic person in a town full of amoral scumbags. Nice girls finish last in Ron's world..
  24. I loved Larry bringing up the topic on the baby's complexion at Susie's house and it is okay to wonder how the baby will look like because he or she will be mixed. Larry took it on another level.. I love Larry because he is not PC and he asks questions that people would not ask out loud. He just does it in a way that will offend people. I did not get why the wife was offended that her husband wanted the baby to be dark instead of light. He wants his son to resemble him, the baby will most likely look like him anyway regardless of skin tone, he will be of color...Genetics is freaky and he could come out looking White with no Black features. I think that would have been a funnier bit, if he came out looking White and Larry questions his paternity throwing the couple's marriage into chaos..
  25. Megan's pregnancy means we are stuck with her indefinitely.. I would not put it past her to get pregnant as a way to guarantee job security and to also put the attention right on herself.. We will be regaled with stories by her in excruciating details about how wonderful a conservative pregnancy is as opposed to a liberal one. She makes everything a partisan fight so why not a pregnancy..
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