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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Something was off with Bitsy and she is not as happy as she claims to be. I also got the impression that Megan was not impressed with her. I would pick Messy over Bitsy. Messy is alot of things but she is not a religious nut. People like Bitsy make me uncomfortable. Bitsy's staunch defense of the man who once called her the dumbest person on television was stunning af.
  2. So John and Marlena disrespected Kristen for loving each other. For being kind and supportive to one another because they shared a daughter Belle who was a baby at the time and they were also raising Brady with Belle. You conveniently forget that John and Marlena's history predates Kristen and that they lived and loved each other as husband and wife raising three children together. They had a strong bond that goes back to when he was the pawn before he was revealed to be Roman. I did not always agree with Marlena but I had no problem with her being nasty to Kristen who was trying to destroy her. She continues to do so till this day but Marlena is the evil one and Kristen is her innocent victim. Kristen disrespected and debased herself by chasing a man who loved another woman more than her. That letter she found and hid was proof that. Since she was pathetic, she opted to lie, cheat and scheme to get a man who did not love her the same way she loved him. Marlena was not responsible for John's feelings for her. The only person who had every right to forever hate John and Marlena is Roman, who lost everything because of them, not Kristen. When Roman found that videotape of Marlena willing to sleep with Stefano their mortal enemy, in exchange for John's life that was his cue to walk away from Marlena. He had self-respect because he realized that Marlena loved John more than him, despite her denials.. John and Marlena were always endgame, the majority of the fans wanted them to get back together even when he was with Rebecca, Diana, Isabella and Kristen.
  3. Brandy spoke at length back in the day about being a dark-skinned Black woman with her features in the business and how that affected her.. She also spoke about her braids her signature style being used against her. So for her to say that the criticisms of Kim were not a big deal was disappointing to say the least. I am not saying that non Black women cannot pay homage to our culture but the Kardashian crew take it to another level and If I were to go on about this, it would be off-topic..
  4. The best thing about the show was Brian Cox saying that Americans do not know what the word socialism means....
  5. Ray J is a pig, let's not forget he violently threw his wife in a swimming pool. He has some anger issues and the sad thing is that there are two small babies involved in their dysfunction.. My heart goes out to them. Brandy seemed like she was holding back on sharing with the ladies. I thought at some point she was going to talk about her mother forcing her to marry a guy because he got her pregnant in order to keep her good girl image for her fans. Brandy still looks the same she has not age a bit.. I had to give Brandi the side eye for caping for Kim Kardashian regarding the braids. I loved what Sheryl had to say while she was being politically correct to not offend people she still made her point about Black hair and Black hairstyles and how it is used against us but praised when someone like Kim does it. I also loved what Sharon said she was blunt and not politically correct.
  6. Has Joe forgotten that Eddie is a Black man from Mississippi? Joe is just too much at times and he needs to chill.
  7. Exactly! wasn't there a President who moved his mistress into the White House or am I mistaken? Megan is pretending to be a prude, she is far from that..
  8. I like what Joshua brings to the network and it is good to see a Black man in his position and he is very handsome. I disagree with MSBNC trying to be like Fox for the left. I could say more but it would be off-topic. I did not like what Jason Johnson said on that other show and he did not deserve to be suspended from MSNBC.
  9. I think they read our comments on here because it is very eery that we will discuss something on here and then she will discuss it on the air. She is very thin-skinned..
  10. Wendy Williams does that on her show..
  11. She talked alot because Messy and Whoopie could not stop shoving it in.. Those two love to eat.. Whoopie claimed today that she does not like to eat sweets, yeah right... Whoopie eats like she has not had a meal in a while and the directors did us a solid in not showing Whoopie talk with her mouth full of food.
  12. That is true but at the same time there is nothing wrong with acknowledging that different groups in this country have specific needs/concerns and will vote accordingly at times as a bloc. What drives a Black person to the polls may be different than a Latino and sometimes they may even intersect.. I get annoyed when people on this show say that Elizabeth Warren is far left, she was not at all..
  13. This is why the Sami fans always hated Marlena back in the day, she shows affection to a man who killed her daughter's son, her grandson. This is when I enjoy Kate, she has no fucks to give and will forever hate and hurt those who come for her family. Marlena's tears for Ben just pissed me off. Marlena is disloyal. Even if she forgave Ben for what he did to Will and others that does not mean she has to form a relationship with Ben. A pastor once told me that forgiveness does not mean restoration. Just because you forgive somebody for hurting you does not mean you are obligated to have or continue to have a relationship with that person.. Forgiveness is about letting go of the pain and the anger for your own well-being. Ben is a grown ass man, his mental illness and shitty childhood does not excuse the damage and the hurt he has done to other people who had nothing to do with his childhood trauma. What about Paige, Serena or the midwife? What about what Will went through and his daughter who had her life turned upside down because of Ben.
  14. Upton is just annoying and now she is an expert on Domestic violence. Victims of Domestic violence and all forms of abuse often have a psychological bond with their abuser and Halstead beating up that wife beater is not going to change things in the long run. It would not surprise me if that lady goes back to her husband at some point.
  15. How amazing for her grandmother to have known her great-grandchildren and vice versa. Not too many people experience that privilege these days..
  16. If this is true, Megan is even worst than I thought. Abby's warnings to the other ladies says what a good person she is...
  17. Gabi can be as smug as she wants to be after everything these hypocrites have done and continue to do so.. Whatever she has done pales in comparison to Ben and Kristen, in my opinion...
  18. Who the fuck is she? I doubt she has that power to block somebody from the show.
  19. Nene was on a radio station in New York ranting about Kenya, she really hates her. She also said she is coming for everybody at the reunion. She also said that the reunion is there for a Housewife to show her value for the executives and producers so some of the ladies will perform in order to keep her peach.. Nene has not change at all, always the victim, she is always right and shows no remorse for her bad behavior..
  20. I think it is pride on her part, Whoopie thinks she knows everything when she knows very little. Remember her embarrassing rants about the mechanics of insurance and not one person on the panel ever tried to correct her..
  21. I thought Megan would have had a meltdown like her peeps did the other day. She was actually pretty calm..
  22. Black votes matter and last night it was proven without a doubt. I hope the party remembers this going forward. Elizabeth Warren will be fine and I am sure she has a plan. A brilliant woman like her will go places and you don't have to be President to affect change. Megan's nastiness knows no bounds. Must she always take a shot at Ilhan Omar? First it was AOC and now it is her. I bet you if Ilhan is ever on the show, she would not try to mess with her. AOC was there and she knew not try it with her, she is a coward.
  23. I am a Black Catholic and I used to go to a mostly Black Catholic church, so we do exist. I don't understand why people are accusing Sunny of being homophobic just because she is a devout Catholic. The Catholic church is against homosexuality but I believe that people are free to decide for themselves how they feel on the subject, the same for Abortion and the use of birth control. I believe Sunny has done that for herself. Perhaps Sunny is a Catholic of the Jesuit order who were always called the social justice wing of the Catholic church and they were often derided as socialists by their detractors. The Pope is a Jesuit priest by the way.. Jesuit priests in my experience have always encouraged free thinking and tolerance of those who are different from you, compassion and love for the least of us..
  24. It is why she liked Apollo and wanted him so bad..
  25. I respectfully disagree. I am not a fan of Wendy but don't discount racism, Black people have to deal with that on a daily basis. I don't believe Wendy would make up a story about racism for attention. If she said that she and Nene were made to feel like they did not belong in a store like Bergdorf, I will give her the benefit of the doubt..
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