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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. It is not like she made a silly insensitive remark about gay men, we are all human and say things wrongly. It was the rant and the vicious things she said about gay men and trans women. Not to mention, she singled out a man she believed to be gay to humiliate, it was a disgusting display of bigotry. Wendy as a Black women needs to be sensitive fair and open minded. I am not equating the gay struggle with the Black struggle but Wendy has to remember we as Black people need to always be allies to other marginalized groups because they always come for us, full stop. She has been blessed with a platform and she should do it to uplift people and not tear them down.
  2. I wish they had someone on the panel like you who could explain the complexities that exist in coal country and to counter Megan's uninformed opinions about that region and other red states.
  3. She was also wrong about every Republican voting to acquit. It is why she was in such a bad mood and was nasty to the panel for praising the maverick who went against his party.. Whoopie held back her temper that day and she had a tantrum on a commercial break and Whoopie had to cajole her back on set. It is ridiculous how everybody has to cater to this big baby..
  4. I always thought it was stupid for Bill not to be in town around the time Kate and Lucas came to town. I think the reveal about Lucas being his son would have had more depth to it. Lucas being a Horton seemed to be something the writers tacked on at the last minute.. How will Bill's death impact the characters? since Mike, Lucas Melissa are no longer on the show. So, I just don' care about his death because the show has never cared about him either..
  5. It was a police state for Black men under Bloomberg. I did not like Joy dismissing Bloomberg's horrid past. I find it unsettling that she and others are telling Black people to get over it.. I have no words for Messy's meltdown today..
  6. Wendy is homophobic, she pretends to be an ally but she is not. She is a POS...
  7. Why should Gabi go to prison when Ben is free to have a life..
  8. I don't feel bad for her at all since she brings it on herself. The fact that she dismissed Maryanne says alot, I never felt sorry for her when a certain person was trashing her dad and continues to do so..
  9. Same here.. I loved how he used to put Ruzek in his place. He was always such an ass..
  10. Is Camilla cut? what is going on over there? This sounds like madness..
  11. Do you guys notice how Adrienne and Tamara don't really share their opinions. They seem afraid of offending Amanda. That is wrong, I understand Amanda's passion about racial injustices in the country but it is turning people off. I also notice that Loni seems to be using Amanda as her mouthpiece..I am glad that Jeannie stood her ground and shared her opinion anyway..
  12. Ron hands are tied when it comes to Wilson. They were so cruel over Freddie's weight gain, they revel in cruelty and nastiness. I believe he had an illness that he had to take medication that caused him to gain weight. I see nothing wrong with having different body types on television. Not every man needs to have a six pack.. That moderator over at that site is a piece of work. I believe Freddie now does alot of crash diets but it is his body and his choice to do as he sees fit..
  13. Did anybody think that Rush's award and battle with "cancer" would humble him, of course not! Not to mention, I have been shocked that there have not been more homophobic attacks against Mayor Pete. Perhaps it is because nobody expected him to get this far, but now the floodgates have open, there will be more of this in the future. Messy can never denounce a Republican no matter what, yet, she claims to be an ally of the LGBTQ community. Give me a break, girl bye!
  14. I am team Sunny on this. You should read on Klobuchar's record and Kamala's and see the disparity on how they were treated..
  15. Amanda needs to chill. You can want justice for oppressed minorities and hold Jussie accountable for his crimes. I don't think he needs to go to prison, he will never work again and will be shunned for the rest of his life . Jeannie was great today defending the LGBTQ community. Loni and Amanda were annoying today.
  16. Sunny is raising a Black son and she knows how the justice system treats Black people, especially Black males. So, I am not going to fault her for being hard on Amy. As a candidate for public office, your record will be scrutinized in order for the people to make an informed decision when they decide to vote for a candidate..
  17. What was very illuminating was the way that lady in the glam squad kept looking at somebody off the set asking for help with her eyes. Wendy was just so extra and I get the impression that she is lonely needy and unhappy..
  18. Nobody has questioned Amy about her record as a prosecutor the same way Kamala's was and Kamala the cop was all over the internet. I could say more but it would be off-topic. I found it disappointing that Joy dismissed Mayor Pete's record in South Bend like it was no big deal. Sunny was right when she said he was evasive in the last debate. The show was great and everybody was relaxed and having fun, I wonder why......
  19. Kenya is trash and I actually think Cynthia is even worst than Kenya since she co-signs what Kenya is doing by staying quiet. Cynthia is a follower, I see why Nene wants nothing to do with her.
  20. Ron has said that he does not understand Black people, so he cannot write for them. Eli and Lani were created by other writers. Of the two, Eli has more potential, I would like to know more about his life with Valerie and his stepdad. They should not have killed David off, David should have come back and confront Valerie for keeping him from his son. David should have tried to reconnect with Eli and deal with his complicated relationship with Julie.
  21. The United states is the only country that does not give mothers adequate time for maternity leave, the same with fathers. South Korea just gave men paid paternity leave because the birth rate over there is at an all time low. I don't blame the ladies for holding back. Loni has been very vocal and people on here and elsewhere were upset with her. Look at what Amanda is going through for having real conversations about race that make people uncomfortable. Gayle King is getting death threats for the Kobe debacle. I could never have real conversations on live television because the backlash you may get for offending somebody is not pretty, Not to mention how that might affect your family and friends. The risk outweighs the reward.
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