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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Yes, there are shades. Chris can be insightful and knowledgeable about politics. His idealism, passion and love for the USA was never in doubt. I wish things could have worked out differently...
  2. Everything Joy said about Chris Matthews was on point. Was anybody surprise that Whoopie was excusing Chris' insensitive comments, what is it about Whoopie when it comes to defending men at all cost. I would love to see her defend a woman, just once..
  3. Whoopie does not understand insurance and taxes either.
  4. Megan is so nasty to everyone, what the hell is wrong with her. She needs to chill and learn to not take things so personal..
  5. What a shocker, the Bernie bashing continues today.
  6. I thought it was a cute dance and I did not understand why the panel blasted Steyer. Megan really hates him for some bizarre reason.. If you are not Biden or Tulsi, you are awful in her eyes.
  7. I find Nene's hatred of Kenya to be over the top even for her. I just don't get the animosity. Kenya is a mess and so is Nene. Kenya was rejected by her mom and that has scarred her deeply. Nene was in an abusive relationship with the father of her first son. Both women carry alot of unresolved pain with them. Hurt people hurt, that being said at some point in your life you have to do better despite your pain..
  8. Exactly! I think that Toscano became worst because he was getting killed off. The same thing would have happened to Stefano and Victor if they were being written out for good.
  9. Sunny is not homophobic, she is a prude and can be a bit too much with her jealousy regarding her husband. Sunny is open-minded in matters of sexuality..
  10. Buttigieg was using people who look like Sunny and me for a comeup so I understand her disdain.. To be fair the ladies trash anybody who is not Joe Biden.
  11. Why does every villain have to have a soft spot? they could be interesting with great writing and acting. They could be unapologetically evil and let's face it evil people never see themselves as evil. I thought Clyde was fascinating when he first came on the show by playing up the preconceived notions that southerners are dumb and unsophisticated, while besting Victor and EJ, Stefano's heir. I thought his best scenes were with Marlena when he was in therapy. Their cat and mouse interactions seemed to be leading to something good given Marlena's track record of attracting the ire of psychopaths. I also loved his interactions with Aiden. Making him a child molester just ruined his possibilities as a great villain.
  12. Everything that Megan said about the media regarding Joe Biden was so true and I agreed with her. Bye Pete! I hope I never see you or hear from you ever again but since we cannot have nice things, you will be around.. Does Whoopie know about voter suppression and how hard it is to vote in this country so her saying that other people cannot vote in other countries like Americans is false. Bloomberg got what he deserved at that church in Selma. The Bernie bashing on this show continues.................
  13. I have no sympathy for Kenya and her predicament with her husband. She is a nasty person and her treatment of Tanya, Marlo and her nephews was despicable. She has no idea what these boys have gone through, with that in mind she should have been kind and welcoming. Would she want somebody to treat her daughter like that?
  14. Megan is going to be very happy tomorrow..
  15. MIchael has zero chemistry with the ladies. I liked him with Kelly better, I know things fell apart in the end but they were amazing together. I do think Michael shines when he is discussing football on his other show.. In any event, the show is terrible, Keke is just too much. I think Sara would be better in another show. Megan is just an awful person to not be able to get along with somebody like Sara..
  16. I also wanted to add that Todd was always an outsider in LLanview, he was always hated by the majority of the residents in the town despite the fact that he was revealed to be Viki's brother the town heroine. I always hated that affiliation to be honest. Viki seemed to be putting Todd before her kids. Todd's many victims never worshiped him like Marlena and Will regarding Ben. Todd for all his flaws was never a psychopath like Ben.
  17. On the day that Weinstein was found guilty, Oprah had shut off her comments on instagram.. She was too cowardly to take the heat..
  18. Spill the tea about what you know about Michael and Sara not getting along? Her show with Michael and Keke is bad. I can't watch a minute of it, it seems so forced and fake. Why do you think that Keke is like Megan? I admit I saw her on the view and she was okay, nothing special in my opinion..
  19. She is a nasty bitch and I think divorcing Kevin has made her worst. I was stunned by her treatment of her viewers. She has a thin skin, if you are in the media you should expect criticisms and her contempt for the audience was beyond the pale. I think I am done with the show, Wendy has broken my habit. She looked awful today, that outfit was something else.. I thought she was dressed for Halloween..
  20. Oprah and her bff have been getting on my nerves.. I think she means well but like alot of people who have reached her level of success, they lose touch with the average person. It makes sense if you are worth billions to not have the same worries as people who do not have your type of money.
  21. James Carville's hysterical meltdown a few weeks ago over Bernie soured me on him.
  22. It was more acceptable to have Native blood than African because Africans were considered to be lower than Natives.. Notice that the one drop rule only affects people who were mixed with Black and not Native.
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