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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I did not miss Whoopie talking with her mouth full of food, so nasty.. Joy and Sunny have been on point these past two days. I loved the shade, the truth, the facts and the anger thrown at you know who.. Yesterday being Tuesday was so good without Messy and of course she had to revert to her talking points regarding Fauci. Whoopie still sucks as a moderator, it stills astounds me that she has never gotten any better in her role after all of these years. I have been getting a kick out of her seeing her get flustered when she gets interrupted by the people in her ear and the other co-hosts..
  2. Jennifer was supposed to get back with Frankie at some point but her going to work at the spectator changed the writers' plans for them due to the sparks that flew between Jennifer and Jack.. The show was flirting with putting Jack and Diana together. Jack was bad at the time and their mutual hatred was supposed to turn into an attraction that would have impacted the Roman/Diana relationship eventually becoming a triangle. The show was also trying to get Deidre to come back to the show as Marlena.
  3. Remember when Sami pulled out all of her old wedding dresses from her aborted weddings from the closet, it was such a funny scene and Austin's reaction was gold...
  4. Team Sarah all the way. Kristen does not deserve a child, poor Mackenzie. Kristen is pure evil and Brady her baby daddy is a weak man. If Ron wanted to do something different then he should have Lani and Kristen discover their burgeoning attraction for each other and go for it.. Soaps used to do that back in the day build on an unexpected couple's surprising chemistry and change course.. Jack and Jennifer were not planned neither were Kim and Shane.
  5. I assumed Sharon's absence was a technical glitch because the ladies joked about them being a three person panel when Carrieanne disappeared on them suddenly and Marie took over her duties for her until she came back..
  6. To be fair, Wendy was in urban radio for years. She was always playing rappers and R&B singers and gossiping about them as well. I actually love that side of her since I grew up listening to them. I got a kick out of seeing Big Daddy Kane a few years ago, rappers who would never be seen on other talk shows because they never crossed over to the mainstream like Queen Latifah for example who was able to craft a career outside of rap.
  7. Chloe sizzled with both Bradys and of course Philip.. She also had combustible chemistry with EJ. Those two would have been so beautiful together. Lucas/Chloe made no damn sense. Unfortunately, Dena did a hatchet job on Chloe and don't get me started on her demeaning romance with Daniel and giving him Parker, Philip's son..
  8. I find the backlash against Ellen to be over the top and unfair. It is why I am so happy that I am a nobody that noone knows. Being a celebrity, there is this expectation to be perfect and wonderful at all times. Nobody is nice all the time, we all have our moments when we are not at our best.. I am sure Ellen has had moments when she was a bitch, who has not had those. She is a human and she is allowed to be flawed at times..
  9. From my understanding, It is women are to be heard and not believe all women.. I have heard Tara Reade and I don't believe her..
  10. Theresa and Brady did not need a baby. Chloe should have had his child and as a Brady/Chloe fan it would have been cool to see. Not to mention, the Philip factor.. A Philip/Chloe/Brady triangle would have been so damn good. It could have driven stories for all three for years..
  11. This may be an unpopular opinion but I feel that Jennifer started going down with her pairing with Peter. The writers hated Jack and did everything they could to destroy him and Jennifer was affected by that.. I think that Jack and Jennifer had the potential to have their own stories that did not need interlopers. I felt cheated that we did not see Jack and Jennifer deal with the fallout of Abby's cancer as a baby.. It was also rooted to Jack's past as a bad guy.. Jack would have never abandoned his family..
  12. Exactly! Lindsey as a blonde would have been a perfect Stefanie. I have always wanted to see the Stefanie/Kayla relationship explored to the fullest. For years, their family unit consisted of the two of them alongside Kim and her two kids..I always felt that Joey was not necessary, he did not need to exist. So I am okay with him being off the show especially after they turned him into a murderer.
  13. Exactly! Eric is gorgeous and tall.. I am not looking for him to be my husband, just some adult fun.
  14. Isn't that what the Kardashians do? appropriate other people's cultures. They love to wear braids that are specific to Black women, Kim tried to use Japanese Kimonos for her brand. I can go on and on about these culture vultures.. I love Lisa Raye telling some hard truths about the Kardashians last week, it just made smile.. It is about time Black women started calling the Kardashians out..
  15. Bo picking Billie over Hope was utter bullshit.. JER had to write Bo and Hope out of character to push that insipid Billie down our throats.. Bo and Hope pretended to be apart while he was pretending to be with Megan. I remember that hilarious scene of Hope making faces at Megan while hiding under her bed as she was trying to seduce Bo to no avail.. Hope was the only woman for Bo then and forever. Bo never touched Megan... I never cared for Hope with either Patrick and Aiden. Aiden sparkled more with Kayla in my opinion. Marlena was always a popular character outside of her various pairings because she had great writing back in the day.. Sami is the only legacy child that the show cares to write about over the years.
  16. I am loving the real at home. Tamara Jeannie and Adrienne are absolutely breathtaking with their minimal makeup. I am loving Loni's braids and I remember her saying that she is scared to wear her natural hair on the show and that instagram picture with her curls was just awesome. Amanda seems more relaxed at home and she is starting to gel with the ladies.. I don't know what the future holds but I hope the ladies bring more of themselves via their natural looks from home to the show.
  17. I have to agree with you guys in your belief that the cats are gone. I think it is for the best in the long run. Wendy needs to give Norman a big bonus check at the end of the year because he is keeping her show alive.
  18. I thought Kate Mansi was going to take Hollywood by storm with her awesome acting skills.. I remember her saying that she intented to work with Woody Allen..
  19. The show has been one missed opportunity after another for the past 20 years now.. Brady is a moron and he deserves every bit of pain that harridan Kristen will inflict upon him. The bitch is crazy and evil and Brady is her biggest enabler.. Rachel is doomed because she has Kristen and Brady as her parents..
  20. On another world, Jill Pharen Phelps callously killed off Frankie Frame by a serial killer. It was a brutal long murder and we had to watch Frankie beg for her life.. Paige's murder by our resident serial killer Ben rivaled hers..
  21. Will and EJ comes to mind.. Will was born before him and EJ ended up being his stepfather. Sami actually met baby EJ..lol..
  22. It was stupid that Orpheus and Roman never had a confrontation when he came back. I never understood why the show even brought back Orpheus when the real story should have been his children coming back years ago to go after Roman for killing their mother and John for killing their father. They could have ingratiated themselves in Marlena's life while targeting Belle, Sami, Eric, Brady and Carrie. It would have given Sami and Carrie a common enemy while bonding again as sisters. I disagree about Chris being the father figure for Sami and Eric. John should have played that role since he was their father for years. The show has never cared to mine that history to give Sami Carrie and Eric character-driven stories.
  23. I guess I will be the lone wolf on here in saying that I have had no problem with Sunny being a broken record since she is expressing what so many people in her community would like to see happen.. Thank You Sunny!
  24. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world in my opinion and it does not need Chabby. Salem can have them since it is full of smug assholes, a sanctimonious serial killer and a vile degenerate psychopath who gave birth to a baby at over 50.
  25. Messy parroting the right's outrage over Pelosi's fridge is just so laughable because all of those people who are trashing her have expensive stuff in their luxurious homes. They are doing anything and everything to distract from what is currently affecting the country. Pelosi earned her money and therefore she could do whatever the hell she wants with it.
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