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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Ashley went crazy after her abortion and do not forget that Victor berated her for making that choice.
  2. Andy really dislikes Kenya, he loves putting her through the hot seat when it comes to viewers questions but a part of me suspects that it is really Andy and the producers. I would love to know why he loves Nene who is just as vile as Kenya, yet he really has a hate for her. Kenya was the most beautiful lady at the reunion, her makeup was understated and her hair was on point.. I am not a fan of hers but she is a beautiful woman. Haute would not be a good word to add to cookie. It does sound strange, unless she just gave her bakery a french name instead of combining a french word with an english one. Nene is a coward and she should get fired but Andy loves her so she is safe..
  3. Kenya was on Kandi's youtube channel sharing her thoughts about the reunion and she went in on Nene. She called her an ugly talentless buffoon. I agree with Kenya's assessment of her. Nene is just the worst.. She also said that Nene had hired that big time LA lawyer to sue Bravo and some other channel, believing that they are holding her back from roles and other endeavors that she has auditioned for in the past. Who the hell would want to work with Nene, she is a vile caricature.. Nobody other than Andy Cohen would put up with her nastiness.. At least, Andy makes money off of her antics.. Nene will never hobnob with the likes of Meryl Streep, she is delusional if she believes that her steady gig on Bravo will transcend her status as a reality star..
  4. Megan is a jealous bitch and she will never be like Ana who is genuine in her beliefs and is open-minded enough to grow and learn. Ana is super close to Joy who is an unabashed liberal..
  5. Sonny has always said that he wanted to make it on his own when it comes to business. I always felt that Alex should have been introduced shortly after Wilson's wedding coinciding with the arrival of Paul as an antagonist for Wilson. Alex should have pulled Sonny into the Kiriakis sphere funneling money through Sonny's coffeeshop causing tension for Wilson and creating conflict between Sonny and his older brother..
  6. Or the show could tackle the epidemic of preventable Black maternal deaths in this country with Lani becoming aware of this issue because she is now pregnant and scared that she may fall victim to racism in the healthcare system.. Serena Williams and Beyonce almost died having their babies. I doubt Ron could do a story like that but it would be a different story instead of the same old same old..
  7. Whoopie has always been a bitch to Sunny. It is nothing new, Whoopis always singles out somebody on the panel to hate for some bizarre reason. I wish that Sunny would not try so hard to get her approval..
  8. Why must Allie be a Sami clone? I have never understood the show's obsession with every character having to be like Sami. Allie should be more like her aunt Carrie and her grandmother Marlena, it would have been a nice contrast to Sami giving their mother/daughter an interesting dynamic.. I always imagined that Sami would have learned from her mistakes with Will and would have been an awesome mother to her younger children. Allie had a nice dynamic with Ciara as kids and the show should have used her as a rival to Ciara instead of Claire.. Allie would be the good girl that Chase is drawn to while Ciara the bad girl tries to get between them. I could also see Sami imploring Allie to fight dirty while Allie refuses with Carrie, Marlena and Will backing her up. The story writes itself but Ron has no imagination so we will get Allie the bad girl..
  9. I know that I am late to the party but those scenes with Maggie's suicide attempt was just so gruesome and too much for me to watch. Whatever happened to love in the afternoon. Daytime has gotten too comfortable doing those type of scenes.. It cannot be said enough but Brady is just the dumbest piece of shit ever.. Wow just wow... I have no words for Ciara.. An awful character and I hate to even say this as a Bo fan but she is worst than Abigail.. She lives and breathes for her serial killer.. I like Gabi but I wish she would concentrate on Arianna her daughter who will need therapy at some point in her life. I am getting tired of Gabi's one track mind when it comes to Stefan/Jake.. It might be an unpopular opinion but I was fine with never seeing Stefan ever again.. I wish the actor came back as Alexander Kiriakis or Andrew Donovan. Legacy characters with ties to the show who can move the show forward with their own stories. I love the vets but I wish they would pass on the baton to the next generation. I am sick of Marlena getting kidnapped or John having to rescue her, enough already.. I want Lani to just die already and Eli deserves better and he is getting on my nerves as well. Perhaps Lani realizes that she is in love with Kristen and she goes off and joins her, never coming back.. Lani also convinces Kristen that Mackenzie is better off with Sarah. If Ron wanted to give Kristen some humanity it would be her realizing that she has too many issues to give a child a stable loving home.. My heart just breaks for Sarah.. She can do no wrong in my eyes.. Ron better not go there with Steve and Hope, they are better off as friends..
  10. Exactly, they invite these people who are sycophants who lie deflect and who will always toe the party line. It is like Bill Geddie is back and booking the guests.
  11. I liked Michele, she was not given a chance by the powers that be and was dumped unceremoniously by them. Even Whoopie called them out for their coldness on the air. Having said that, she came in at the wrong time when the show did not know if they wanted to be a lighthearted show, a political show or how it used to be, the way Barbara envisioned it to be.. Barbara's vision was the best one and I miss that view..
  12. Yes that was it, Spanish with a Portuguese accent. Alfred's mom is Afro-Brazilian.. The finale was fine. I am happy that Annalise and Tegan got together, but I was rooting for Eve. That speech by Annalise was just so damn awesome. My absolute favorite scene is seeing Annalise and her mom with their hair wrapped getting ready for bed like millions of Black women do all over the world. I just get a kick out of that because I have never seen Black women on TV representing their realities as Black women..
  13. You are correct. They had Stefano be behind Marlena's captivity and presumed death when it was Orpheus. They did the same thing with Hope regarding Ernesto who killed her and himself. Then we found out that Stefano had her all along when she came back as Gina years later..
  14. I think it has to be about the negroid features that PJ has as opposed to Kenya's daughter. Eva is definitely a colorist, I caught that back when she was on America's next top model, she believed she was better than Yaya Dacosta who embraced her African heritage, her dark-skin, her features and her luscious enviable natural hair, Tyra hated her too who is another colorist on the low but I digress. I wish Porsha had the intellect to dive deep into that discussion about PJ. It is more than just PJ being considered ugly it has to do with her features that are deemed not be acceptable, just like Blue Ivy who looks more like Jayz as opposed to her mother who has the aesthetics that some people view to be beautiful.. It is probably why Porsha is so defensive about PJ due to colorists like Eva..
  15. Typical Ron when it comes to his writing. He will pick a character to blame for all of the evil acts that occurred throughout his writing even if it makes no damn sense. He did the same crap on One Life to Live...I could vent about that but it would be off-topic..
  16. Whoopie calling out Christie for his BS was a thing of beauty. Like Whoopie said, who will you sacrifice from your family, Chris Christie? I know, I along with millions of Americans find that type of callous cold rhetoric to be repulsive bordering on sociopathy.
  17. I was over the moon to see Ana the other day. I wonder if the show is deliberately keeping her and Megan away from each other. Megan is just angry sullen irritable nasty humorless parroting talking points since she does not have her own opinions and she is also butchering the English language. Nothing has changed, it is just Megan is being Megan, the only difference is that she is pregnant and stuck at home.. I get the impression that pregnancy is not yielding the results she was expecting. It really hurt my heart to see Joy so angry the other day. I was taken aback by her and she usually tempers her outrage with humor to lighten the tension. She was just a ball of rage. I get it and I will not blast her for that. She is human and scared. She reflected what I have been feeling for the past 3 years.. Joy has seen it all and has seen the country's darkest moments and it has to hurt her to see all of the progress is being destroyed.. Whoopie is so thin-skinned and I get tired of her scolding us , did she really have to address people talking about her flannel shirt, come on...and her damn lectures just pisses me off.. Shut up Whoopie, just roll with it.. If you really did not care about your critics, you would not acknowledge them.. Sunny has been consistently awesome and I know that she has fallen out favor with some folks on here but I love her, flaws and all..
  18. Same here, I hated Bonnie and she should have never come back. Ron can only write for campy outrageous characters.. His brand of storytelling is stuck in in the 1980's.. Camp is fun when a skillfull writer like Bill Bell does it but when it is Ron it is just dumb and superfluous,, Ron is turning Orpheus into a supervillain responsible for every bad thing that happens to the people of Salem. This is how Stefano lost his luster. I personally believed that Orpheus should have come back when Marlena came back from the dead and that was decades ago..
  19. Babies at that age know their mothers. She has formed a bond with Sarah and in real life, Sarah is the legal mother regardless if Kristen is the biological mother. It would be months before a handover would ever happen. There would be social workers, psychologists, lawyers and a judge presiding over the whole thing. Mackenzie's needs will always take precedent no matter what. Not to mention, Kristen's record as a homicidal maniac would have been taken into consideration on when she would ever get custody of Mackenzie. I will never call her Rachel because I don't consider her to be Kristen's..
  20. Lani did not need to be Abe's daughter to be a viable character, just like Paul did not need to be John's son. Both kids made no sense. Tamara had no reason to lie to Abe about his own daughter. John was with Kristen when Paul was conceived. The only kid despite being a retcon that made sense was Eli because his parents' love was not accepted by society. So it made sense that Valerie hid his paternity from David. Nevertheless, even Eli annoyed me because he never met his dad David. We should have seen Valerie and David slowly reconnect and have the romance and life they were denied. I don't understand why every new character has to be related to somebody on the show.. Don't get me started on Xander who should have been Alexander, Justin and Anjelica's son who was raised by Adrienne. Anjelica could have enlisted Jack her beloved stepson to help her get Alex to accept and love her . Anjelica and Kate could have clashed over their sons battling to take over from Victor. Anjelica and a skeptical Adrienne could have teamed up to support their boy. Even Vivian could have joined forces with Kate over Philip. The story writes itself but the show is just one missed opportunity after the other.
  21. Megan is playing a role and it is expected of her to have children as a good conservative. Megan seems like she would enjoy being an aunt more than being a mother.. There is nothing wrong with not wanting children. Women in this country can make that choice...
  22. Wendy has always dissed men who were uncircumcised on her radio show back in the day. She was obsessed with the topic and would go into details saying how much she hated uncircumcised penises. Her disgust was something else. It was unheard of to ever hear a part of a man's body being mocked and derided by a woman. It was also TMI and vulgar on Wendy's part. It is why she was so popular because she was so different from everybody else on the radio. She was loved by her fans and hated by her detractors..
  23. A modern day lynching was what Sunny said to describe a young Black man being hunted like an animal and being killed.. I wonder what was going through his mind as he knew he was going to die. It just brought tears to my eyes, it just never ends..
  24. The dialogue was clunky but Stephen Nichols who is just so good pulled it off..
  25. When Steve was bad he wanted to disfigure Hope with acid to avenge Bo poking his eye out.. He eventually bonded with Hope and was there for her when she miscarried her first baby with Bo.. Steve and Hope were always great friends. Hope clicks well with men as friends.. I hope the show does not have Steve and Hope becoming lovers..
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