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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I understand your glee and Sami does deserve it but I wanted Sami to have grown from her experience with Will in order to have become an awesome mother to Allie, Johnny and Sydney..
  2. Porsha was out protesting in Atlanta, she was channeling her grandfather Hosea Williams. What she said when interviewed by journalist was heartfelt and endearing.
  3. If the tea above is true about Wendy regarding her son rejecting her over Kevin's nastiness then my heart goes out to her. Wendy fought to have her son after having had miscarriages prior to having him. Wendy is a piece of work but she does not deserve to have hate coming from her own baby. Big Kevin is just something else..
  4. I adored SVH back in the day.. It went off the rails when the original author died and ghostwriters ruined the series...Why can't we have nice things, is that too much to ask? I can live with that hypocrisy because Nicole has not done half the crap that Stefano and his horrible family have done to Sami's family.. EJ himself was sent by Stefano to impregnate a Brady female so that the baby's stem cells could be used to cure his cancer. I find that so gross and vile.. He also intended to physically hurt Will and Belle to make Sami stay with him.. I am over Eric and Nicole because there is too much ugliness between them.. Nicole has never been into Eric as he has been into her. Nicole is so much better with devilish men, I still weep that we did not get a Xander/Nicole pairing, those two would have set my tv on fire.. It would even be better if Xander was Alexander, the son of Justin and Anjelica raised by Adrienne. Anjelica and Adrienne teaming up to break up Alex and Nicole would have been fun and not to mention Victor who hates Nicole.. Victor tried to kill Shane numerous times over Kim. He also tried to kill Bo over Carly and Carly got hurt instead of Bo. I always thought it was out of character for Victor to plot Bo's death. Victor also tried to kill Marlena and John when they were on the run trying to find out his identity leading to that awesome scene of Marlena finding out that John was Roman with a new face. He also tried to kill Melissa, Maggie's daughter via Steve who was his hitman at the time. Victor did kill a villainous character, his name escapes me but the show never confirmed it outright because they wanted to keep Victor viable. Victor always paid for his crimes by being denied what he wanted the most out of life: a family..
  5. Why can't we get a nice surrogate story for Wilson. It would be a nice story to be done and we can get to see the highs and lows of surrogacy..
  6. I am really tired of Sarah going from man to man.. She went from Rex to Eric to Xander and now Brady, I know they are just doing it to hurt Xander but still. We all know that Brady and Sarah will fall for each other for real just in time for Kristen to reappear with Mackenzie. Ron is so predictable with his stupid plots.. She may even find out that she is pregnant with Xander's baby and pass it off as Brady's...
  7. I just can't quit the show since Philip is back. I will never watch the CIN wedding..
  8. Walt Willey is still gorgeous, hot damn! I always loved Jack and Erica and I cheered when Jack walked away from Erica in the last episode of the show.. I am on the east coast and till this day I never watch anything at 1pm on ABC out of solidarity to All My Children. I have never gotten over the cancellation but I digress. I always thought it was a mistake that the show did not keep Jack and Erica together as a family with their large brood after they got married. The stories and conflict should have arise organically without needing to break up Jack and Erica for the millionth time..
  9. Megan enjoys the back and forth on tweeter, the fights, the people who likes her inane tweets and she also enjoys liking nasty tweets against people she views as her enemies, Ana Navarro comes to mind. So it is rich of her to denounce tweeter as a cesspool when she is a part of it and loves everything about it. She hates tweeter when people come for her after she says something dumb and when that happens which is pretty much often she whines about it all over tweeter and on the show.. She needs to get perspective and the pandemic is just making her worst. To be fair, she is not the only one since it is a stressful time for so many but she just pisses me off with her hypocrisy and always playing the victim..
  10. I agree and I loved Jack breaking Isabella out of that hospital.. Jack/Isabella were just an awesome friendship and Jack going after Marina to protect Steve and Kayla was just as awesome.. Jack went from being their biggest antagonist to being their biggest fan was why he was so popular and beloved until awful writers trashed Jack for their own purposes and the stink still lingers unfortunately..
  11. Marina was a damn retcon and that stupid story started Stephen Nichols' disenchantment with the show. Steve has loved two women in his life Kayla and Britta the woman he fought Bo over and lost an eye.
  12. I get her frustrations, the media goes nuts over Joe Biden's thoughtless remarks. I am Black and I have mixed feelings about it and it would be off-topic to expound on them. I don't feel sorry for them at all. They are reaping what they sowed years ago and you all know what I mean. I only feel bad for the family of the deceased young lady who have to deal with her death being used in political games.. So many people are collateral damage and it is just sickening..
  13. If we had a competent writer, he or she would have had Marlena, Sami and Hope rally around Eric as a family to give him support over losing 2 daughters. Not to mention, Nicole who also lost 2 babies... The last time Marlena mentioned DJ was during the pit storyline where she hallucinated her twin sister Samantha and asked her about him and when Eve lost Paige..
  14. Here we go with Megan playing a victim about being a conservative on tweeter.. Whatever Megan... She also had to throw in her diatribe that the racist lady in the park was a liberal. I am just tired of seeing Black people being murdered by people who should be enforcing the law. We have had so many already in 2020 and we have 7 months to go. It cannot be said enough that 2020 is just an awful year, it started with Kobe's death..
  15. I also think it's insecurity on her part, now that she is pregnant and getting bigger as the pregnancy progresses, she will be even more self-conscious.. I mean people on social media have called her Miss Piggy and worst.. They love to take cheap shots at her weight. I normally hate these type of low blows at women but I just don't care when it comes to her. I know that I am going to hell for saying this, it is what it is..
  16. Their goal is to keep people fighting about anything and everything, big or small..
  17. Degrassi was also made in Canada and not the puritanical USA so they had more freedom to tackle controversial subjects with sensitivity and nuance without arousing the ire of some people. I loved the original Degrassi and it always aired on channel 13 in the states.. Channel 13 has always been very avant-garde and freer than the major networks at that time.. Reron is living up to his name on Days. We have had doppelgangers, women losing their minds via DID, creepy sexual encounters that is basically rape, baby switches, villains with face masks pretending to be another character, campy nonsensical stories..
  18. I love your post about Nene and don't forget we have Russian bots on social media and I have even encountered some on here in other forums stirring the pot. The extreme irrational hatred against the movie Captain marvel was led by Russian bots. It still made $1 billion.
  19. True, I believe that Nene's antics on the show has damaged her off the show, remember her telling Peter that none of the ladies on the show were on her level. I would like Nene to tell me what level is she on, I think that she is trash.. Not to mention Nene wishing rape on a female heckler at her comedy show. To be an entertainer, you have to have a thick skin, you will be rejected and not everybody is going to like your brand of entertainment. Nene is thin-skinned violent nasty and belligerent. Why would Ryan Murphy subject the actors on his projects with that type of attitude. Nene was fun when she started and her reality star fame got to her head. She has never been held to account for her nastiness, she got a little bit of a reprimand for attacking that crew member last year but nothing came of it in my opinion because Andy still watches out for her no matter what because her nonsense keeps the money rolling in....
  20. Terry Crews could kick rocks as far as I am concerned.. I cannot stand him after he threw her under the bus.
  21. I am team Sunny on this.....
  22. This show is incapable of nuance. Plenty of people get high off of hard drugs, drink and get drunk and it does not mean they are an addict. Also, an addict can fall off the wagon when things are going well in their lives, they just don't fall off when things are going bad.. I too never bought Eric as a raging alcoholic. A grieving Lucas over his beloved son Will should have gotten drunk and killed Daniel, given their awful history and Lucas closeness to Maggie and his once father/son bond with Victor back in the day would have been a great story.. I would also add Kate into the mix with her setting up a drunken Eric for Lucas' crime... Eric would have gotten drunk because it was New Year's Eve not because he has an issue over alcohol. Kate and Roman would have gotten close over their shared grief over their grandson Will.. Kate screwing over Eric would have put their relationship in jeopardy.. At some point Jennifer would have found out the truth and Kate would put pressure on her to stay quiet for Lucas putting her in a bad situation having to put her brother over her friend Eric.. The writers on this show just suck..
  23. Megan is just so miserable being at home. She can always go out and take walks while wearing a mask, practicing social distancing. It is not that hard to do.. Those pictures of the people around the country defying social distancing is just scary and revolting af.. I just don't understand people being willfully ignorant to their own detriment..
  24. I never understood why she was even worried about the recording. They trash each other all the time on their talking heads so what is the big deal. Cynthia is attracted to toxic people like Kenya and Nene.. A viewer asked her why she does that, first with Nene and now with Kenya.
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