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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I would love that, Nutmeg would be fit to be tied. Not to be shallow, why did wardrobe put Megan in White, white makes you look bigger. I think if that suit was a jewel tone color, it would be fantastic against her alabaster skin..Megan does have beautiful skin..
  2. Lindsey should have been cast as Stefanie Johnson, especially if they dyed her hair blonde and had her wear green eye contacts..
  3. Kristen is in her 50's. Women have gotten pregnant naturally in their 50's but it is very rare without the aid of fertility drugs. How can Kristen pull this off. Kristen needs to die what a pointless and played out character..
  4. Megan is just so nasty and unpleasant, she brings the whole table down. She is a dangerous uniformed propagandist. She has said so many lies and half truths and it is a shame that ABC is complicit. Nobody challenges her and it makes me sad that Joy and Sunny are not pushing back on her lies. Whoopie is an ignorant incoherent fool. I miss Ana, she should have been here today. Joy disappointed me with her defense of Woody Allen. Sunny as usual was sublime in her explanation that predators groom the people around the children that they prey on, it is all about isolating their victims. Abby saying that she was uncomfortable with Mayor Pete talking about climate change was perplexing to me. If you believe in the bible, Genesis says that God gave mankind stewardship over the earth and the animals, so it is our duty to care for them. Bernie Sanders was very clear about birth control and I have no idea why Megan and her ilk were up in arms about it. I am pretty sure both Megan and Abby have used birth control, so why are they against other women having that choice in family planning, especially women in poor countries.
  5. She also claims to be a Christian and pro-life..
  6. I agree with you wholeheartedly about Sami's supposed bond with Roman, she was barely 2 months old when he died. She had bonded with John as her dad. Carrie did spiral out of control for a bit when she refused to forget her years with John as her dad all to appease Roman. Not to mention, Roman was a jerk back then in refusing to let her date Austin. Whereas, John was a so understanding and not judgmental. Roman's years of captivity had weakened his bond with Carrie and Roman no longer had any influence over Carrie like John did.. Roman should have gone to the dark side after the affair and not Sami. It would have been an interesting angle for the show to explore.
  7. 50 cent won't stop going after Wendy on social media. Wow! Wendy has spent years dogging people left and right, yet, I still feel kinda bad for her.
  8. Constance was right in that Cole should have been pure evil using Phoebe to destroy the power of 3. I will always wonder how Constance would have written season 3.
  9. Piper had a fiery temper and fire could have come from that. I would want an offensive power that comes from Piper herself. Her offensive power does not have to be time based. Invisibility being her third power would line perfectly with her need to hide herself from the world and the demons that are constantly after her.
  10. I agree with your post. Prue could levitate already and did not need it as a defensive power. Her defensive power could be her conjuring objects to defend herself. I agree astral projection should have been called bilocation. There was so much that could have been done with telekinesis. We saw that telekinetic wave that she used in morality bites. That would have been awesome to see. At her most powerful, Prue could think of something and it happens.. Piper's offensive and second power should have been the ability to create and control fire. Her third power should have been invisibility. Only her 2 sisters could see her when she is invisible and she can make others invisible as well. Piper could hide herself and an innocent with her invisibility power. Her freezing powers should have advanced to the point that she could rewind, fast-forward and slow-down time. She can only manipulate events with her freezing powers that she was a part of. She could be fighting with a demon for example and she makes a mistake and can manipulate time to stop that demon. Phoebe's premonitions should have advanced to the point that it included aspects of telepathy and empathy. In season 2 she was able to connect with that evil female demon who was targeting men for death. She also did it with Bo in season 3. She could also get premonitions on command without touching. Reflection should have been her defensive power. Phoebe should have gotten that power instead of levitation. Whenever demons or warlocks use a power against her, Phoebe can reflect it back to the them to defend herself and others. Reflection combined with her premonitions would have made Phoebe a very powerful witch. She also should have developed it towards the end of season 3. While Piper developed her second power in the beginning. Her offensive power is the ability to make her adversaries feel pain both emotional and physical..That could have been the power that she used to kill that man in morality bites.
  11. I was really annoyed with Whoopie and Joy who seem to think that Joe Biden should be given the nomination. He has to show and prove why he is deserving of it. Sunny and Ana understood that it is a vetting process and the Democrats will decide next year who is the best man or woman for the job. Some of the people on the stage were also interviewing for a place in the Democratic administration if a Democrat wins in 2020.
  12. Megan got nasty as usual. She is never feisty, but a rude entitled bitch. I am suspicious like Joy and Ana on why they love Tulse so much.
  13. I disagree with Nutmeg, Julian Castro is a diamond that shines brightly. I like him alot and he has a bright future in the party. Shut up Whoopie, she is a shrew. Megan is so nasty today. She needs to go, yesterday. Ana is not letting her get away with her BS.
  14. Megan saying that she dislikes Mayor Pete for speaking the truth left me speechless. She is the one who has said the most despicable things about the Democratic party. She makes everything about her feelings, some tough chick, what a snowflake! I guess Mayor Pete being a veteran is not going to protect him from her ire. We all know how she worships the military. Whoopie is just so horrible in so many ways. She dominates the conversation and adds nothing of substance. Whoopie has no understanding how taxes work. Her rants today about taxing Amazon went on forever, then she went on a rant about her own taxes. I think she is fuming about the cap for the salt deductions. Her incoherence is just embarrassing. She looks miserable being there and I am miserable having to watch her.. I would love for Whoopie and Megan to be fired and for new co-hosts to be hired and join Ana, Sunny and Joy. I love their bond off the show.
  15. Sara's farewell show should have been live...
  16. What have they done to their lips? Do they believe they look better this way, yikes!
  17. Bonnie Hunt has been a pleasure to watch and who cannot forget her face off with Baba Wawa who was a bitch to her for no reason and Bonnie took it all in stride..
  18. Monica is awesome and Wendy used to shade her during her radio days.
  19. I also loved Sunny, Anna and Joy talking about socializing at Don Lemon's engagement party. It was a subtle dig at Megan, letting her know that she was excluded.. Megan looked a bit taken aback that they were hanging out with a housewife.
  20. I just wanted to say that Megan was wrong about her facts today. You know who as Whoopie would say, won 70, 000 votes from 3 different states, giving him the electoral college. He did not win 80,000 votes from Wisconsin alone. Also, Ana telling Megan that she has been a Republican since she was 28 years old was so great. It was said during alot of cross-talk, the animosity between the ladies is palpable. This was a response to Megan saying that she was the only Republican at the table.
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