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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Ron's sick fetish with Ben has been from the start, not an effort to redeem him, but bring the rest of the characters and canvas down to his level. Abby was turned into a crazy murderer. Claire and Jordan were turned into crazy attempted murderesses. Now Will has been turned into a murderer. He killed his husband's mother, how does Sonny get past that? Everybody is being brought down to Ben's murdering level, so that he can no longer be held accountable for his deplorable actions. Everyone on the show is a prop, a means to an end.
  2. Not to mention, they are smug and self-righteous. Ciara had so much potential, Lauren Boles was such a treasure..
  3. I find it interesting that he wanted her to pay her own bills. I hope they work it out, couples have been known to get back together even after one party has filed for divorce.
  4. I don't understand why Joy said that the ratings being down about the Democratic debate meant that it was not good for the Democrats. People are definitely engage, not to mention, people do not just use their televisions to watch shows. There are so many options now to view something. I know people who do not own TVS, yet, they are able to watch all of their favorite shows and then some. Also, Joy has to remember that we had impeachment hearings for 2 weeks and people were probably just tired of politics for that day/evening.
  5. I think that it is because nobody in South Carolina knows who he is. Personally, I am getting tired of homophobia being leveled against the Black community as to why he is not polling well. I think it has to do with name recognition when it comes to him. If he wants the Black vote then he should campaign for it, full stop. I could go on but it would be off-topic.. When is Megan ever happy? What a humorless spoiled brat! I think Ana's presence triggers her. Apparently Megan feels that the constitution is only for Conservatives. She muttered that as a conservative the constitution is important to her, as if it was not important to the rest of us. Furthermore, Who keeps a copy of the constitution by their bedside. I could see a book, pictures of loved ones at one's bedside. She is so weird. Everything about her is a farce including her rabid patriotism. Missy McCain is so apropos, thanks Joy!
  6. I have always loved Shannen. A wonderful actress, I loved her as Brenda on 90210 and as Prue on Charmed, both shows lost something special after she left. Patsy Pease was smeared for no reason. She had had to play Kim losing a full term baby before while being pregnant and I did not think it was unreasonable for her to refuse to play it for a second time. Furthermore, they did not have to make Kim pregnant. Kristian Alfonso/Hope was heavily pregnant and the show did not write in her pregnancy. She even had to do racy love scenes in a pool and she said Peter was so protective and understanding..
  7. It was on youtube and they were purged. The show was really intent on destroying Kim and Shane because of behind the scenes tension with the actress who played Kim.. She had refused to play Kim losing Jeannie (Theresa) as a stillborn while being heavily pregnant in real life and the writers were forced to let her live and the producers called her difficult and problematic. Then, they started to write Shayla and write Kim badly and had other characters dump on Kim..It reminded me of what happened on Beverly Hills 90210, when they had characters treating Brenda like crap because of the behind the scenes tension with Shannen Doherty.
  8. Actually, the Shayla romance offended Papa Shawn who was not happy with Kayla. He voiced his opinion and said that Shane belonged with Kim. Rojohn took Kim's side and Bo took Kayla's. Bo empathized with Kayla because they both lost the loves of their lives and were trying to be happy again. Bo with Carly and Kayla with Shane. He was not happy about Shayla because he knew that hurt his big sister Kim but he never judged Kayla. Rojohn confronted Kayla about it as her big brother and Kayla said some nasty things about Kim. She even called her a whore, knowing that Kim was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and incest. It was the only time that I disliked Kayla, talk about character assassination.
  9. I don't feel sorry for Jay at all. What the hell did he think would happen after confessing to facilitating a man's murder leaving his family to grieve and to suffer. Upton using that innocent kid to get his dad to confess was a new low for her. What a despicable human being. From the Preview for next year, I see Voight threatening the lady that shot Jay. The chickens have come home to roost, he and his band of thugs have acted with impunity for so long with no remorse. Sooner or later somebody that they hurt would strike back and now Jay is fighting for his life. I despise Kevin. What a sellout!
  10. I guess I am the spoiler for the love on here for the Kayla/Justin romance but I hate it because we all know that the show has never given Kayla a viable love interest outside of Steve. I mean Kayla was a celibate for 16 years in LA when Steve was dead. How insulting to us Kayla fans.. I personally wanted Kayla to have had a full and happy life with Stefanie and another man. Perhaps, her husband is diagnosed with an illness and that brings up painful memories for Kayla about her beloved Steve. Then, Steve comes back complicating things for her.. Also, Kayla could have had another daughter with her husband. That type of story is too character-driven for the awful writers we have had to endure over the years.. I am also pissed that Adrienne was killed off. I loved Justin and Adrienne because their main obstacle in their relationship was monogamy. Monogamy is not easy for some people and Justin/Adrienne were proof of that. Not to mention, they had to contend with infertility, another obstacle that breaks up couples in real life. Internal conflicts in a couple is more interesting to me than an interloper. We human beings are often our own worst enemies. Ron is not a gifted writer, so he cannot write for a flawed heroine like Adrienne. I mean a desperate Adrienne faked a pregnancy to keep Justin and Anjelica exposed her lie, driving Justin into her arms. She was a Johnson, so she was not always a goody two shoes.
  11. I think the show is cancelled. Fans are not stupid and some of us have been down this road before with All My Children and One Life to Live. Not to mention, Ron's stories have turned off alot of the fans..
  12. Whoopie and Megan make the show unbearable. Both are ignorant inarticulate incapable of having thoughtful discussions. Whoopie worked all of her life for her success whereas Megan got through life riding her father's coattails, hence her current employment at the view.
  13. John and Marlena were a big deal before their affair. They were awesome as Roman and Marlena, she helped him to remember he was Roman after treating him as an amnesiac at the hospital for months. Marlena is a healer first and foremost and she gave him his life back. They were a supercouple long before he was retconned as not being Roman. Also, the Titan hookup that Sami witnessed was the second time that they were together. They had had their affair on the Titan plane where they conceived Belle. Their affair was never sleazy or distasteful in my opinion. It was a culmination of their history as Roman and Marlena and all they had been through before Marlena "died" and after she came back.
  14. Jill Pharren Phelps killed the show with her managing style and the show never recovered. She killed off Maureen Bauer for a cheap ratings grab. It was under her watch, the show lost Alexandra, Blake and Mindy who were played by awesome actresses. The recasts left alot to be desired..
  15. He also sexually harassed Crystal Chappel who played Carly. It was more sexual assault than harassment. They would block love scenes during rehearsal with the director and everything was fine. Once they were taping them, he would touch her in places that she said that only her husband had a right to..It is why she left the show and Carly was quickly written out with Lawrence. She also said she did not say anything to higher ups because she felt that nobody would believe her and she feared reprisals. She said had Peter Reckel had never left the show as Bo, she would not have left. I often wonder how Bo/Carly would have been like when Hope came back from the dead. Not to mention, what trajectory Billie would have had as a character. She was ruined during the Krista Allen years when she played Billie.
  16. She was good and there is a weird tension between her and Megan. I have no idea what that is about.. The ladies love her.. Joy and Whoopie seem very protective of her..
  17. We all see things differently but I enjoyed it and I agreed with what Ana said..
  18. Sharon is a hateful petty bitch. That infamous food fight was funny and spontaneous. Holly and Leah went all out. I remember the nasty bitchy looks that Sharon, Julie and even Sara had on their faces. They were toast after that. When they showed the clip with Sheryl's first episode, I noticed Sharon looking at Sheryl in a nasty way.
  19. She did and said that people were being too sensitive. She attacked her critics viciously and it started the decline of her career after her Oscar win.. The Black community turned against her.. She and Ted broke up after that..
  20. Whoopie's scandal with Ted Danson was Blackface. He was her boyfriend at the time spoke in a stereotypical Black accent while saying the N word with Whoopie laughing and having fun. It was a modern day minstrel show that horrified the guests at the roast. I remember the pictures being printed in Newspapers and the Backlash was fierce. Whoopie paid a price for it more so than Ted.
  21. I am Black and Joy did not do Black face. She looked like a tan White woman or mixed race woman. Plus, Joy is Italian. It was not that long ago that Italians were not considered White, especially those who came from the southern part of Italy..
  22. What the hell did the show expect? They wanted to make sparks and now they got it. The backlash against Whoopie is fierce for her rape-rape comment, given we are in the era of the me-too movement.
  23. Gross, disgusting and what a slap in the face to the audience made up mostly of women having a rape victim like Marley fall for her rapist Jake. Not to mention, it ruined that awesome scene of Marley confronting Jake at the hospital years ago. Anne was on fire as Marley in those scenes..
  24. Jensen was asked to replay Marley for years and she refused. She only agreed to do it for a few weeks with the agreement that Ellen Wheeler would continue as Marley. They had Ellen's Marley fixate on her rapist Jake and tried to kill Vicky. Talk about character assassination, why do soaps do that? It is why we have only 4 left.
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