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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Not to mention that Joe Manchin is in the senate and Adam Schiff is in the House. What a dumbass! some political pundit . The House impeaches the President, charging him with the crimes and the trial is in the senate where the senators will vote either to convict or acquit him. Nutmeg needs to take a civics class about how government works.
  2. Yup, I loved Ana saying that Her husband and Sunny's should hang out during the superbowl and that she and Sunny should go to Paris together someday soon. Megan looked a bit sad, oh well!
  3. Abby is so damn annoying today. She is interrupting and was dominating the first block of the show. She is so stupid and ill-informed. She is just like Megan in repeating half-truths and misinformation to smear Democrats. The Democrats were not trying to malign McGuire, they were simply frustrated with the Whistleblower's report being mishandled under his watch. I really hate it when Abby and her ilk act like a member of the military is above reproach.
  4. OG was not allowed to be on stage with the other ladies at the reunion that was taped earlier this month, she had to be in another room via satellite. It is why Cece left the reunion before taping. OG is being set up to be this violent woman that the other ladies are deathly afraid of. This is laughable given that Evelyne is the most violent person there in my opinion. I will never understand why Shaunie is so loyal to Evelyne. Evelyne is an awful person. I feel embarrassed for her children.
  5. When is Megan not rude to somebody who does not kiss her ass or validate her inane talking points. She is so fragile and gets flustered when she is challenged by anybody..
  6. I believe that outdoor set was destroyed years ago. I doubt the show has the money to build a new one..
  7. Evelyne is pure trash and I hate to say that about a human being. What the hell happened to her for her to be so crass, vulgar and explosive. I fear she may kill somebody one day. We all have our demons but Evelyne's hatred of Cece makes no sense. I understood her anger when it came to Jennifer but this is just odd even for her. Shaunie does not reign her in. Shaunie pretends to be above it all but she is just as shady as the others. I had my issues with Tami but even she realized that Basketball wives was not a good look for her, it was making her worst and not better in her evolution as a human being. She had the sense to get the hell out of there and move on.. OG is over the top but I admire her loyalty to CeCe. It is obvious that the ladies are scared of her and the editors are setting up her eventual firing. I think Evelyne is more dangerous than OG. I like Cece and Kristen is beneath contempt. She says that Cece is manipulative, but I think that she is the manipulative one, pretending to be a victim of Cece's. I also wonder if Cece's Asianness has something to do with the ladies dislike of her. I don't understand Malaysia laughing and smiling when the other ladies are mocking Cece. Cece is married to her cousin, how about her showing some loyalty to Cece.
  8. Who the hell is Megan to get Sherri banned from the show? She was picked by Barbara Walters to be on there. Sherri got on my nerves but she was never a vile bitch like Megan. Sherri was more ignorant than hateful like Nutmeg. I hate her even more if she indeed got her banned.. The thin-skinned vindictive bitch needs to be fired, yesterday.
  9. She reminds me of the Christian Barbie who once said that people should protest without making people uncomfortable, missing the entire point of protesting your grievances. It just illustrates how sheltered and privileged they are..
  10. Not to mention, Nixon was a popular president who won his re-election by a landslide. To be fair, alot of people don't get that Latino is an ethnicity, so you can be Latino and not be of color.
  11. I don't believe these spoilers are true, they are just too awful to be true. I too love Adrienne. Adrienne has always had fire, Ron is too stupid to give her, her edge back. Adrienne is a Johnson, she is not a weak woman. She moved heaven and earth to find her big brother Steve to mend her Mother's broken heart. I hate Ron, what an asshole! he has always been a hack with thin-skinned and vindictive streak..
  12. I have heard the same thing about Michael T. Weiss, he too was my favorite and I loved him with Kayla, they had a nice vibe. Mike should have been on the show and he should be the Horton patriarch and not Lucas. Mike has had more deeper connections to the Horton family over Lucas. The show has never done anything with Lucas as a Horton, He has never had any good stories as a Horton. I always forgot that he is even one until he shows up for the annual tree ceremony for Christmas. Plus, rumor has it that the show has never invested in Lucas because the powers that be have never believed that Bryan is leading male material. So, they had no problem throwing him under the bus for Galen and James.
  13. Bristen has always grossed me out, I can remember Brady asking John if Kristen was going to be his new mommy.
  14. The show has become sunset beach. I thought a woman on there using a turkey baster to inseminate her unconscious rival with with another man's sperm to get her pregnant in order to get with her man was too much at the time. I thought it was rape at the time, I was so disgusted. I have no words for what Ron is doing.
  15. I know it is a pipe dream but I wish that Olivia Benson's role would be reduced on the show. I am really tired of OIivia's smug attitude and her know it all attitude. I think Stabler leaving has hurt her character in the long run. I hope season 21 goes back to interesting cases and not the trials and tribulations of Saint Olivia.
  16. Joy smirked after Ana made that comment, Joy has said the same thing to her in the past.
  17. That is what Megan always does when any news is bad for her side, derail, distract and distort the facts..
  18. What a big baby! How embarrassing for her family, I feel no sympathy for her at all. Megan is despicable!
  19. Megan losing her mind over Ana was amazing. Ana calmly put her in place when she got nasty with her for no reason..
  20. Not to mention, it gives those same people who say that rich White Christian males are an oppressed group in America even more reason to push their nonsensical beliefs. Abby was so smug when trashing the NYT. Megan had to bring up her miscarriage today.. What took her so long..
  21. What I loved about Ashley Benson's Abby was that the show hinted that she had Jack's darkness that could have given her the foundation of being a flawed heroine. I also loved her bond with Nick, they got each other's quirkiness and obsessive traits.. Both characters were ruined beyond repair.
  22. Nutmeg has weaken Sunny's resolve, she is being nice to Megan, yuck!
  23. Exactly! the same thing happened when she made a joke about Pence and it was reported that she equated Christianity with mental illness. She did no such thing. Joy had to apologize for that and the right shamed her for months on end..
  24. To be fair, he is all over the place and is often a hot topic on the show. I have no problem with it, Joy with her money and the privilege that it gives her will not be affected by his policies. Those of us who are not in her income bracket and who are not WASP have to worry.
  25. The difference was that the embryos were not implanted in Kate. I don't remember if Vivian's womb was ready to receive them. It was plausible that Vivian was taking fertility treatments to get her body ready for them. Whereas, Kristen removing a fetus from Theresa should have resulted in an abortion.
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