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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. The only thing that I liked about the Princess Gina saga when it aired originally was Bo crying his heart out after sleeping with Princess Gina who was masquerading as Hope. He knew something was wrong. No other woman compared to Hope.
  2. Megan was going on and on about how Kyrsten Sinema is so wonderful. I liked Sinema at first for electing to be sworn in by a law book and not the bible, just because of the person who administered her oath of office. You guys should look it up, I don't want to get in trouble, It just delighted me, but I digress. I remember after she got sworn in as a senator in 2018, she sat with the Republicans and not her fellow Democrats. I have given her the side eye ever since. I do believe that both parties should have and welcome diversity of thoughts, they should not be a monolith. However, Arizona is a purple state and not deep red like West Virginia where Joe Manchin is a senator. I am happy that Joy brought him up today. I just rolled my eyes at Megan's love for Kyrsten. I am sure she will turn on her the minute Kyrsten displeases her. Remember how she loved Mayor Pete....
  3. Megan is a nasty person and she will never change because she has never had to pay for her bad behavior. Her behavior towards Abby seems very bizarre. There is a strange tension between them. Whoopie seems over Megan she has been shutting her down and I love it. I hope Joy never gives in to her and give her a lasagna. I am hoping she gives one to Sunny when they are hanging out together at the Sag.
  4. I don't think he was racist but he is a part of a system that targets Black men. Marcus told him relentlessly he was innocent to no avail. Marcus told him why he ran when he saw police coming for him. He knows that as a poor Black man with a drug problem and a record, he was the perfect person that they would blame and they did.. He vocalized this to Jay. I had tears in my eyes when he was put in the park like trash by Voight and his crew. How can Kevin continue working with them..
  5. Kevin knows what happened with Marcus who was killed by Jay. Jay knew what would happen to him being put in county jail. I used to be a big Jay/Erin fan, not anymore. Erin is better off..
  6. I think this is more bullshit with Sarah losing her mind. Ron always has to have a woman losing her mind. He is a misogynistic thin-skinned talentless asshole. I think it is wrong that Kristen who has done so much evil gets to have her heart's desire. I really hate Ron. I am okay with the show getting cancelled and being put out of it's misery.
  7. I am so damn upset. BLACK lives do not matter on this show. I hate Jay, I hate Voight, I hate the new chief and I hate Kevin the most because as a Black man he is a part of a corrupt unit that sees Black people especially Black men as vermin.
  8. Exactly, Eli could pretend to be heartbroken over Lani while he tries to get close to Gabi to save and protect Julie. On a shallow note, Why can't Sal wear a decent looking wig or better yet let her wear her natural hair.. It is 2019, Black women do not have to wear wigs and weaves on TV. Daytime needs to catch up, I am heartened to see so many Black actresses on Primetime TV shows wearing their hair natural..
  9. I agree, but the person that she parodied with her dumb joke released a video of himself killing people he considered to be his enemies. So, I don't think that Kathy should be exiled for life. The government went after her with a vengeance. Wendy was a bitch to turn on her like that today... Also, Wendy said that it is illegal to burn the American flag, she is wrong, the Supreme court ruled that while it may be distasteful, it is not illegal. It is protected under the first amendment.
  10. Megan is a legend in her own mind! Whoopie needs to retire her fart jokes, jokes about her boobs, her pathetic British accent. Does Whoopie still do stand up? Inquiring minds want to know..
  11. Not to mention, Gina has said some slick stuff about the Black community in the past and that has fueled the backlash against her.. She has even said negative stuff about Latinos of African descent.
  12. Tulsi has ties to many unsavory, far right characters who have endorsed her as Sunny said yesterday. She is an Assad apologist, to be fair Baba Wawa was as well and she is aligned with far right Hindu nationalists. I could go on about her but it would be off-topic.
  13. Can somebody explain to me why Wendy hates Megan Markle so much. Her comments about Megan were so mean and vicious. How can she not be moved by Megan's sadness on the vitriol that she has had to endure by the poison pens of the British press. Wendy is a bitch! Her saying that nobody feels sorry about Megan with the audience laughing and applauding was uncalled for..
  14. When a person of color tells you that something is insensitive and thoughtless, you should take heed of that.. You should not try to tell them that they are being too sensitive or paranoid.. The optics of a Black woman on her knees begging was just bad. If there were writers of color in the writing room, they could have told Ron to change it. I don't expect Ron to be like Bill Bell or Agnes Nixon who were white but knew how to write for people of color..It is just more of Ron's stupid writing. He is a hack, always has been and always will be..
  15. His smirk said these poor snowflake liberals, I feel so bad for them that they are not as enlightened as me.. Newt normalized extreme partisanship in the congress during his tenure, so it was unsettling to see the ladies so chummy with him today..
  16. The View should be ashamed of themselves for giving a platform to that POS today. I am so angry and they treated him like he was an honorable statesman. He lied, obfuscated , made excuses for the dear leader and the ladies did not push back at all. Whoopie made corny jokes, Abby was bland and Sunny's tepid pushback. I noticed that Whoopie was very nice to Sunny, I guess the viewers going after her on tweeter for her treatment of Sunny must have gotten under her skin. I loved the show yesterday because of Nutmeg's absence. I agreed with Joy and Sunny's assessment of Tulsi Gabbard.
  17. Old White men are the ones who make the laws so it makes sense that she would say that. I did not care about how strident the character was but she was right to say that. I did not care for the episode because it was filled with stereotypes. Also the girl who was supposed to be 13 looked much older to me, they could have gotten an actress that looked the part to give it more gravitas. I think the original Law and order would have done a much better job..
  18. I had no problem with it at all because an innocent man was shot dead in his own home. Had Botham Jean been White, he would still be alive. I was very uncomfortable with so much sympathy being given to his murderer who will be out in 5 years. Botham's mother made it clear that her son's act of forgiveness does not represent her whole family. Sunny was right when she said that judge was inappropriate hugging Amber and giving her, her bible..
  19. I wish Kristen would disappear for good. A vile character that has worn out her welcome.
  20. Shemar Moore is just so exhausting. Brigitte Neilsen is just so wonderful. Marie Osmond has grown on me and I really like her. To echo the board, Sharon has indeed been on her best behavior because she no longer has Julie to watch her back. I missed Carrie Ann this week, she is the best moderator on the show.
  21. Abby is doing what her team is doing; muddying up the waters to say everybody is crooked, so it is not big deal if the commander in chief does it. I used to tolerate Abby but she is truly stupid and uninformed. Joy was absolutely right, nepotism is the real problem. Nutmeg and Abby have benefited greatly from that. Sadly, the media is falling for the false equivalency..
  22. Jack and Jennifer were just awesome. Jack always carries his failures in life like a heavy burden that weighs him down and as always Jennifer is there, uplifting him, loving him and supporting him. Jennifer was always stronger than Jack without emasculating him. It is what made them so damn good. It is not a coincidence that they were the last supercouple on the show. I loved Jack and Kayla today due to the Matthew and Mary Beth who have fantastic chemistry. I don't think Kayla is being forced to make Jack feel better about himself, it is about Jack still feeling bad for what he did to her all those years ago and it is why Jack is beloved. He still carries his shame as he should. Jack has changed, Kayla has forgiven him and has made peace with the rape but she can never forget it.
  23. This is about national security, the abuse of power and suborning election meddling by a foreign power. The founding fathers were complex men who were very wise regarding the fact that there would be foreign powers who would wish to destroy our democracy by interfering in our elections, so, the whistleblower is a patriot in my opinion. Furthermore, the Whistleblower act was designed to protect Whistleblowers from reprisals from the very people they are exposing by speaking the truth. It is not easy to be brave and do the right thing. Also, he or she took an oath to the constitution, to protect, defend and preserve it.
  24. It is why I never feel sorry for her when the people that she attacks go after her. Howard Stern went after her a few months ago and he made me feel a bit bad for Wendy. I did not think that Howard's vicious response was proportionate to Wendy saying that he had gone Hollywood..
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