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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Marlena was not the only mother figure that they knew. They knew their mom and on that island Orpheus told them that Marlena was their new mother. Seeing his children's grief for their deceased mother fueled his hatred of RoJohn. He told Marlena if she did not raise his children as her own then he would kill Carrie, Sami and Eric. It is how he kept her in line because he was evil and crazy enough to do that. Plus, Orpheus sister-in-law their mother's sister was their primary caretaker and she felt bad for Rojohn and Marlena but was too scared of him to go up against him.. I do believe in the end she did help Rojohn but it was too late to save Marlena from the plane crash that killed her..
  2. The gorgeous Michael T, Weiss played Mike Horton and he also sparkled with Marlena after Roman died and before Rojohn came into her life.. Soaps used to test characters to see if they had chemistry and if they made sense as a couple.. Richard Biggs who played Marcus died suddenly of a brain aneurysm leaving behind a wife and two young daughters.
  3. Before Steve, Kayla had a brief relationship with Chris who took her virginity, the actor now plays her brother Roman.. The one good thing about that is that the original Kayla had that romance and not Mary Beth's version. Kayla had a brief flirtation with Mike Horton back in the day when Steve was dead. The show should have put them together instead of Shayla. Mike would have been the type of guy she would need to ease her loneliness. It could have been a fling and nothing more. Bo was allowed to have a sexual relationship with Emmy when Hope was dead and before he met Carly. Kayla could have had something similar.. I remember years ago, Mary Beth was chatting with fans and she said that she too hated Shayla with a passion but you never saw any hint of that on the show because she committed to those scenes. She said that she is an actor and her job is to play her scenes to the best of her abilities. Marcus, Steve's foster brother had a crush on her bad and the show would not have gone there back then since Marcus was Black. It would have triggered the racists. The show missed an opportunity in not giving Kayla a husband and another child while she was living in LA with Kim. A beautiful woman like Kayla would not have remained single for 16 years. Kayla is not allowed to have a life outside of Steve..
  4. I think it was a misunderstanding on Tamar's part and it just fueled her animosity. Tamar is also a drama queen and quick to fight with people, I mean look at how she acted with her sisters.
  5. Tamar never liked Jeannie and I never understood why. Perhaps that comment Jeannie made about keeping Black men as dark meat on the side probably rubbed her the wrong way. However, I remember Tamar being mean to her even before that comment. I think Tamar was insecure and it just bothered her that Jeannie was so bubbly and self-confident. Tamar really bonded with Tamara and Adrienne on and off the show, those three really connected. Loni was always defending and protecting Jeannie from Tamar..
  6. She was Tyra's favorite propped to the heavens even though she was not a high fashion model, took bad pictures and she used to go by Saleisha her real name and yes she was a stealth bitch.
  7. Don't come for me y'all but I actually feel bad for Wendy.. There were times this week where it looked like she was going to scream out and cry on camera. I think this quarantine has exposed her loneliness and heartache.. Yes she is still a bitch but she is still human..
  8. Mrs O's house is just stunning from what we saw today and her backyard is so huge. I would feel happy being quarantine there.. Seeing her house made me remember when she had that reality show years ago with her family where she let her dogs and cats pooped and pissed all over her mansion especially on her carpets that cost thousands of dollars. It was just nasty.. I stopped watching her show after that.
  9. Jack and Steve were the best scenes of the week in my opinion. Seeing them together made me miss Adrienne so much. She was the one that reunited her family and she should have been with her big brothers. Not to mention Jo, another great character, so complex and tragic. She who would have been overjoyed to be with her boys... Why can't we ever have the whole Johnson family together, we just can't have nice things.. One thing that bothered me was how Adrienne's other sons were erased when Steve was saying how much Sonny loved her.. It irritates me how this show under Ron devalues adopted children in favor of biological ones. Days has always stressed emotional bonds over biological ones. It is why Bo preferred Papa Shawn as his father over Victor, Sarah preferred Mickey over Neil, Mike also preferred Mickey over Bill, e.t.c..
  10. I have been noticing that Marie goes out of her way to be complimentary towards Sharon, it just infuriates me. Why must they all kowtow to her? Sharon cannot hide her disdain for her, bless her heart. The Quarantine is taking a toll on Sharon because she looks haggard and unwell. I hope she is taking care of herself. I am not a fan but I do wish her well, nonetheless.. Sheryl and Carrianne are optimistic as always, those two have been through hell and back. They are my favorites on the show. Eve looks really good, she is a beautiful woman and she does not need all of that studio makeup, less is definitely more when it comes to her.
  11. Of course Chris would hate on the press considering his corruption surrounding brigdegate and all of the other shady things that he did in New Jersey during his tumultuous tenure as governor that the press reported on relentlessly. Don't forget he had the lowest approval rating as a sitting governor during his final months in office.. He was bellicose mendacious shameless defensive and had no qualms going after the press, doesn't that sound familiar? Whoopie who is a resident of New Jersey was always dragging him on the show every chance she got.. Her disdain made me smile.
  12. Rachel the Queen was calling out the red state governors again and it was glorious and she really gave the governor from South Dakota a verbal smackdown for not taking this pandemic seriously enough to enact stay at home orders to keep the people safe. The governor of South Dakota seemed like a piece of work basically saying that her state was not NYC. I always find it so curious how she and her ilk always say New York and California with such venom and disdain..
  13. Your post is why Soaps have been dying for years now.. A serial killer is a romantic hero dating the daughter of a beloved supercouple and a degenerate like Kristen is now a heroine with a miracle baby. My heart went out to Sara today and I hope she takes that baby and disappears for good. Mackenzie deserves better than Kristen as a mother.. Mackenzie/Rachel is Sara's as far as I am concerned, biology be damned! That poor baby is nothing but a prop for Kristen to worm her way into Jarlena's life.
  14. Nene is too Alpha to deal with some men. Greg is her purseholder and we all know it. Nene wears the pants in that marriage. I have no doubt during his vulnerable moments during his illness she let him how lucky he was to have her. I am just speculating but narcissists like Nene view the world as being all about them.
  15. I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of love for Steve and Kayla, they were just so damn awesome today, they still have it after all these years. It is a shame we cannot get couples like this anymore.
  16. This part of your post made me sad because it is true.
  17. Todd is an asshole and him not letting Kandi give money to his daughter seemed so harsh. He is so hard on Kayla and he will regret it in the future. Thank god, Kandi will have a say on how he treats their daughter. If I was Kandi I would have given Kayla the money anyway. Kenya just seems so weird and I don't think she cares for Cynthia because she looks down on her. Her atrocious behavior in Greece regarding Cynthia's knowledge of wine was proof of her disdain in my opinion. She had more of a good vibe with Kandi. On a shallow note, the ladies of the show are just beautiful.. Portia Shamea, Kenya , Eva, Cynthia,Tanya are just breathtaking.. Even Andy Cohen commented on their beauty as a group on a reunion show in comparison to the other housewive franchises..
  18. I despised levitation because Prue could already do it. We have seen her do it while she fights. Phoebe should have developed psychic reflection as her defensive power instead of levitation. They never said that on the show but in the Charmed comic books it was said that the new power of 3 was weaker than the original one because Prue was the strongest and it added even more power to the collective. The first born witch in a line of witch siblings has the strongest magic. It did not mean that Piper and Phoebe could not develop sronger potent offensive powers over Prue. I agree with their 3 powers not needing to be connected as a charmed one. The show never did anything worthwhile with her combustion power. It actually got weaker as the show continued. It just irritated me that it marginalized her freezing power after Prue died. She barely froze and there was so much that could have been done with her freezing power. Plus, I have always had the suspicious feeling that Piper got the combustion power because they knew that Prue and Shannen would not be on the show for season 4.
  19. Phoebe was so damn useless and selfish.. What really pissed me off about Phoebe was her powers. Her powers never progressed and they were taken away. To be fair, the writers never developed the other sisters' powers to the fullest either. Prue's Telekinesis never really advanced other than throwing demons against the wall. So many things could have been done with her advanced telekinesis. The same goes for Piper's freezing power that was changed from it being time based to molecular, to explain her explosion power. Demons also developed immunity from her freezing power after Constance left in season 3. The sisters powers were from 3 Essentials of Magic (timing - time related power, feeling - Premontition/empathy and phases of the moon- movement/telekinesis) Piper could have time-related powers. Her power expanded to somehow stop time in a larger scale in mortality bites. We never knew what could have been her advancement, maybe she can create time loops like Tempus, fast-forward, slow down and rewind time. In the reboot version of Charmed, Piper's counterpart Mel could age objects perhaps Piper could develop an offensive power where she can age demons to the point that it kills them. I hated her explosive power with a passion even more so than levitation for Phoebe.. During the Deja vu All Over Again episode, Phoebe sensed that the time kept on repeating because she was a psychic and can see events, but I think Piper could have sensed it too, since her powers were time-related when Constance was there. If Prue was based from Phases of the Moon which was movement.. then she can move things with her mind, move her astral form and move her body from place to place and even teleportation. Paige had too much whitelighter powers and it took away from her Warren powers.
  20. I am glad that she is recovering and I hope her colleagues take matters like this seriously..
  21. Rex and Cassie as Orpheus children should have been back years ago and should have targeted Jarlena, Roman and their children. Orpheus should have remained dead given his kids even more of a reason to avenge their parents death growing up as orphans. In the original story, Roman killed their mother and John killed Orpheus..
  22. She has always been like this, the only difference is that Barbara Walters would let her know that she was the Queen B at the table and not her. Whoopie would actually back down and rumor has it that Barbara hated how she dressed on the show. Whoopie has always been a sloppy mess but she has gotten better in the wardrobe department..
  23. Nene got dissed by Wendy Williams in a bizarre rent on her show yesterday. Wendy seems lost after her bitter divorce. I don't understand why Nene is going after Kandi and the other ladies. I don't care for Kenya and I find Nene's hatred of her to be weird even for her.
  24. Wendy is back to hating Megan Markle. I don't understand her bizarre hatred of Megan but then again nothing makes sense when it comes to Wendy.
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