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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. To be fair, this is how communities of color view the police in real life..
  2. Whoopie is angry over the SALT deductions that were limited for residents of blue states.
  3. Megan dislikes Pete alot and I share her disdain but for different reasons.. Megan wants Biden to win so she hates anybody who may prevent him from getting the nomination. My reasons are off-topic...
  4. This might be an unpopular on here but I liked Roman and Burgess as partners. I miss that aspect of the show going out in the field. I thought Burgess was at her best during those times. The show ruined the Roman/Burgess dynamic by having them become lovers. I also hated how Roman was a buttinsky in Burgess' relationship with Ruzek. Why does this show always like to have heinous things happen to the family members of the characters on this show? As soon as Roman showed inquiring about his sister, I knew something bad would happen to her..
  5. Freddie has been amazing and he has been wonderful ever since Adrienne died. I just can't stand how naive he is being regarding this guy hovering around him..
  6. I think she did it to not alienate Bernie's supporters. I could say more but it would be off-topic. Bloomberg deserves every attack leveled by Warren. His sexism should not be dismissed. I can't believe how the panel with the exception of Megan are excusing Bloomberg just to win an election..
  7. Megan really hates Steyer and I don't know why. Steyer should not be running but I don't think he is the devil.. I find it sickening that Whoopie is so nasty towards other women like Warren who hold men accountable for their behavior. I did not care for her warning Elizabeth to be careful in that tone of voice. I would have been fine if the show had only had Motown for the hour as a respite from politics..
  8. I don't believe Joy and Sunny are progressives. Whoopie was just shilling talking points that the right has pushed against AOC, it is why she was mocked by progressives. Whoopie did not do her research to find out exactly what AOC said and in what context, she just made an assumption that the right wanted her and others to believe.. Disinformation is so easy to put out there to those who are susceptible to it..
  9. It doesn't matter who the nominee is, they were going to attack based on the person's weakness.
  10. Chris needs to retire already and I like him and it pains me to say this but he is just too much with his rhetoric, spreading fear and propaganda during these trying time.
  11. They need a progressive that will jolt them out of their complacency. Ana Kasparian would be a wonderful person who can actually explain progressive ideas.. I may have to take a break from the show. It is just demoralizing and the panel has no clue about what is stirring in the country.. They perpetuate fear and propaganda.. I expect Megan to do that but not Joy and Sunny, I expect more from them. Whoopie is ignorant and too proud to admit that she does not know everything..
  12. Joy is right in that Americans don't understand nuance. I don't think Bernie should have made those comments but I understand what he was saying. The ladies just hate Bernie and will seize upon anything to bash him. Whoopie is an idiot and she has no idea what she is talking about. Bernie praising Castro's literacy program is not the same thing as the events of Charlottesville. Megan had some nerve accusing Joy of whataboutism. I could talk about the history of Cuba and why Castro came into power but it would be off-topic.
  13. If I had Wendy's money, I could think of so many things that I would do.. She can travel when the show is on hiatus and she can meet people.
  14. He is a disgusting pig and I could not watch him at all.. Wendy is just a vile person in the same league as Piers Morgan. She has no remorse for the things she say. She seems to think she is the most beautiful intelligent witty woman who has ever lived, not! At first I liked it but I no longer. I think a chocolate brown color would be better on her. I will say that Sharon has beautiful skin and she lives in sunny California.
  15. The show does not put the men against each other. Whereas the women are and they all try to out do each other and the drama ensues.. Look at how Kenya started going after Porsha out of pure jealousy. Kenya was always trying to take down another woman who posed a threat to her. Nene is the same as well..
  16. Sunny mentioned that briefly, she said that Megan's party has gone so far to the right.. There was alot of cross talk that I missed Messy's response. She seemed to be gunning for Joy today.
  17. Rahm Emmanuel does not know what he is talking about, this notion that Bernie has to follow a playbook is stupid. I don't think there is a set of formula on how to win an election there are so many variables and each election is unique. Rahm was so unpopular in Chicago he had to resign so he can spare me his BS..
  18. Joy also looked like she had some type of cosmetic surgery..
  19. The media has been having a meltdown and Megan is taking it well. Whoopie is right in that the race is fluid. The people will have their say in time.
  20. She is so ignorant it is not even funny. I find it very interesting how our European allies are perplexed over this irrational fear that Megan and her peeps are having...I don't want to say more because it could be off-topic..
  21. Brady was so much better with Chloe. I have never understood why the show never went there especially with Philip potentially coming back. Brady and Chloe reconnecting with Chloe and Philip sharing a son would have been so damn good. The show could have mine the Brady/Chloe/Philip history to give us awesome stories for years if done right.. Whomever Chloe chose to be with in the end would make sense. Chloe was great with both men for different reasons. I agree with you in that Brady is useless and Kristen ruined him.. I am team Gabi because I find everybody else to be just as awful if not worst but Sonny had to say what he said. Gabi never gave a thought on how her actions would affect their daughter. Sonny is still the better parent after all of these years.. Will not trying to get out of prison to spare his daughter even more trauma was rage inducing, just unbelievably stupid. Why must Will be so passive? why?
  22. Unfortunately, alot of women still buy into that idea it is better to have a man than no man so they will put up with disrespect. Look at how the ladies used to shade Kenya for not having a man or children. Phaedra making fun of her being childless was always needlessly cruel. I don't care for Kenya but I always felt that was a bridge too far on the part of Phaedra. Phaedra turned out to be the worst of them all so it is fitting that she is off the show. Mike has been a disappointment, I am just stunned on who he is now. Cynthia is a beautiful woman, I have always felt she was the most beautiful woman in the Housewives franchise. It is just sad that we have seen her get with Peter and now Mike is looking so shady. I wish her the best nonetheless.
  23. I hated that Gabi did that to a pregnant Abigail. However, we have a serial killer who murdered 3 women living his best life.. So, all bets are off. As long as Ben gets a pass, why can't Gabi?
  24. Remember Marc did not want to be a part of the show initially. I get the vibe that Mark is not down with Kenya's awful behavior on the show and his behavior is his way of breaking the fourth wall..
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