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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. She will defend her team's actions no matter how indefensible..
  2. Victor has never cared about Caroline's family despite professing to care about her. He has hurt her daughters, her sons even Bo. He did try to kill Bo over Carly. He has hated her grandchildren. He did terrible things to Shawn-Douglas, Eric, Stefanie, Sami, Theresa and used Andrew as a weapon against Kim and her family. I think it is in character for Victor to hurt Will. Will may be Caroline's great-grandson but he is also Shawn's who he hated for having what Victor has always wanted but could never have, a family who loves him no matter what.
  3. She also said that Pompeo told the reporter that he would not answer any questions about Ukraine. That is a lie because he was told in advance by the NPR reporter that he was going to be questioned about it and she had the receipts to support her claims. She had to take a dig at NPR implying they were shady, she is so nasty for no reason. I am just over her.
  4. Exactly and these same women decried people who challenged a system that oppressed them as being snowflakes and reveling in being a victim.
  5. I agree with you in a way in that it will not move certain craven people in congress to act. I do think it will resonate with the public as more and more information comes out. 2020 is going to be an unbelievable ride.
  6. I agree about Sharon. I think Sheryl said what she said to not offend Sharon. Sheryl is being deliberately obtuse since she knows very well what fuels the animosity against Megan. I am pretty sure Sheryl got lots of nasty tweets against her from Black tweeter. She got quiet the backlash for mocking Black hair. The vitriol was so bad she had to address it on the air and apologize.
  7. Exactly, the only positive thing about Al's death was seeing his wife blast Voight and telling him that he was responsible for his death and she did not allow him at his funeral. He had to watch from the sidelines like a nobody. It was the first time that a person stood up to him and he could not bully silence or control Al's widow to do what he wanted to do. I took immense pleasure in that.. I do miss Al and Antonio. It is too bad Antonio was ruined, it was so unnecessary.
  8. Hit dogs holler. The fact that Wendy had people denying what our ears told us we heard tells us all we need to know. How pathetic! Wendy is very thin-skinned..
  9. She is a martyr, a victim a brave righteous heroine fighting off the mean intolerant liberals who seek to silence her conservative views.
  10. Megyn Kelly is a vile nasty opportunistic cruel human being and I don't care to watch her in anything. I am glad that she got fired from NBC. She played a destructive role in what we are currently living now. I don't want to go off-topic so I will refrain from saying more. Bill Maher is an asshole, always has been and always will be.
  11. Yes, you are correct. I remember the Jarlena fans losing their minds and trashing Kayla for weeks.
  12. What is she trying to say with that tweet? I think she will leave before the year is over. I don't think she can handle the political debates as the primary is in full swing..
  13. There is a rumor going around that Marvel wants to sideline Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther after the sequel and pass the mantel to Shuri. I don't like that all. I think Chadwick should continue in the role for however long he wants.
  14. I always wonder if Caitlin is really happy with her new life. I have a feeling that losing White male privilege must have been earth shattering and eye opening for her in many ways. She seems to be alone and ostracized from her children. I wish her well..
  15. I actually think she is really that way. I think it has to do with her mom who seemed to have really imbued her children with positivity. I just find it odd that people automatically assume that somebody cannot be genuinely honest and nice. I am happy that she is not a nasty bitter harridan like Sharon Osbourne. There are people who live extraordinary lives that the average person does not get to do. Marie has been in the entertainment business for decades and she has seen it all. I give the benefit of the doubt until it is proven that she is a liar.
  16. That was the best part of the show. Ana was spot on with her assessment and the bonus is that we all know that Messy is only there because of her connections.
  17. Don't forget that when Paula found out that she was being demoted as a full time co-host she went to the higher ups and said they were doing this to please Whoopie. Whoopie abused Paula and it was horrible. Paula could have sued ABC for allowing that to happen. Paula used to love to needle Whoopie as well. She used to smirk whenever Whoopie would lose her mind.
  18. We all see things differently because I thought Freddy was excellent, he was blubbering like a baby, real tears and snot. It was raw grief and very uncomfortable to watch.. Wally never gives a false performance, he was just awesome.. Chandler has been the best thing with this time jump, he has been hitting it out of the park. He has been giving some great subtle acting.. I also think he is very handsome, he still looks very youthful to me.
  19. Amen! no good deed goes unpunished.. I always loved the Paula/Joy bond..
  20. She comes off as a sociopath. She took a bit pleasure in what she did, she was smug superior and full of self-satisfaction. Her saying that she will suppress her conscious and moral compass to do what she feels is right was chilling. Voight was worried in that last shot of them at that bar. I remember her lecturing other people about their conduct with suspects, girl bye!
  21. I always loved how that book rattled Whoopie. Usually, she would have said something to refute what was said but she was very quiet. Howard Stern even brought up the book when he was there, he was being messy and I loved it..
  22. Also, Nicole downplayed her intelligence in order to not make waves with Whoopie. She saw what was happening with Rosie O.
  23. Whoopie could not save Nicole Wallace and Michelle Collins. Michele had so much potential.
  24. Paula said women have miscarriages all the time. Messy was trying to make everything about her as usual.
  25. Sunny just excels when she is discussing the law and the constitution. She knows her stuff and even Whoopie will defer to her and just listen to what she has to say..
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