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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Exactly! I don't believe her story at all. I think the producers wanted her to be like Megan combative and disrespectful in order to make waves.. The same thing happened to Nicole Wallace who is slaying it on her own show. I absolutely love her on there..
  2. Whoopie was threatened by Rosie who challenged her and she does not like that. We all saw how Jedediah and Paula both used to always challenge her opinions and they were both removed to appease Whoopie. Notice how the other ladies do not do that. Not even Joy. Though, I do believe that Joy has some power as well, she just chooses not to use it. Joy takes the job for what it is and will not let an insignificant person like Messy get under her skin. I believe you are right, Megan is here to stay until she does something really bad on the air that will force ABC's hands.
  3. Wow! I never thought of that. It would behoove Burgess to tell Voight about her pregnancy and she should be mature enough to sit down with Ruzek and discuss her plans for their baby.
  4. I agree with you, there were Hillary supporters who campaigned for John McCain over Obama in 2008. To be fair, Bernie gave a tepid endorsement of Hillary and he does have fans who are really rabid and devoted to him. I could go on about them but it would be off-topic..
  5. Megan would be triggered everyday if Tara and Ana were on the panel. I believe that story of her blocking Ana from joining the view full time. She is an insecure thin-skinned baby..
  6. I like Abby when she is not being Megan's backup singer. Megan should have left, why can't we have nice things.. Her story about having to help her dad with his campaign rings false to me. She could have taken a sabbatical to help him out. Nonetheless, I wish her all the best. I love the way she looks in clothes, so tall and modelesque.. Of course, her shiny hair, she is truly a beautiful woman..
  7. Kandi was defending Kenya's atrocious behavior earlier tonight on Andy's show.. Kenya is just awful..
  8. Carnival was beautiful and the ladies looked awesome as well. I wish they had spent more time on that instead of that nonsensical fight. Grown ass women acting like this, it is a damn shame and embarrassing to say the least. Kenya is just messy for no reason. She is miserable and just wants to spread her misery. I am not liking this new aggressive Cynthia. She seems to take on the personality of whoever she is friends with at the moment.. Cynthia will always be a follower.
  9. I am sure Missy has an ironclad prenup agreement.
  10. I agree, but Drake's Roman Brady was so much better than John Black with his 10,000 backstories. Drake's Roman was a loving single father, a devoted son, an awesome big brother and a tenacious cop with good instincts. He could be judgmental and very conservative at times but he had purpose and meaning on the show and it was natural to pair him up with women who were not Marlena. Roman was not defined solely by his relationship with her. The same could be said for Marlena via her work as a psychiatrist. She had stories as well when Roman was dead..
  11. To be fair the show addressed this in the original story. Drake was Roman period, before the retcon in 1991. The pawn with the bandaged face storyline was to test the audience to see if they would accept Drake as Roman and they did by an overwhelming majority. Also, Marlena found the plastic surgery pictures of the pawn with before and after pictures depicting his old face(Wayne) and his new face (Drake). Even Carrie had a hard time with the face change and refused to call Drake's Roman dad. She really hated RoJohn. It took her a while to finally accept him as her dad.
  12. Being a Nazi sympathizer precluded him from getting access to the royal money. Harry will not have that problem because his mother left him forty million pounds that he was to inherit on his 30th birthday. I am pretty sure the money was invested and it has grown substantially since his mother's death.
  13. Amanda earned her way in life whereas Megan was given everything. Not to mention, Amanda will never get away with what Megan gets away with.. Not even Tamar who was a piece of work was as horrible as John McCain's daughter..
  14. I doubt she ever wanted to be queen. She wants to get away from the toxicity of the British press. They have been hounding her for no reason and smearing her with lies. They paint her as a horrible demanding harlot who seduced Harry, keeping him from being with a suitable wife. We all know what that means. They even called her a terrorist for God's sake. Prince Harry wants to protect his wife and baby son. This is the same press that called his baby son a monkey. He and his brother hate the British press for what they did to their mother. I wish them all the best..I think the Queen will let them go after all is said and done.
  15. I don't understand the ire against Amanda. I love her and I have a feeling that Loni campaigned to have her on the show. Loni for a long time has wanted the ladies to talk about serious topics at time and I think Amanda brings depth.. A well educated Black woman who conducts herself with respect.
  16. The harridan is not here for 2 days is great news. I am sure she will address those rumors about her being ostracized upon her return on Monday.. She is very thin-skinned..
  17. I don't understand your beef.. There is nothing wrong with women talking about a man's looks. Men do it all the time about women and often in a demeaning way. I am Black and what is wrong with making a comment about a Black man's looks, no one said anything wrong about their ethnic features. I happen to think both Michael B Jordan and Chadwick are beautiful men and their race have nothing to do it.
  18. Piers Morgan is a piece of shit. He and Megan were never friends. They were friendly and he never hooked her up with Prince Harry. She does not owe him a damn thing. He acts like a spurned lover and he has a weird creepy fixation on her. Megan and Harry had mutual friends who facilitated their meeting and the rest is history. This is when I need Sheryl to stop trying to be comedic at inopportune times. She knows damn well as a Black woman why the British press hates Megan Markle. Eve is another disappointment, unable to have a serious discussion about the underbelly in British society and ours. She nods her head and slaps her hands like a seal. If I was on tweeter I would tell Sheryl to stop being a clown in these instances. I have no problem with Megan and Harry saying goodbye to the UK. The British press have been horrific to her. I wish them all the best in the world.
  19. What a great show today. Everybody was enjoying themselves, having fun, giving their opinions. No temper tantrums, nastiness, disinformation and lies. Wow just wow.. Why can't we have this everyday.. The best thing is that the special snowflake was absent. If only Ana was here today..
  20. Wendy is a miser. The ladies of the real are always giving money and prizes to people. At times, the ladies would contribute out of their own pockets in addition to the money that was in the budget to give.. I rolled my eyes at the TV when she was shaming the Urbans. $500,000 is nothing to sneeze at. What the hell did Wendy give?
  21. To be fair, Hope has gotten lots of bad story over the years. Dena did quiet a hit job on Hope. I mean Hope tried to burn Bo alive as night time Hope.
  22. Griffith ruined Hope with his stupid story of Hope killing Stefano. I had no problem with Hope killing him but the cover-up to bond her with Rafe ruined her. Hope was clearly suffering from PTSD after Aiden tried to kill her at the behest of Stefano and Bo's return and death. All he had to do was incorporate that into the story. Griffith ruined lots of people during his tenure. He did want to write Lani as a bad girl obsessed with Shawn-Douglas and trying to destroy Belle. Abe's daughter trying to ruin Jarlena's daughter would have been a good story given how close Abe was with them for years. Dena reversed his story and had that story expunged before it aired..
  23. I find it disturbing how he and his team can ruin a man's life and have no remorse. Hayley telling Jay to let it go was just vomit inducing.
  24. Lucas went to jail for Will. He would defend him with every fiber of his being.
  25. As awful as what Victor did to Will. This is not the first time that he has done this. He set up Kayla for Marina's murder after Isabella killed her by accident in a fight. Kayla was heavily pregnant in jail and could not take care of Stefanie after her birth. Victor is an asshole and he will skate as usual. Justin and Sonny should cut him off for good and the Brady family should never speak to him again. Kate should also go after him for going after her beloved grandson. Sami and Lucas should be going after him as well.
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