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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Whoopie could not save Nicole Wallace and Michelle Collins. Michele had so much potential.
  2. Paula said women have miscarriages all the time. Messy was trying to make everything about her as usual.
  3. Sunny just excels when she is discussing the law and the constitution. She knows her stuff and even Whoopie will defer to her and just listen to what she has to say..
  4. Did some thing happen in the first block of the show? Why was Messy so quiet today and the ladies were not letting her nasty attitude get them down? They just soldiered on and had a discussion.
  5. I don't understand Summer at all, she chose to drink alcohol and ruined her own life. How is it Maggie's fault? This was beyond her control. So does Maggie get to turn around and blame her parents or whatever ancestor that she inherited the alcohol gene from? Summer is a vile character and her issue with Maggie makes no sense. Ron is obviously setting her up to be the fall guy at some point for his dumb plots and he needed her to be disgusting and hateful.. The Justin/Adrienne flashbacks were awesome. The best part of the show and it is too bad Ron cannot write for Judy who is a great actress.
  6. So Hayley is the female Voight now, what a vile bitch! I cannot stand her ass.. Everybody is just terrible on this show.
  7. What I found interesting today was how quiet Nutmeg was when the ladies were discussing how Black voters might be Democratic in large numbers but they are not necessarily liberals. That type of nuance went over Messy's head. Did you guys notice how Sunny and Joy butted heads over Sunny calling herself pro-life when she is in fact pro-choice. Sunny bristled at Joy's assertions and they agreed to disagree without being disagreeable, Nutmeg was silent throughout their exchange as well.
  8. I wonder what has happened for Sharon to sour on Marie. She can barely keep herself from giving her the stank eye.
  9. So Wilson were thinking about expanding their family with another child. Thanks alot Ron. I would have loved to have seen that storyline.
  10. Once again Wendy is stirring the pot like I said she would.. She was back to spreading gay rumors about people and this time she picked Jamie Fox. It was so crass and something that she would say. I could tell Norman was uncomfortable and Suzanne was laughing like a hyena. Whether Jamie likes men or not, why does it matter.. Wendy wonders why she cannot get any good guest..
  11. She slept with alot of socialists and Nutmeg clutched her pearls.. Some tough chick!
  12. It is the way that they are criticizing him that I find off-putting. I am really surprised how fast Joy has turned on him, she named her dog after him. What is up with that?
  13. The hatred for Bernie on this show is disappointing to say the least. Whoopie gave a lecture about the electorate choosing their own candidate with their vote without input from editorials in newspapers and that no candidate is perfect. Then, she proceeds to trash Bernie and elevate Biden. Those comments by Hillary regarding Bernie were unnecessary and hurtful. She is better than that.
  14. I have been missing this show and I am re-watching the Natalie/Janet storyline. Kate Collins was just so wonderful in the roles. It is too bad that James Kiberd who played Trevor was a pig in real life and he was the reason that Kate left the show. The Natalie recast was awful. Natalie and Brooke were always my favorites, they started as bad girls and became rootable heroines. Kate Collins always reminded me of Princess Diana, she had the same elegance as her.. I have always loved Brooke with Edmund , Adam and Tom. My preference was always Brooke and Edmund and I always hated that they were not endgame. I could not stand Maria. Brooke and Erica being sisters-in-laws would have been awesome. Those two butting heads in trying to be the mistress of Wildwind would have been great to see.
  15. I think this will blow over, I don't think her career is over. Wendy has said worst and she will say something vile again.
  16. Kenya is miserable and wants to spread her misery. I have never liked her and she continues to hurt others in order to feel something. She is so much like Nene, she always needs a foil in order to be relevant. Whenever she cries about the state of her marriage, I feel nothing for her. Also, she is a horrible actress. Nothing about her is genuine, have we ever seen the real Kenya?
  17. It would have been cool to see those three random witches using their warren powers and seeing the contrast in power between the girls and the charmed ones. I always wanted Piper to have had three daughters with her mortal husband as an homage to the power of 3. I always hated her relationship with Leo, it contributed to her unpleasantness after Prue died. I think having a mortal husband would have grounded her in the normalcy she always craved in the madness they lived in as witches. If I had my way, Leo would not have come back in season 2. Instead Andy would be alive in season 2 and continue his push/pull dynamic with Prue. Losing him caused her to become super witch in season 3 and it overshadowed her sisters. I always wanted Phoebe to become superwitch since she embraced her legacy without any fear or hesitation. I could see her honing her premonition powers, her spell casting abilities and getting an excellent knowledge of the book of shadows. Wyatt would be Prue's son with Andy and I could see Phoebe falling for a good male witch and having Chris as their son and a daughter.. I never saw Paige with children. For once I would love a show to have a woman who loves children but has no desire to be a mother.
  18. I feel so bad for Jarlena having to tolerate Kristen in their midst. Brady is an idiot, after everything Kristen has done to his family, unbelievable!
  19. Cool. 24! that is crazy to me...
  20. The widow Cummings is just absolutely beautiful.. how old is she? Just wow.. Also there is a bit of drama with her running with Cummings' daughters endorsing somebody else.. I am glad the ladies did not go there..
  21. She is always burping on the air, so it does not surprise me that she would pass gas on the air.. Keep it classy Wendy! a mess....
  22. To be fair the show has been a farce since Marlena was possessed by the devil. It has never recovered from that time period.
  23. I loved Vern, whatever happened to him? I adored his friendship with Jack. Jack always clicked with women as friends but his closeness with Vern was very heartwarming. He was what Jack needed after Harper. He was a wonderful influence and he was so funny with Jack..
  24. Harry will be fine and I am sure Diana would be proud of her son breaking away and making his own way in the world. She also would be appalled at the racism leveled at her daughter-in-law. Her grandson Archie was called a chimpanzee when he was a few days old by that odious press. Diana has always challenged tradition when she was alive. She was excoriated by the press for showing affection to her sons after being away from them for a bit. She held an African baby afflicted with AIDS at the height of the hysteria and ignorance surrounding the disease. So, Harry is channeling her by doing things his way. He is protecting his wife and son as any man would do for his family. The Duke of Windsor was a Nazi sympathizer and he was cut off because of his hateful affinity to an ideology that almost destroyed the UK and the world. Harry will be fine since his mother left him 40 million pounds. His dad, the future King is a billionaire and he will surely inherit from his grandmother who is wealthy in her own right. Megan Archie and Harry will live better than most people. I wish them all the best in the world..
  25. Kristen should not have a baby, she is evil.. Ron is rewarding evil people while punishing decent people like Sara. I don't understand why he likes to tell stories where babies die. He did the same thing on one life to live. If you are going to tell a story where a baby dies or a young child dies, then it should have meaning. BJ's death on General Hospital had meaning and reverberated on the show for years. BJ's death allowed her cousin Maxie to live. The same with Laura's death at the hands of a drunk driver on All My Children. That story illustrated the dangers of drunk driving and little Laura also gave her organs to save another child.. Ron is just a hack..
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