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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Perfect post! when your kids are young and vulnerable, they come first. It does not mean you neglect your relationship with your partner. Everything in life is a balance.
  2. Chris best pairing was Savannah.. She was a bad girl who was not obsessed with a man but she wanted money and power..I think it is why JT's Roman works with Kate.. Also after Roman died JT's Chris was tested with Marlena and they had no chemistry.
  3. Your child comes before any man, even if you are madly in love with him. There is no guarantee your relationship will last but your child is yours forever. There is a love you have for your child that is separate from the love you have for your parents, your siblings, your partner, e.t.c.. I don't think that Kenya is jealous of he daughter but it would be really sad if she repeated the same unhealthy dynamic that she has with her mom with her daughter. A mother should never be jealous of her own daughter.
  4. Cynthia loves Caribbean men, I aint mad at her at all, I get it...lol Kandi has been awesome and I loved her telling her husband, he needs to chill in spending so much money on endeavors and that he needs to pace himself. The economy may be good for people in their wealth bracket, inevitably there might be a recession.. Kandi knows what she is talking about since she is a real millionaire and not playing one on tv. Kenya is miserable and wants to spread her misery. She cannot go after Marc so she goes after an easy target: Cynthia who will not fight back. I liked the proposal as well..
  5. I don't care for Kenya, she has always been mean and cruel. Messing up Cynthia's surprise was an example of that last night. The many ways she went after Porsha really said who she was. Porsha never did anything but mess up her title and that was it for her. I also think she was intimidated by Porsha's beauty. Kenya is a beautiful woman on the outside but ugly on the inside. I do think being rejected by her mom has contributed to that. There comes a time in one's life when you have to take responsibility and do better. I believe Mike over her any day. Mike saying that Kenya likes flash while he doesn't was another clue into the dynamics of their unhealthy unhappy marriage. I hope for their little girl, they are able to separate amicably. Kids are often collateral damage when their parents go to war with each other. Kenya will not let Mike go without a fight. I expect her to be selfish vicious vile and heartless. I have to say that the guys defending Nene was surprising. The ladies of this show are just beautiful different shades of Black. Their faces don't look plastic. I wish they did not all have cantaloupes in their chest. Kandi has gotten better looking and she has not aged a bit. Good black don't crack indeed. She looked absolutely beautiful in her talking head.
  6. I wanted to chime in on the Deborah Adair love. I too loved her as Kate, complex sophisticated intelligent worldly mysterious luminous and beautiful. You never knew her real motives when she first came on the show. Was she using Victor for financial security and power or did she really love him. She also adored Lucas so much. I can't see her version of Kate being Stefano's prostitute. It was demeaning. She was a doctor for God's sake, it was so contrived so that Sami could blackmail her into keeping quiet about her schemes against Austin and Carrie. Deborah's Kate also owned her sexuality without sleeping with every man. She was very close with Jack. She was not above being a cunning stone cold bitch like taking Billie's company away from her and having a child with Victor to cement her place in the Kiriakis family.
  7. Why did Wendy expect an invitation to SNL with Eddie Murphy hosting and performing? The evil bitch has spread Gay rumors about him and talked about the different women he has been with. Wendy is just a foul bitter woman. Big Kev is much happier without her. He has a baby, Shareena and Wendy's money.
  8. I doubt Joy was ever intimidated by Megan or afraid of getting fired because of her. Joy would be fine if she were to get fired for whatever reason. Joy has had to start over many times in her life. Joy is living her best life.
  9. Shawn and Belle were also written badly and underdeveloped. I personally was always against Shelle because I wanted John to remain Roman. Another decision that wrecked the show. I would have liked Belle and Abigail to become rivals over Philip. I also wanted Brady and Abigail to fall in love, they were a destiny couple and that got wrecked with SORAS.
  10. I will always be angry and bitter that the legacy kids were never developed and given full lives on the show with Sami being the exception. The show should have also focused on Eric, Carrie, Stefanie, a sister through Kayla by her husband when Steve was dead, Joey, Steve Hawke(Benjy's son) Jeannie(Theresa), Andrew, Max Brady, Shawn-Douglas, Zack and Kim and Shane's first daughter never should have been killed off, Brady, Abigail, JJ, Belle, Noelle Curtis, Sarah, Mike, Jeremy, Nathan, kids from Sandy Horton, kids from Eugene, kids from Hope's brothers, Alexander Kiriakis, The Kiriakis twins, Philip all should have been the future of the show. Villains, villainesses, anti-heroes, anti-heroines, heroes and heroines could have emerged naturally from the legacy kids. Also, Chad should have been EJ raised by Susan who wanted to know his biological dad Stefano and the actor who played EJ should have been Tony and Anna's son raised by Stefano. Fake legacy children like Paul and Trip should not exist either. The vets should be supporting players in the lives of their kids and grandkids who are driving their own stories just like Tom and Alice did with theirs. How many times can we watch Jarlena fight an interloper or face impending death? We all know how it will turn out, boring repetitive and unimaginative.
  11. I like Amanda but she is not necessary. I think the ladies are better as a quartet. I don't think Amanda will fit in with the ladies because they tend to have a pollyanna view of the world that I find shocking because they are women of color. However, Loni holds back her real feelings and she had an interview where she discussed this in depth, but I digress. Amanda will force them to go deeper and that will make them uncomfortable causing tension, especially with Tamera who does not like to talk about racial issues. Tamera does not seem to embrace her Black identity. I know she is mixed race but she looks Black, she is not racially ambiguous like Mariah Carey or Rashida Jones. Amanda would fit in better at the talk if she was older because she reminds of Aisha Tyler who is brilliant. She could look at a topic and not afraid to dive in deep without the others on the panel devolving into a screaming match over a difference of opinion like the view. Sharon was the only one who hated Aisha Tyler because of her intelligence. She was intimidated by her and probably called her a know-it-all.
  12. Can somebody explain to me Why Kate hates Kayla so much? I just find it odd that she seems to be so hostile to a woman who has never done anything to her or her kids. We all know that Kate will go after anybody who harms any of her kids.
  13. As much as I adored Bo/Carly version 1, version 2 was just awful and nonsensical. I would not have had a problem if Carly and Lawrence were secretly working together to steal Hope's vast fortune through her widower Bo at the time. Lawrence and Carly were hot. Perhaps she falls for Bo along the way, altering her deadly plans with Lawrence. It would have given Carly a bit more of an edge. A vengeful Lawrence could have gone after Carly, Bo, Jack and Jennifer. Rewatching the Bo/Carly love story a few years ago, I realized that Carly was a Mary Sue during her original run. I did not care since I loved her so much.. I am a rare Bope fan that adored Bo/Carly, their love scenes in Mexico were hot.. Their Mayan symbolic wedding on top of that pyramid was so awesome.. I still remember their beautiful poem. The writers used to really take the time and effort to craft a love story. The end result showed that they cared and put in the work to reward their faithful audience..
  14. Wendy is just gross in every way, she is mean bitter and cheap. How are you not going to give gifts to your staff on Christmas. She has gotten even nastier after Kevin left to go be with Shareena and their baby.
  15. Typical Ron, this is what he does. I think this is the first time a man has lost control of his mind under Ron, it is usually a woman.
  16. He continues to say awful things like attacking a dead man who never did anything to him.
  17. Whoopie's affinity for the Yang gang is so transparent. Other than Biden and Andrew Yang, she has no use for the other candidates vying for the nomination.
  18. You could be right. I think Hope being broke was written by another horrible writer:Dena. She was back to being a millionaire when Aiden tried to kill her. Hope was dead for 4 years and her millions would have gone to her only child at the time:Shawn-Douglas. I doubt Bo ever touched that money since he would be too proud. Plus, he has never cared about money.
  19. All I know about Charlize's kids is that they are Black. I had no idea that her son is Trans. Joy is not a cruel woman who would mock an innocent child. Rumor has it that one of Angelina Jolie's daughter's is trans, she dresses as a boy and refers to herself as a boy. I have no doubt that Angelina and Brad are being very supportive and loving with their child, knowing the cruelty he will face as an adult. The same goes for Charlize.
  20. I find Marlena's attitude a bit much and I am one of the few people who still like her on here. We know that Hope is Gina but Marlena does not. Marlena's nastiness towards Hope is out of character, given the long history they share in addition to being sister-in-laws once upon a time. I just find everybody on the show to be unlikable with the current writer. What I find to be even more annoying is that nobody notices that Hope is not acting like herself. This is a show where the characters have had evil doubles take over their lives, characters come back from the dead, e.t.c. I really hate it when characters are dumbed down to facilitate the plot.. Hope is a millionaire. Surely, Gina as Hope can afford her own place. I would think getting her own place would allow her to be free to be who she is and not have to pretend to be Hope. The more she interacts with people, the more she runs the risk of being exposed as a fraud.
  21. Yeah right! She has been told that she is right and anybody who objects to her abhorrent behavior is biased against her because she is a conservative. Joy looked really pissed when Whoopie gave her Kumbaya speech. These are the times that I miss Barbara Walters, she would never allow Missy to be so rude and disruptive when she does not get her way.
  22. Not to mention, she was not happy that Ana was there and she came to fight with Joy and was disappointed that she was not there. So, Whoopie became Joy's substitute for her vitriol. That is the right's schtick to trigger the left, when they are the ones who are always easily triggered. If they hate the left so much why do they want to be with us so much.
  23. On Nicole's show they spoke about her dad with so much love and deference. I don't understand her hatred of them.
  24. Why must Wendy eat so much during the food segments. Why must she put her fork that she is using into the food that the chef has made. Why must she take the food home? Why not share it with the audience or better yet the crew who work tirelessly to keep the show going.
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