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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. If Shannen and Constance had remained with the show and Cole was written as pure evil as Constance wanted, then, I could see Cal Greene coming back. I think that Cal should have hurt a good friend of Phoebe's. I don't think Cal a human could hurt a powerful witch like Paige. I always wanted to see Evil Phoebe and Prue interact. As much as I loved the evil Phoebe story in season 4, it would have had more gravitas with Prue. Paige did not have the history with her sisters like Prue. Evil Phoebe trying to steal the Book of shadows to neutralize her older sisters would have been interesting given the fact that they are more powerful than her. Not to mention with her advanced premonitions, how would Prue and Piper prevent her from using that against them. So many possibilities were lost.. I wanted to close out my post by saying that my heart goes out to Shannen. She is a wonderful actress and Charmed was never the same without her.
  2. Sharon is not feeling Marie. I teared up when Marie talked about her drug addicted child's struggle with drugs. I would have thought that Sharon who has a son that is ill would have been the one to give her comfort. It was Carrieanne who offered her love and support by leaving her seat to hug her. Eve touched her back and Sheryl was too far. Sharon just looked down away from Marie.
  3. It's obscene to do that to a guest. They are not responsible for their siblings' actions.
  4. Why did Whoopie ask Jurnee about her horrible brother? Whoopie should know better than to ask her something like that..
  5. I actually agreed with Megan, she was coherent and delivered her points well about the debacle in Iowa. Whoopie was amazing when she spoke about the Black navy hero that was called the "negro mess man" I loved her passion throughout it all and it made me smile.
  6. Kate should have said something. It makes no sense that she would be so passive. She and Marlena have gotten close over the years. If Eric could love Nicole after everything she has done to Sami, I could live with Kate and Marlena being friends. I was not always sold on their friendship after everything that went down in the past. Since we are supposed to accept Ben a ruthless serial killer of 3 women a kidnapper an attempted murderer and an arsonist as a romantic hero, then, Kate and Marlena being besties is fine with me.
  7. She is also a victim. I don't know how the ladies even speak to her given how she is liking nasty tweets about them on tweeter. Unbelievable! She has alot of balls to do that..
  8. Yes! because Ana has her own mind and had the nerve to disagree with her party. Something Messy believes to be sacrilegious. Messy is a vile human being to the point that she ran Abby off the show. I understand Abby, she has three babies at home and she did not need the added stress of babying a grown woman at work.
  9. Wendy needs to shut the hell up. The right to Protest in guaranteed by the first amendment. The act of protesting is being patriotic and it does not mean you hate the USA. How the hell did she think civil rights was won? It was about bringing attention to injustices and to make people uncomfortable enough to bring about change. As James Baldwin said: I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.
  10. I take a hard pass on Pete. What did Whoopie do to Rosie Perez? It was the producers who treated Rosie Perez bad from what I recall. Remember the kerfuffle with Kelly Osbourne who made a crack against Latino immigrants and Rosie was forced by the producers to say that she was not offended even though she clearly was..
  11. I find him to be generic and dull. I would say more about him but it would be off-topic. He was smart not to fall into Bill's trap about Black voters. It seemed like a gotcha moment and I found it weird that Bill would do that to him. I think it is because he speaks like a preacher and it can be too much at times. There is a time and a place for everything.
  12. Kristian Alfonso is an awful actress, what kind of accent is she doing as Gina. It sounds like a mix between British, Russian, Irish, What a mess! Stephen is trying but he too is hard to watch as Stevano. Deidre is just confused, perhaps it is due to their brutal taping schedules, when she is supposed to be Marlena, she acts like Hattie..
  13. The ladies would eat her alive on RH franchises. She is not tough at all and she has nothing interesting to say other than her last name.
  14. Megan is always a victim and she is never wrong. I doubt the other ladies will want SE Cupp there because she will bring a negative vibe there. Andy is an asshole who exploits the worst behaviors in women to make money. I will always love Gloria Steinem for calling him out for that, he was so hurt and I loved every minute of it..
  15. Soaps always get it wrong whenever they have business stories. The board of directors who are hired by the investors(stockholders) have more power than the CEO because they can fire the CEO if they are not performing well and hire a replacement. The investors have even more power than the board of directors and CEO. So, I don't understand why anybody wants the title of CEO of Dimera. Chad, Abigail, Kristen and Gabi will all be making lots of money without fighting with each other needlessly on a title. If they want to have a business story how about Gabi is on the board of directors along with Abigail, they can clash there. Chad could be the chairman of the board of directors. The chairman is technically the leader of the corporation. Kate could be an investor so she would be everybody's boss. Kristen could be the CEO who works on behalf the board of directors. What does Dimera do exactly? How did the head of a criminal enterprise like Stefano get to have a legitimate corporation. The feds would be all over them. Not to mention, people would be wary in investing in Dimera.
  16. I think it is her way of dealing with it. It is all so horrifying and sad to see how up is down and down is up.. Nothing makes sense anymore..
  17. Ron is just so stupid. So Summer kills Adrienne and gets her liver. Ron needs to go yesterday. Nothing makes sense.. Stevano and Gina are foolish to think that Jarlena would ever be with them. It would have made sense for Gina to turn John into RoboJohn and Stevano should have turned Hattie into Marlena or look for one of the four Marlena lookalikes that Stefano created in order to confuse John when he planned to kidnap Marlena years ago.
  18. Terry Crews was on the Today show a few days ago and basically said there was no racism over at America's got talent and that so many people of color over there were having a wonderful time. He basically threw Gabrielle Union under the bus. Gabrielle union showed him so much love and support when he made his allegations of being sexually groped by a producer in Hollywood. Black men mocked him clowned him and called his manhood into question and Black women came to his defense. Now the shoe is on the other foot and he could not reciprocate the same support to Gabrielle. He could have refrained from making any comments about Gabrielle Union's allegation without putting his job in jeopardy at America's got talent. There is a backlash against him right now.. He has doubled down and said the only woman he has to please is his wife.. It is amazing what Malcom X said decades ago remains true today regarding the plight of Black women.
  19. I have always loved Adrienne and her desire to be a mom was never obnoxious and over the top. She wanted to have a family and the irony is that Adrienne unlike her brothers got to raise her 4 sons. She got the family that they were denied. I have hope that when Ron gets fired it will be revealed that Bonnie died in that accident and not Adrienne. We all know that when Steve is back to normal, Kayla will drop Justin like a hot potato.
  20. To be fair Kobe is famous and it makes sense that the news would focus on him more. I did not see it as a slight to the other victims.
  21. Amanda was awesome yesterday regarding Terry Crews. It is not surprising that he would act that way but it is still disappointing.
  22. Sunny was wrong and it totally changed the vibe at the table. There is a time and place for everything. He should not have to answer for the accusations against his brother. Sunny should know better. I am sure he has spoken to his brother about the allegations but it was a private conversation not meant to be shared with the public. The producers probably prompted her to do that..
  23. I don't believe anything Megan had to say about Ari Melber. Ari is a brilliant legal mind. If you watch his show you all would know what I mean, there is no way he would have said what Messy alleged today. She was doing her usual obfuscation because she could not attack the content of the discussion. She looks miserable and unhappy and the ladies don't give a damn.
  24. Back in her radio days she had lots of nasty things to say about Kobe and Vanessa.
  25. I thought T-Challa was much more of a badass in civil war than in Black Panther. I loved his martial art skills, speed agility and the Russo Brothers captured that much more than Coogler did in Black Panther.
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