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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Messy means somebody who causes drama..
  2. I think she was afraid to terminate the pregnancy for whatever reason. Or being Black. The show never goes beyond the surface of the conundrum of Kevin being a Black police officer and how he is perceived by his community given the history.
  3. The whole show is a joke now. It has become too ridiculous to snark on. The sad part is that due to the awful taping schedule, it is too late to fix it. I am afraid we are stuck with Ron till the bitter end..
  4. She had an identical twin sister who died in the early 2000's.
  5. Sunny needs to grow up, how refreshing to see exes supporting each other as friends and co-parents, they are putting their children first. Would Sunny like to see the alternative with them fighting each other hurting each other, the kids would come out the losers. What a beautiful lesson that Mark Anthony and J-lo are teaching their children. Just because your romantic relationship is over does not mean it has to be acrimonious. Plus, they were friends long before it became romantic. Mark-Anthony had a crush on J-Lo but at the time they became friends she was with Puffy.. We all know how that ended.. I loved seeing Shania Twain, I assume her face looked like that because of medication and being in the business, I assumed she has had work done. Women are expected to be eternally youthful. Joy was my proxy today, she was saying everything that I have been feeling. Go Joy! I love her raw honesty. It often makes her a target of the right. She does not care and just continues being Joy whether you like it or not.. She is in her late 70's, she has seen it all. I did not appreciate Messy's condescension. We just cannot have nice things.. Did you guys notice that Anna does not even look at Messy? I am tired of Messy giving Democrats advice about politics. All of her predictions as a pundint have not come to pass. Speaking of punditry, I have not seen her on that Sunday political show on ABC? What is the tea? If anybody has the 411, please share!
  6. Spill the tea, please! I saw the debate and I could tell that Chait did not like Anand telling him that his prognostications have been wrong before. I find him to be the condescending smug one and not Anand, but mileage varies.. Bernie and Corbin are not similar at all. I don't want to get in trouble with the moderators so I will leave it at that.
  7. Megan's people are losing their minds..
  8. Thanks to Messy, there is a backlash against Mayor Pete. Messy is an awful human being.. They are twisting his words to fit her vicious narrative.. Why does ABC allow her to do that, spread lies disinformation and misinformation..
  9. So many characters were trashed for him. Sami became a heroine and lost her fire, she is an anti-heroine. Carrie looked like a hypocritical bitch going after her sister's husband, Kate became a petty bitch bullying Jordan over Rafe, Kate in character would have seen Billie in Jordan. Hope was gifted to Rafe by Bo and don't get me started on Stefano's murder and cover-up. Lucas came out the worst, he was marginalized and written out to facilitate Safe. Lumi should have ended up together. Rafe leaving now is too little too late.
  10. I actually felt that should have been the story going in season 4 with Shannen continuing as Prue. In my imagined version of charmed, Cole is vanquished during the penultimate episode of season 3 with Phoebe orchestrating his vanquish with her premonitions that have grown and evolved in season 3. This will have the unintended consequence of Cal Greene coming to town. He is introduced in the season finale as the new DA who intends to find out what happened to his predecessor. Season 4 could have been about Cal Greene's growing suspicions of the sisters. Phoebe's depression about Cole that leads to her slowly becoming evil is another story that could have played out in that season interwoven with stories about various demon of the week, progressions of their powers, personal lives and career. I hated how the show got rid of Buckland's so that Prue could become a photographer. Bucklands could have been an environment where Prue interacts with demons and innocents. Being a charmed one, she would always be a demon magnet. The same with Quake, I hated P3 as Piper's business. She was a restaurateur and cooking was her passion and it should have continued on the show.
  11. I think Pete is being strategic in not attacking Biden. Biden is beloved in the Black community. If Pete attacks him he will alienate them and he needs them to win the nomination as Sunny told him today.
  12. I don't get the Peter love. He did not answer Sunny's question and he will get a reality check pretty soon when he goes to Nevada and South Carolina.
  13. I am pretty sure women on her team have had them as well. Megan has no clue about life.. Things are not as simple as she thinks. Look at her hatred of Romney just because he voted with the Democrats. She smeared him as being bitter and wanting payback for not getting a job from the current administration. How can one not look at Mitt's speech on the senate floor and not not be moved by it. Whoopie tried to convey that but Messy had to derail the conversation by throwing a tantrum. She is the worst..
  14. Kenya is a mean snake so I get it. Okay, I rewatched the interview and she was very animated with New York. Tamera seemed to be a bit taken aback with her.
  15. Kim is a dumbass! I knew she was going to lose the baby as soon as she became involved in saving that girl..
  16. I love Joy but she was so annoying, when you have a guest co-host you should let them speak as much as they want. Alec had a valid point and the ladies missed it. I did love Messy's silence, you could tell she was out of her depth and intimidated.
  17. I like Amanda but it was annoying. Kenya is a guest and you treat her with respect, regardless if you dislike reality shows and how they portray women.
  18. What is her other demon? Please spill!
  19. I agree, Sarah bonded with a baby that is not hers and she was not able to mourn her own baby. How can she look at Xander the same again. However painful losing the real Mickey would have been for Sarah, losing this Mickey is going to be just as hard, if not worst in a way. She has bonded with Rachel as her Mickey. This is going to be a gut punch for Sara.
  20. She was not happy with what he said but she does not have the intellect to counter his assertions.
  21. Eric/Nicole were never the love of each other's lives. I do think that at one point they did love each other over 20 years ago. They were never like Stayla and Jack/Jennifer. Too much has happened during the time they were apart. Plus, Nicole loved Brady and EJ much more than Eric. Eric is so underdeveloped and he is the son of Roman and Marlena who was raised by John. He should be more dynamic and interesting. I wish they had made it that Eric's distrust of women stems from his mother's affair, it would have been a great obstacle for Eric to overcome in his journey as a character and in how that shapes his relationships with women. The show used to be good at that, giving characters an internal struggle/flaw that made them sympathetic to the audience. I may be alone in this but I hated that they made Eric a priest, they neutered him and it was unnecessary.
  22. I agree with Megan's assessment of him.
  23. I also remember Brady asking John if Kristen was going to be his new mommy during the time that Marlena was kidnapped once again and little Brady who had bonded with Marlena as his mom was confused about Marlena not being around and Kristen mothering him in her place..
  24. I hate to defend Messy but there is alot about Buttigieg that she can use against him. I actually think Sunny will grill Buttigieg, she will not be inflammatory but she will not be a shrinking violet either.
  25. Wendy is a pig and I cannot stand to see her eat. It is obscene to see her eat in front of her audience and not offer them any. Would it be too expensive for the show to have the chef cook enough to share with the audience. Wendy is just so damn selfish greedy and cheap. Wendy strong arming her camera man to go with her to see Guns&Roses on her birthday was just pathetic. Her colleagues are not obligated to entertain her after hours and on the weekends. They have lives too that do not revolve around her show. What a bitch! I thought she was dipping it and doing it at the clubs with her famous D-list friends and single men. That bit about not touching people is just odd for Wendy. You cannot live your life being paranoid about everything. There are some things that are beyond your control and you just live and hope for the best..
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