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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Megan's pregnancy means we are stuck with her indefinitely. Why doesn't the show take a hiatus until we know for sure how to combat this virus? We know these ladies are getting paid handsomely so they have no need to be at work. Meanwhile most Americans are scared about how they will provide for their families going forward..
  2. I hope everybody is staying safe during this scary and strange time. I did not know where to put this, so I decided to put it here, Tamar looked so much better before her plastic surgery.
  3. Your post is so true. I think Lindsey's empathy always made her character rootable in my opinion. Permasmurk is just an asshole and I cannot stand her. I don't know who is more repulsive Permasmurk or Saint Olivia from Law &Order SVU.
  4. Remember Rosie left after that fight with Bitsy. Barbara stepped in for a while in her place and she had asked Joy to become the moderator and she had refused the offer and it was later offered to Whoopie down the line. Whoopie has always said that Joy is part of the reason that she got the job.. I always felt that Joy had refused because of Meredith Vieira. They were super close and I think a part of Joy did not want to take her friend's place..Meredith's departed really devastated Joy. Joy was the happiest when Meredith reunited with her Starr and Debbie in 2016 for that show. I have never seen Joy smile so brightly in my life..
  5. I always hated that Destiny's child broke up in early 2000. The original lineup of Letoya, Latavia Kelly and Beyonce was awesome. Their vocals and harmonies were outstanding with Letoya singing soprano, Kelly singing the mezzo note below her with Beyonce singing the melody and Latavia singing alto right below her. I wish the ladies had worked out their differences and I will always blame Matthew Knowles for the demise of the group.
  6. The show is just awful now. I only care about Sara and Wilson everybody else is just horrible. My heart goes out to Sara, she is in for a world of hurt. I forgot about Maggie, I can't imagine as a mom what that will do to her, to know that she killed her baby's baby.. This is just too much and this will just destroy her for good.
  7. I think Whoopie is making sure nobody moderates better than her. I don't think she has a problem with Joy doing it because Joy's refusal of being a moderator got her the job after Rosie left.
  8. Dan Abrams is a POS he is the one that started bashing the left. He showed his true colors as far as I am concerned.
  9. Why must every thought be expressed on social media, people need to learn to keep things to themselves, especially if you are a celebrity. If I was a celebrity, I would use social media to promote my projects and have limited interactions with my fans under the watchful eye of my management team and agents..
  10. I think it is too late to save the show, too many hack writers have destroyed the show under the incompetent leadership of Ken Corday over the years.
  11. Bill should have been back when Lucas and Kate came to town years ago. The show just does not care about Horton men..
  12. The show looked low budget and they should just take off. It's not like the ladies are hourly workers, they are blessed with a high salary and perks that come with their jobs. They should just chill at home with their families. I think that Sara is being a good employee for ABC by showing up today, I doubt she would come back with Megan sitting there scowling and growling at the table. Megan is really weird, she seems on edge due to the Coronavirus. I get it but she should just chill and relax. Stress is not good for your immune system. Doctor Oz's face is just so damn distracting to look at. I wish Sunny would do something with her hair. She is too beautiful to look like that. A nice short bob and darker color would be wonderful for her or she could go natural and embrace her curls..
  13. I think you are being generous and she is 195 banging on 200..
  14. The one time that Marlena was selfish by giving in to her feelings for John, she lost her daughter. I never saw her as a bad mother, people forget that Marlena was kidnapped when the twins were 2 years old and her bond with them was severed in ways that would be hard to repair. When she came back to the twins they were 7 about to be 8 and they had bonded to Isabella as their mother and before her it was Diana. Not to mention, the twins did not want to leave John to go back to her and Roman. It always made sense to me that Marlena would have had problems with the twins, she missed that critical period in their lives growing with John as Roman. She even told Roman in Mexico that there would be problems in the future and they had to prepare for the eventual conflicts.
  15. Why does Cynthia allow people like Kenya and Nene to belittle her? She likes to glom onto strong personalities who treat her like shit. Kenya is just a vile disgusting nasty mean vicious sad unhappy wench. I cannot stand her.
  16. It was because she had a gotcha question that went nowhere and tweeter roasted her. Whoopie got her fired to get Megan on her show. She and Megan were friendly but not best friends and as soon as she got fired, they unfollowed each other on tweeter..
  17. I agree in that she did reign it in but she is truly into conspiracy theories now. She seemed to get along with the ladies minus Whoopie of course who loathed her. I did love how Sunny would put her in her place with irrefutable facts..
  18. I will stick with Messy for now..
  19. On a Tv show, she also called Messy stupid and ignorant of all things politics, it was a delicious takedown of Megan. She said everything we have said about her on here and they are on the same team. So Megan has always been nasty and obnoxious, incapable of listening to another point of view without taking offense.
  20. If you are White, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the police. However if you are Black or Latino, God help you!
  21. I agree. Jed is nuts and she scares me. She gets this crazed look when she is pontificating on a subject.. I don't understand that type of fervor..
  22. That voice the word salad and Sunny's expression had me rolling. She was gobsmacked at the crap coming out of her mouth.
  23. Something was off with Bitsy and she is not as happy as she claims to be. I also got the impression that Megan was not impressed with her. I would pick Messy over Bitsy. Messy is alot of things but she is not a religious nut. People like Bitsy make me uncomfortable. Bitsy's staunch defense of the man who once called her the dumbest person on television was stunning af.
  24. So John and Marlena disrespected Kristen for loving each other. For being kind and supportive to one another because they shared a daughter Belle who was a baby at the time and they were also raising Brady with Belle. You conveniently forget that John and Marlena's history predates Kristen and that they lived and loved each other as husband and wife raising three children together. They had a strong bond that goes back to when he was the pawn before he was revealed to be Roman. I did not always agree with Marlena but I had no problem with her being nasty to Kristen who was trying to destroy her. She continues to do so till this day but Marlena is the evil one and Kristen is her innocent victim. Kristen disrespected and debased herself by chasing a man who loved another woman more than her. That letter she found and hid was proof that. Since she was pathetic, she opted to lie, cheat and scheme to get a man who did not love her the same way she loved him. Marlena was not responsible for John's feelings for her. The only person who had every right to forever hate John and Marlena is Roman, who lost everything because of them, not Kristen. When Roman found that videotape of Marlena willing to sleep with Stefano their mortal enemy, in exchange for John's life that was his cue to walk away from Marlena. He had self-respect because he realized that Marlena loved John more than him, despite her denials.. John and Marlena were always endgame, the majority of the fans wanted them to get back together even when he was with Rebecca, Diana, Isabella and Kristen.
  25. Brandy spoke at length back in the day about being a dark-skinned Black woman with her features in the business and how that affected her.. She also spoke about her braids her signature style being used against her. So for her to say that the criticisms of Kim were not a big deal was disappointing to say the least. I am not saying that non Black women cannot pay homage to our culture but the Kardashian crew take it to another level and If I were to go on about this, it would be off-topic..
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