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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I loved Carly but she was indeed a Mary Sue. I preferred her over Billie who became wretched as her obsession with Bo deepened over the years. I can never get behind a woman who mailed her own dead fetus to her house all to trash her rival Hope. She desecrated her dead baby's grave to hurt Hope disgusting perverted and vile.. Who the hell does that? Georgia/Chelsea should have stayed dead and Carly should have had Bo's child and not the insipid needy Billie Reed..
  2. The show has never invested in Eric like Sami.. Eric should have been recasted after Jensen left the show. We also should have had stories with Sami and Eric's bond as twins on the show and how that drives stories for both of them. I too never saw Eric and Nicole as a major couple even back in their original run.. Eric was always into her more than she was into him..
  3. I wish that Carly had started bad and in cahoots with Lawrence to bilk Bo out of Hope's money but ended up falling for him..
  4. Rachel is on fire tonight, 6/24, "The worst American governance in the history of the United states", please say it again Rachel for the people in the back. Rachel has no fucks to give when it comes to the response of our government regarding everything that has been going on in our country...
  5. I love Lani's braids, they have finally gotten rid of her horrible wig. She and Eli are a beautiful couple but have no heat between them.. I am so tired of the Sami bashing on the show and I am not even a Sami fan. I hate that Ron has made the Sami/Allie relationship so contentious. Can't he come up with something new,? We have seen the Will/Sami dynamic for years and I did not need a rehash with Sami's other kids, Furthermore, Allie's situation is not ideal but it is not the end of the world. She has rich relatives who would help her out. It makes no sense to me that Sami would not provide a trust fund for her kids.. People with wealth always make sure that their descendants are provided for... This may be unpopular on here but I had no problem with Kate giving Allie money, if she chose to blow it on a stupid bag, then that is on her..
  6. I don't have a problem with Allie giving Sami hell but I wish it was because they clashed due to Allie being a good girl and Sami being Sami.. Allie being like Marlena and Carrie would have been karma for Sami..
  7. Allie is acting like a 16 year old and it is annoying. Granted there are people in their 20's who act like teens. Everything about Allie is so contrived and I am just not impressed. I do like that the actress looks like she is related to Deidre Hall.. I love that Marlena's descendants all resemble her in some way..I am curious to see Sydney and Johnny at some point.. If the show wanted Nicole and Sami to be at odds over her kids then Sydney should have come back as a pregnant 16 year old and not Allie in my opinion.. Allie should have come back after Will was murdered and Ciara was aged.. Bad girl Ciara and good girl Allie should have been fighting over Chase..
  8. I loved today's show. The opening song had me tearing up, it is so apropos with what Black people have been feeling for centuries in this country.. I could listen to Nikole Hannah Jones all day long without ever getting bored. Her knowledge of Black history is inspiring.. I was waiting for Megan to attack her with a talking point from the right but she was actually very nice. Nikole got alot of hate from Megan's people because of the 1619 project and she took it all with aplomb..
  9. True, but she is in quarantine with Linda and their son. They were pictured taking a stroll in LA together with their kid. They might reconcile, you just never know. The quarantine has brought out the best in some people and the worst in others..
  10. What Jay Phaeroah said was disturbing but normal for Black men in America. People forget that Police officers evolved out of slave catchers who used to go looking for runaway slaves to bring back to the plantations. They also harassed free Blacks as well during the time of slavery. Their goal was to keep Black people in their place at all times.. I am so bummed that I missed Aisha... I hope we get to see the other former hosts pop in and comment on all that has been going on.. Julie would probably never do it but I would love to see her.. We are not supposed to remember Holly and Leah were once a part of the show, lol.. I guess Sharon was being fake to Aisha as usual, lol.. I still remember on Aisha's final show, she gave a soliloquy on how much she loved Aisha and I just rolled my eyes in exasperation.. We all knew that she hated her and that Julie being the boss' wife at the time absolutely adored Aisha so Sharon could not wield her vileness against her like she had done with Holly and Leah..
  11. I think that Megan stating that she was not sure if she wanted children was one of her sincerest moments on the show. I think being pregnant during the covid has brought out her worst traits. It would not surprise me if she chooses not to have more children after this one.. She seems to be just miserable lonely and sad during this time. I also think that she misses the ladies. I have always felt that she does like Joy but because she is playing the role of a conservative, she has to hate Joy. It is very sad...
  12. It is a shame how so many people have to prostrate themselves before Ben. It is just vile on so many levels. What is the fascination with Ben?
  13. Megan was a piece of work today, I was just flabbergasted and annoyed by her attitude and her pity party. I was happy that Joy was not having it with her false equivalency. Even after Sunny explained to her why her comparisons were not valid, she still doubled down.
  14. It made sense to me that Marlena was very different in the 90's and beyond after all that she had been through. She was definitely happier with her fulfilling career as a doctor, being a stepmom to Carrie, having her children, being with Roman/Rojohn and being a part of the Brady family in the 80's.. She was super close to Kim, Bo and used to call Caroline and Shawn, mom and pop.
  15. Nene is tweeting and retweeting things shady tweets against Andy Cohen, the man who signs her checks. She is really delusional and needs to get a grip.. She really hates Kandi for some bizarre reason.. Nene also went out and protest in Atlanta.
  16. I love your ideas especially about Kayla and it would harken back to the story where she almost lost her license as a nurse back in the day that involved the Lombard family and the death of their son and a lawsuit that was brought up against the hospital for negligence.. That was a good story that affected the whole cast and I believe Marlena saved the day back when she was not all about John and actually had a purpose.. I know Marlena is hated on this board but she was awesome during that time..
  17. Why is Eric random? Eric is her mother's twin brother and she is also a twin with Johnny. She has that in common with Eric unlike her other aunts and uncles. It makes sense to me that she would turn to Eric in her time of need. I have no doubt Sami encouraged her children to have relationships with her siblings especially with her beloved twin brother. Rafe is the one who makes no sense in comparison to Eric. I am so happy that he is not in this story.
  18. Why can't Wilson have a baby via a surrogate? Sami and Lucas would totally raise their grandbaby together. I am happy that Lumi gets to share another grandchild..
  19. Spike Lee was just so wonderful and I loved everything that he said today. If only Ana and Joy were there instead of Nutmeg who clearly was not as comfortable as the other three who were over the moon talking to Spike Lee...
  20. Same here. Kate's relationship with Lucas is damn complex and their dynamic is so fascinating. Kate has the strongest bond with Lucas since she raised him from birth to adulthood with no breaks in between unlike her other children. Plus for many years, it was just the two of them against the world. I will never understand why the show has a distaste for Lucas. I have always enjoyed him. Yet, the show is just obsessed with Hurricane Sami..
  21. What the hell is Ron doing to Sarah? She is getting worst and worst.. Eventually she and Brady will have sex..
  22. Nazi ideology that targeted Jews and other minorities in Germany was based on Jim crow and other racist laws that were created to disenfranchise and oppress Black people in the United states.. So it makes sense to me that the confederate flag is used as a substitute for the Nazi flag. I was so happy that Joy brought this up. The Nazi salute is also banned in Germany.. Stacey is a treasure and she has so much to give to the country.. Her passion for voter's rights is endearing. Nutmeg tries to take Stacey on and everybody like her intellectually and fails every time..
  23. I loved Sunny calling out that harridan Megyn Kelly who was not content to slither away after getting paid millions over her failed talk shows on NBC and live her life in peaceful obscurity. She is now trying hard to become relevant again. Her pathetic attempts at being nice agreeable and relatable were an epic fail so she has now reverted to type by embracing her pugilistic persona that got her fame on Fox News.. It does not surprise me that Messy tried to hitch her wagon to the likes of Megyn Kelly, good luck with that Nutmeg.. Whoopie and Sunny will not let you and her distract from what has been going on for the past two weeks.. Distract, distort and deflect is the mantra of Messy's team..
  24. Kate giving Allie money is just something that she would do. Kate adores her descendants. I love Allie turning to Eric but I really did not like how she praised Nicole. Has she forgotten how she kidnapped her baby sister Sydney. Are we not supposed to remember that little fact or will Ron just ignore history that does not jive with his insipid writing. I am not a big Sami fan but I am not in the mood for Sami to be treated like dirt by one of her kids again. We had had enough of Will doing that even though he was justified except for the time he trashed her over Abigail... Will was such a turd back then.. I am looking forward to seeing Allie interact with her brother Will, Roman, Marlena, John, Claire, Ciara and all of her other relatives on the show. I miss seeing families interact with each other.. I have no words on the serial killer and his followers worshiping at his altar. I would gladly take the tan man over this piece of shit masquerading as a romantic hero. A damn shame! I am so happy Beauregard Aurelius Brady is dead..
  25. I liked how Joy connected all three issues.. She spoke about the corruption in both the Catholic church and the Police departments for years that have allowed bad actors to continue to harm people and protecting them with their silence. Silence is complicity.. I also think she spoke about all of those issues because she has no idea when she would get to speak again so she had to get it out because motormouth/Nutmeg always has to talk and talk and talk.. I have never seen somebody so miserable, she has a scowl on her face everyday, how is it possible for her to be that way without fail..
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