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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Jay was a good recast. Austin Peck made Austin a dumbass.
  2. She was very popular and the show could never find a decent recast after Susan Flannerry left the show for good. Then, Marlena came to be and the rest is history.. Laura as she was originally written was a heroine who struggled with her sanity and that made her beloved by the fans. Bill Bell wrote her wonderfully and he went on to write a similar heroine on his show by the same of Ashley Abbott played by Eileen Davidson.. The 90's version of Laura that slept with Jack was a travesty....To be fair, the show has never been good at recasting it's characters. The only exception to that was Drake's Roman and Lauren's Kate.. Both actors were able to keep their characters essence consistent despite having new faces..
  3. They may write for the Horton women but they are terrible now... A damn shame cause they were awesome back in the day. Laura Horton was such a popular character, her exit left a void that led to another Blonde psychiatrist coming to Salem by the name of Marlena Evans to help a troubled Mickey Horton.
  4. This is my prediction:Nutmeg's maternity leave will be very short. She loves and craves the attention too much to give it up for a few weeks..
  5. Sonny and Paul did not really spark in my opinion. Sonny and Brian were so hot and I wish the show had explored that more but the show has never really invested in Sonny, everything always goes back to Will. I love Will but we saw him grow up on the show and I have always wanted to know more about Sonny. Sonny is still undefined as a character and the show should have brought back Alexander and the twins over the years to explore Sonny's background and dynamic with his older brothers.. Will should have come back as an amnesiac deeply in love with another guy, preferably Orpheus grandson... We could have had a quadrangle with Paulson.. The show could have tied Will's missing years with Marlena's captivity by Orpheus all of those years ago.. Yup he did and Chandler was all in for it, the producers were not happy about their interplay and put a stop to it. This really frustrated JS who felt stifled as an artist. I always felt the Sonny/Will dynamics should have been an internal obstacle for them to overcome. Will's inexperience and Sonny's paternalism could have driven stories for them add in their families and interlopers. A skillfull writer could have used all of that to give them awesome material, but Wilson have never really had writers who were given the freedom to write for them.. Sonny was supposed to cheat with Paul but Ken Corday interfered with the writing and threw the writers original story out the window. It is why Will cheating made no sense and made him so unlikable. Not to mention making Will into Sami jr, he was never like his mother just like Sami was never like Marlena..
  6. The last time that Mike Horton was really important was when he was a child and actually drove stories and he is the original legacy child who was born on the show. I thought he was great with the actor before Michael T Weiss and Michael's version..Michael's Mike sparkled with the ladies of the show and was hot. The one that was with Carrie was so bland vapid and became so much younger than he was. The show made no effort to make him interesting. I always felt that Mark Valley would have been a great Mike Horton but he was cast as Jack after they fired Matthew.
  7. Ron forgot to make us care about Allie, she came on as entitled ungrateful nasty bitch to her mom.. Love her or hate her, Sami had a point of view and we saw everything that led to her becoming a hellion.. She adored her mom, Roman, Carrie, John and what Stefano did to her family was always an undercurrent in her interactions with her family. She also had a sweet disposition until one night she saw something she was not supposed to see and the rest is history.. Ron has no idea how to write a story..
  8. Your awesome post is why Constance Burge was against making Cole a legitimate love interest for Phoebe. Her plan was Cole to be a full demon with the intent of destroying the power of 3 via Phoebe who was considered the weakest in the collective.. She felt that the Cole storyline that Brad Kern wanted would have destroyed Phoebe and the sisters' relationship.. She was so right, Phoebe was never the same after Cole and her betrayal of her sisters and the power of 3.
  9. I liked Nicole with EJ and hated her other romances on the show.
  10. Nicole has no business being around any baby connected to Sami, when Sami pops off on her she is going to run to Eric about how mean Sami is.. People are saying that Gabi is Julie jr, but I think Nicole is the one who deserves to be called that.. She has no business inserting herself in Sami's situation with her daughter and grandson..
  11. I just can't stand Allie. Nicole/Eric would be stupid to take in Sami's grandchild, given what happened between Sami. Nicole and Sydney.. This story would be so much better if it was a 16 year old Sydney leaving her child to Nicole.. Even though Allie abandoned her child the state would want the baby to go to a biological relative and his grandparents would be the most logical choice in my opinion.. Lumi taking care of their grandson, while talking about what went down between them regarding Will would be a great story.. Will and Ari could have been interwoven into the story as well, given us awesome scenes between Lumi and their descendants. I will never stop shipping Lumi.. Ron does not like character-driven stories, so, we are going to be subjected to a marathon of cat fights between Nicole and Sami. Not to mention, Eric looking like a doofus..
  12. Days is the only soap that I watch and as bad and as awful as it is, I don't want it to go away just yet. It was really awful losing All My Children, One Life to live, Another world, Guiding Light over the years.. The sad thing is that all of those cancellations were avoidable if the networks had invested in them by hiring decent headwriters who love the genre and want it to succeed.. Treating the audience and the beloved characters with respect and not trying to imitate primetime and the movies.
  13. Same here, Sonny wanting to make something of himself without his family's money and influence was endearing.. Soaps used to give the characters careers ambitions and goals outside of their turbulent love lives. At times, their jobs would drive stories for them and that is what happened with Jack /Jennifer at the spectator and Marlena at the hospital as a psychiatrist..
  14. Nicole better not get Allie's baby and Eric would be a fool to let that happen..
  15. It was the first time that Allie showed any type of feeling for her child. I even wondered if she had gotten raped, to explain her disdain and indifference for her son.. People have floated the idea of EJ having been the father, I was appalled by that suggestion but I would not put it past Ron to write something that gross..
  16. Same here, Megan believes everybody in New York is a liberal and everybody in Alabama is a conservative, it is not the case at all.
  17. Horton men have not fared well. Mickey, Bill and others have all been thrown under the bus...
  18. I have to agree with you and I doubt the ladies would be screaming at each other in front of everybody...I do believe that the ladies did not care for one another.
  19. Not to mention, they get paid alot of money and have access to alot of perks that the average person will never have.. I also hate it when petty beefs behind the scenes affect the quality of the show.
  20. The Cin fanbase on tweeter need to get a grip, some of the things they are posting just boggles my mind. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry over their idiocy..
  21. I love your post and I wish that I could like it 1000 times. All this hand wringing over Sami is ridiculous.. This is nothing compared to the shit this girl pulled at just the age of 16. Even Vivian expressed admiration for her ruthlessness and ingenuity.. Kassie is just the best and gives her all.
  22. I still believe that Melanie was the start of Nick's destruction and I adored his relationship with Chelsea.. He made her tolerable and he was a key to her redemption for me as a bonafide Chelsea hater.. Throughout his craziness with Wilson and Gabi, I was hoping that Chelsea would come and talk some sense into him. She should have been to him what he was to her once upon a time..
  23. He was the reason that she left because he was a pig. Don't forget her husband had issues with the powers that be.. He loved Carly and wrote the buried alive story. Deidre and Crystal did clash because the show was always about Carly. After Marlena died other heroines like Kim, Kayla, Hope, Melissa, Diana, Adrienne, Isabella, Jennifer all had a chance to drive their own stories.. When Deidre/Marlena was there, other heroines got focus too but with Carly, everything was all about Carly and Crystal by extension. We never really got a break from her..
  24. The show screwed Michelle over... i enjoyed her despite her not being able to read a room when she made her jokes..
  25. Rachel was a wonderful surprise last night, I did not expect her to be there, assuming she would be back next week. I loved how she was putting a spotlight on why the current administration wants to shut down the census count one month early despite asking for an extension. She also touched upon on what has been going with the USPS. The corruption and the shadiness made my head spin.. I am realizing more and more that America's democracy being special and above the corruption inherent in other countries has been an illusion and that hurts my soul...
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