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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Why Riley, why? her nose was fine just the way it was, it is disheartening to see a young Black person doing this, I know that we have been conditioned to model ourselves after European standard of beauty, it is still disappointing to see this continue in 2020. Why would Kandi agree to this procedure.
  2. Ron does not know how to write things that are unexpected though. I remember when Mary Beth Evans was pregnant in real life and had to stay off her feet due to medical reasons, the writers on the fly came up with the deaf storyline that became iconic in the Steve and Kayla love story.. You are correct in that there are some things beyond Ron's control but he could have come up with a better exit for Wilson in my opinion. There is a producer on the show that loathes Wilson and it would not surprise me if that bigot had a hand in Wilson leaving the show.
  3. During her last visit on the show, Ron actually wanted to write for Carrie and Jarlena but the producers told him no, because they said that Jarlena had Sami and Belle and they did not need to have scenes with Carrie. It goes to show you that these producers don't care about the show's history, unbelievable! I was floored when I heard that..
  4. Shut the hell up Megan! always playing the victim and you have added to to the toxicity with your lies propaganda, misinformation and disinformation on a daily basis.
  5. Exactly, Carrie as a kid was a brat to Isabella because she was so protective of Roman/John and did not want to see him get hurt after Marlena died and he broke up with Diana. Eventually, they bonded. Carrie as an adult was reeling from the news that John as Roman was not her dad. She no longer felt bonded to real Roman and resented his overbearing presence. It pushed her to act out. She had a crush on Lawrence Alamain, she tried to sleep with him, the pervert did nothing to dissuade her crush and John stopped her in time from doing the deed by pulling a gun on Lawrence who was a rapist. She was also jealous of baby Brady because he was John's first biological child and it really cemented to Carrie that she was no longer his firstborn child. Rojohn/ Carrie had such a special bond. Carrie also lost Anna, Marlena and Diana as maternal figures and the show never used that to drive stories for Carrie. Instead, she became a noncharacter who reacted to Sami's latest schemes against her.. Sami was given layers while Carrie never became more than her punching bag.. Carrie was dumbed down so that Sami could pull off her many schemes. She lost the ingenuity and bravery that she possessed as a child who stood up to Stefano when she was his captive. Carrie going after Rafe with Marlena's tacit approval was so gross and it did not endear her to many fans who saw her as a self-righteous hypocrite..
  6. I wanted to co-sign your post, in adding that the reason that Robin and even Carrie from Days were not as interesting as their parents it is because the show's writers who inherited them did not know how to write for heroines. Carrie and Robin were written so much better as kids by writers who had plans for their trajectories as heroines on their respective shows. Unfortunately, The writers who wrote them as adults, wrote them as self-righteous, hypocritical and boring in favor of their preferred villainesses. Look at how Carly was made into a victim after Robin spilled the beans about her lie about Michael's parentage. What Robin did was a bit self-serving but so what, Carly was a bitch to her from day 1 and always trying to undermine her relationship with Jason. Look at how Carrie was marginalized in favor of Sami who was hateful and spiteful of Carrie who has always tried to protect her. It was not Carrie's fault that Sami's rapist defense attorney was going to twist her words, making Sami look bad. The writers like Ron prefer the villainesses over the heroines and it is a trend that has sadly caused the demise of soaps.
  7. Rose and Holly were on Instagram live together 2 weeks ago and they were so much fun together. Rose really hates Alyssa, their tweeter fight basically confirmed all the things that Shannen hinted about Alyssa creating drama on the set for no reason creating toxicity. Holly wants Netflix to do a charmed movie with Shannen as a director. I have a feeling that Holly and Shannen reconciled cause Holly was talking up Shannen alot. The ladies spoke about how the show was mistreated by the powers that be. They gave us alot of stories about the show. The affection between Rose and Holly was evident and Finley, Holly's son even made an appearance to say hello to Rose. Holly even showed us a picture of baby Finley with Rose, Finley is now 16... Rose is open to do a Charmed movie, she wants Shannen to be a part of it and she threw shade on Alyssa at times. I do think she would be professional with Alyssa if she had to work with her but they will never be friends.
  8. Jessica was such a special character being the only biological child of Clint and Viki. I still weep for what was done to Clint and Viki to service a plot, a trend that made people turn away from soaps for good, but I digress. Erin Torpey's version of Jessica was on her way to being a strong heroine like her mother until Dena's poison pen started her destruction and Ron continued it because they had no idea how to write for a heroine. Stefanie should be driving her own stories with her parent's playing supporting roles. That goes for all of the legacy characters.. It is ridiculous that Jarlena is still dealing with interlopers..
  9. Abigail is going to be in crisis yet again. Give it a rest Ron, what is his fascination with her. I don't give a damn about her, what an unpleasant character. Why can't the show bring back Stefanie or someone else we have not seen in a while.. I would even take Chelsea or Theresa back, just get Abigail off the screen...
  10. Now it makes sense some of the cryptic things his older brother Kevin Boseman who is an artist as well would say on instagram and tweeter. He has deleted his social media accounts. People actually assumed he was depressed and maybe even suicidal.. He was already mourning his brother with the rest of his family even if the world had no idea of what was to come.. Especially, if you are of African descent. Cancer of all types affects people of African descent at a higher deadlier rate than other communities, by the time we are diagnosed it is often too late..
  11. I also thought the Kate/Eve friendship that Josh Griffith was cultivating had so much potential to be awesome. It is so rare to see women being friends and supporting each other these days. Ron just writes women as being screaming banshees, it is just exhausting at times..
  12. I just cried when I heard the news, What a beautiful and brave man to have worked so damn hard while battling cancer, he was a warrior.
  13. The show missed an opportunity in not exploring Eve/Eduardo. How did they meet and fall in love, how did Shane react given what we know about Eduardo. It would have been bittersweet to see Eve and Eduardo fall in love all over again as they mourn Paige.. In general, couples tend to break up when a child dies because the grief is so overwhelming... Eve telling Eduardo about their daughter getting into college just broke me, I was crying with Eve and it is something a parent would do, to talk about your kid's accomplishment with pride and love. Damn you Ron for making Paige's killer a romantic hero..
  14. I agree with you but Roman is needed and I am just over this stupid story. Eric and Nicole need to disappear for good. Sami and Eric have always had a good relationship even though the show has missed plenty of opportunities over the years to explore their bond as twins but they were for the most part really close and Ron had to just ruin it for his insipid plots..
  15. I love your awesome post and I wish that I could like it a thousand times...
  16. She looks grey in that pic, she is a beautiful woman and does not need any of the filters..
  17. We could have even had Ben's twin become fascinated with him, leading them to spend time with each other, even bonding.. Twins do have a special bond with each other even if they were not raised together. The need to be with each other may even be stronger for having been separated for so long. Then, one day Ben switches places with him and all hell breaks loose in Salem. Not all villains need to be redeem, just make them interesting and give them a point of view.
  18. He actually killed Paige because he saw her talking to Chad by chance at the Horton square, since Chad was the last person to be seen with her alive, he chose her as his latest victim. She died doing what we all do everyday passing somebody on the street that we know and saying hello. He did the same thing to Serena because she was flirting with Chad at TBD where Ben worked. It is why I will never feel sorry for him. He is evil and having a mental illness does not negate that. Ben has a personality disorder, he is a sociopath mixed with sexual sadism, he enjoyed the killings of these ladies on a sexual level. I remember him sexing up Abigail after killing one of his victims. She even commented on how good he was that particular evening, that is just sick, Ron is a hack trying to make Ben into a romantic hero.
  19. Kassie Depaiva is just too damn awesome for words. no matter how stupid or absurd the story is, she always brings her A game.. Alot of Eve's hatred of Ben is also mixed with self-hatred. Eve was not a good mother to Paige, she knows this and she can never make it up to her baby girl and her guilt, shame, grief and regret are driving her insane. I have no words for Nicole.. How can Ron expect people to root for Ben after we witnessed Paige's brutal murder again. Not to mention, how used to taunt JJ about her death, I believe he told him once that his girlfriend was worm food now with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. I feel no sympathy whatsoever for Ciara. Hope was getting back to being so cool and likable until today, why Hope? why? Are you that horny that you have to get mixed up with that dullard.. Why must the women on this show have to always be so damn pathetic...
  20. I always wanted Lumi to have had a one night stand after Will was "killed" to deal with their grief, resulting in a pregnancy. A full circle moment for Lumi, given how they conceived Will all those years ago. It really showed how callous the show was when Will died. We never got any meaningful scenes between Lumi, Kate/Sami, Sami/Marlena, Kate/Lucas even Marlena/Lucas would have been awesome. Not to mention Austin and Carrie coming back. Will was such an integral character on the show..
  21. Nicole is just so gross and I cannot stand to look at her. She and Eric are newlyweds, shouldn't they be having fun away from the drama.. She is obsessed with Sami, first her daughter Sydneyand now her grandson.. I have said many times that Eric is just a doofus who should have told his wife that she needs to mind her own business..
  22. I think Lucas could have driven stories if given the chance but the show does not care about him. I do agree with you about Rafe. Kate, Hope, Nicole, Sami, Carrie were all used as props to bolster Rafe and he is still worthless..
  23. Tripp did put a scalpel under Kayla's neck threatening to kill her. I never cared that Claire did to him what he had done unto others. I just don't care for retcon kids when we have plenty of real ones that could be brought back and integrated into the show.. Dena had a hardon for Ava and Steve so she had to give them a child to eclipse Shayla's. JER did the same thing with Chelsea, Billie's resurrected fetus..
  24. Rose has been unraveling for a while and it saddens me that she is fighting with Alyssa like this.. Shannen and Alyssa had their issues but Shannen has never blasted Alyssa like Rose has done.. Shannen and Holly Marie seem to be trying to play peacemaker with their tweets.. 2020 has been such an odd year..
  25. Did we not see a fight between Belle and Sami the last time they were together when Marlena had a health crisis. Ron just recycles the same story, he is living up to his nickname "Reron".
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