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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Word on the street is that Wendy was sexually harassing DJ Booth. He was not the first person she harassed. DJ Booth got paid the least out of all of the employees which lead to some tension. Yes, they did have a fling, there might be a lawsuit. I will tell you guys more of the the tea as I learn even more.. Her addiction has reared it's ugly head, Wendy is a mess and Kevin is living his best life.. Wendy's verbal abuse of some of her ex-employees has lead to payouts and NDAS.
  2. I felt Carrieanne's rage about Breonna Taylor, she made me tear up when she spoke about Breonna struggling to breathe for 5 minutes and nobody coming to help her just enrages me so much..
  3. Stephen Nichols hated the Marina story and that led to him clashing with the showrunners a lot, it played a factor in his departure. Also, he and Hunter did not get along. I hated Marina too but her chemistry with Jack was combustible... I thought the Victor/Marina dynamic had potential as well.. The show took too long with the damn key..
  4. Yup, EJ and Stefano put fake Rafe in her life, disgusting!
  5. Biden is down with older Cubans who normally vote Republican due to their history back home, the younger generation of Cuban-Americans have a different perspective since they are not as dogmatic as their older counterparts. As usual, Nutmeg the so-called pundint does know what she is talking about. I loved Sunny's bemused expression as Nutmeg was giving a lecture on the Latino vote in Florida.
  6. Is the actor playing Evan coming back? Once again Marlena will share a common descendant with a psycho that tormented her and kept away from her family: first Stefano via Johnny/Sydney and now Orpheus with Allie's baby...
  7. This will bring up bad memories for Steve and Jack regarding Kayla, not to mention what their father Duke did to Adrienne and the show intimated that their mother Jo was also a victim of marital rape. This story should not be done at all..
  8. A rape? what the hell is wrong with Ron? Let that damn fetish go...
  9. The picture of the crowd at that rally was frightening, wow! I will never understand why people are choosing to be willfully ignorant about a virus that can kill you but can also leave you with permanent damages to your health.. Is sticking it to the liberals really that important? I would think that their health and that of their families and friends would be more important. Without good health, your quality of life diminishes.
  10. Nicole should never have gotten near Sami's daughter and grandson, she put herself in the middle of a conflict between a mother and her child. Given her history with Sami and Sydney, Nicole knew better but chose to use this opportunity to stick it to Sami. She could have been a supportive aunt to Allie, but from afar.. Whenever Allie was ranting about Sami, she should have left the room and let her speak to her uncle Eric.. When you marry into a family, you stay out of their business, let them work it out.. Sami will eventually forgive Eric cause he is her brother, whereas Nicole will forever be dead to her..
  11. Wow! somebody is kissing ass hard, I wonder what's up.. Whoopie has been exasperated with Megan and her antics.. Megan's makeup in the above pictures is atrocious, she is too pretty for that.. I have always said that she has a nice complexion and I think she is stunning when she is wearing minimal makeup that emphasizes that..
  12. True and they will create fake legacy kids like Trip, Lani, Paul and do the same thing. I don't put Eli in that category because I felt Dena was righting a wrong in the past when the show jettisoned the interracial love story between Valerie and David to appease the racist viewers who were against them.
  13. What does Megan even know about Catholicism? She is trying to make the discussion about Sara being anti-Catholic so that they don't discuss Amy's background. What is she so scared of? What the hell does being Kavanaughed mean? Megan thinks she is so clever. This woman is being offered a seat on the supreme court, a lifetime appointment and she is 48 years old. Ruth Bader Ginsberg died at 87, and of course people are going to dig into her past. So she should be given the job without a vetting process.. I loved what Joy said as a privileged woman she is fighting for those who are not. This is why I love Joy, Am I my brother's keeper? Yes! I know her detractors say she is angry and bitter but I get her frustration about a lot of things.
  14. Joy was saying that the majority of Americans want Abortion to be legal and Nutmeg cut in and said that the 47% of America is pro-life, it was a headscratcher moment for me because a majority does not mean everybody is in agreement. She obviously does not listen to what the ladies are saying, she just barks at them with her dubious information from her blue cards.. Also, there are people in Nutmeg's team who want it to be legal as well just for them and not for anybody else, but don't tell Nutmeg that, she just might go into labor from the shock.. Her hatred of Sara is bizarre even for her.. I worry for Sara, she has been very honest with us about her struggles with depression and anxiety. Being mistreated and bullied on a daily basis by Nutmeg might stress her out and make her feel worst.
  15. As soon as I saw Allie, I changed the channel, I just cannot stomach her. Why are the legacy kids so horrible? Abby, Ciara, Joey and now Allie.. People wonder why the show relies too much on the veterans to carry the show...
  16. The ladies were happy to be together, I do think they love each other and the mood was so much better than the one over at the view. My goodness! it is getting hard for me to watch, everybody is so tense, trying not to set off the resident thin-skinned brat. I had no idea Drew even had a show until today. I thought she was there to promote a movie..
  17. Bill should have come back when Kate came to town and fell in love with Victor.. A Victor/Kate/Bill triangle could have been good, add in Lucas who had formed a fatherly bond with Victor. I never cared for Laura when she came back and met up with Vivian in the looney bin. I never liked the actress and her constant yelling at Kate for allegedly stealing Bill just pissed me off. I hate it when women blame the other woman for their husband's unfaithfulness, I am not excusing Kate for getting involved with a married man.. If you know a man is married, stay away from him..
  18. Sarah was aged up the last time she was on the show to be Carrie's peer, then, she de-sorased when she came back on the show.. The actress would have been better as Stefanie Johnson..
  19. I really enjoyed seeing the ladies today, I loved what they had to say about Marie and the notorious RBG.. Is Eve pregnant? is it me or is she blocking her stomach area?
  20. The judge that Sara was talking about today was handpicked by the federalist society. I implore you guys to google this organization, it is not pretty.. I wish Sara was able to speak freely, you can tell she had moderated her original thoughts after they came back from the break to not offend Nutmeg's sensibilities. Sunny never got to speak because motormouth McCain would not let anybody else speak..
  21. Yes, they were hinted as being a destiny couple. Jack and Isabella's kids loving each other and eventually having kids would have a been a great homage to their awesome friendship..
  22. Joy has never thrown a tantrum on the show.. Never! I have watched this show since it's inception... Was there ever any doubt on who she would vote for? Megan is a troll on the show, she did not want to hear what Sara had to say about that judge so she decided to attack her by impugning her character. Nutmeg is just vile..
  23. She dissed Elijah Cummings and expects people to vote for her, good luck with that. Elijah is beloved in Baltimore.. I told you guys she is not in it to help Baltimore, it is all about elevating herself with Megan's team as their special token.. She should go after her opponent for Elijah's seat not a dead man who cannot defend himself..
  24. That was the worst soras even for a soap. Chad should have been EJ and the actor who played EJ should have been either Tony and Anna's son raised by Stefano or the 1986 baby of John and Marlena when she was presumed dead.. Marlena was in a coma for 5 years it would not be implausible that Stefano kept their child and raised him as his son. Plus, it would have spared us the gemini twins in Rex and Cassie who should have been Orpheus kids. They should have come back to Salem years ago seeking revenge on John Marlena and Roman..
  25. Back in the day, soaps knew how to set up complex rivalries that wasn't always about a man. Viki/Dorian from one life to live and Katherine/Jill were the best soap rivalries, followed by Brooke/Erica from all my children, the Natalie/Erica rivalry had some teeth as well.. Sami/Nicole could have been better but they were the best rivalry during their era, plus, you have both ladies who were on the same level morally. It was not a standard good girl/bad girl with the good girl winning all the time. Both Sami and Nicole have done despicable things to others for their selfish reasons. The funny thing with Sami and Nicole is that Sami genuinely liked Nicole until Nicole betrayed her. Nicole seems to have a thing about wanting those closest to Sami, first her brother, EJ, her ex Lucas, Will (Yes, I know she married Lucas for money but it was also to get Will away from Sami in favor of Lucas) and finally her daughter Sydney. With better complex writing, they could have been on the same level as Viki/Dorian..
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