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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Perhaps, Kamala changed the pronunciation if her name because she is in the states. I have a French name, first and last name and people butcher it all the time, so I let anglophones say my name in the way that it is easier for them.. You get tired of constantly correcting people,,lol It is what it is..
  2. Alot of the books were delayed because of corona...
  3. She is there to spread propaganda for her team. Notice how nobody said anything after her diatribe, they kept it moving. That is how you deal with people like Megan, you don't engage, you just nod your head and keep it moving..
  4. Rosie was divine but she let things get under her skin too much and that elevated Elizabeth and giving her relevance... Nutmeg is trying so hard to get that split screen moment, thank goodness the ladies currently on the show will not give her that wish..
  5. She might get a scheduled C-section, thinking it would be easier. So many women are getting unnecessary C-sections and the hospitals are making bank, but that is a topic for another day in another forum...lol
  6. Nene once compared her situation with Bravo with that of George Floyd. So Nene is just really out there..
  7. I started watching Rachel tonight and I just could not do it, forced hysterectomies? This is what we have regressed to as a nation. Black women in the south were sterilized and given abortions against their will in order to curb the Black population not too long ago during the Jim crow era. The world sucks... Tears started to flow from my eyes, when that Black whistleblower was telling the truth about the horrors that are going on in the facilities and I just had to change the channel.. I love Rachel but not tonight..
  8. I saw Tiger King on the geographic channel years ago and I was just appalled on what he did to tigers, it should be a crime in my humble opinion to do that to animals, especially apex predators like the Tiger who should be in the wild being the animals that nature intended them to be. They don't exist to please us, humans. Quarantine made him a household name but he is a despicable vile selfish man and the fandom surrounding him left me speechless.
  9. Sarah is stunning without even trying, she has had 3 babies back to back and she still got it. Megan does not like Sarah because she does not think she is on her level. We all know that Megan ran her off the show the last time she was on the view.
  10. I just came here to say that Lani could fuck off and Eli looks so damn hot with his beard and his hair growing out. He can get it anytime, what a beautiful man! I wonder if they taped this episode just before the shutdown..
  11. It does, Kamala means Lotus in her mother's native language. Some people assumed her name came from her Black side of the family.
  12. I did notice and I rolled my eyes, she is a delusional over-indulgent child. Heaven forbid somebody talks about the consequences of climate change and she is bringing a child into the world, you would think that she would be concern about how that would affect baby McCain-Domenech..
  13. I loved the shade against David Muir, haha.....
  14. I also think it has to do with her being the veteran of the show. Notice that Sheryl comes right after her, then Eve followed by Carrie-anne and Marie who was the newbie.. I would like to know the tea on why Marie left, I hate to be conspiratorial but something is up, Why would you want to give up that money and the chance to be on a TV show 5 days a week to promote your other projects..
  15. Nancy is not part of her team so she will always criticize her.. Megan's team always clutch their pearls when someone on the opposing team does something wrong..
  16. It is why I have never felt sorry for her whenever he attacked her dad. I just don't get her at all, I would think her devotion to her late father would preclude her from being a Trump apologist..
  17. This is what Megan's team is doing, trying to gaslight the public into thinking that Biden is the incumbent not doing enough to squelch the unrest in the country. They have this ability to distort reality and blame others for their own failures. Megan is an idiot and I am loving how she and Whoopie are not as cool as they used to be.. I noticed today that Whoopie's response about protesting was meant for her..
  18. Whatever Candace! she used dancing with the stars and the view to get her name out there when nobody was checking for her.. Since then, she has had a nice contract with the Hallmark channel to star in their movies, she has had commercials all over TV and full house came back for a reboot on netflix for a few seasons. She is all over social media promoting one of her kids who wants to get into the music business. So now she wants to pull the Jesus card to make herself so holy and above the view. People like her piss me off, they use religion to look down on others..
  19. That would have been cool to see with Jo dying after reuniting her family. It would have added an additional layer of sadness to Jo's journey in life. The actress who played Jo died because her liver was compromised for years due to her alcoholism. She had been an alcoholic just like her character Jo..
  20. Jo should have been recast with a strong veteran soap actress in 2006 when Steve and Jack both came back from the dead.. I think she would have been a grounding force for the Johnson/Devereaux/Kiriakis clan... Perhaps, it would have prevented the show from killing off Jack over the years..
  21. Lucas did not know that Kate had done that until after she had put her diabolical plan into motion. Lucas had runaway with Will and got into a car accident that led to Will having to had brain surgery at 2 years old. He was the one that ultimately saved Sami from getting executed.. Kate had no remorse whatsoever.. Eli has no cojones when it comes to Lani.. He just does whatever the hell she wants.. Eli could be so much more as a leading man who is a Horton but we have Ron at the helm, so...
  22. That scene was hard to watch between John and Sami, knowing how much John as Roman adored her as a little girl. I just feel that John versus Sami is just doing a disservice to both characters especially Sami. Good grief Sami, wishing another blood clot on an elderly person, I am just stunned by her cruelty.. The power of the mouth Sami, you are too old to be so reckless with your tongue. I know soaps are supposed to have conflicts but what about a little love in the afternoon, with everything going on in the real world, escapism is what we need Ron..
  23. It is easy for Megan to say that because she has never had to face oppression in her perfect life. Politics has always played a role in sports. Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball was a political act. Muhammad Ali refusing to go to war with the people of Vietnam was a political act that cost him dearly. He famously said the Vietnamese people never called him the N word and prevented him and his people from having civil rights. Jesse Owens, a Black man participating in the Olympics in Nazi Germany was a political act that defied Hitler's views that Black people were an inferior race and exposed the lie of the Aryan master race. Lastly, Tommy Smith and John Carlos won the gold and the bronze medal for the US at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico threw the Black power fist as the star spangled Banner played in solidarity with the civil rights movement back in the states was a political act, so Megan could f off as far as I am concerned.. What an awful woman! She really pissed me off today..
  24. Sherry's friend Niecy Nash who introduced her to that bum she married and had a kid with via a surrogate married a woman. It is very interesting that Sherry was present given how she was against same sex marriage. I know that people can evolve over time but I know Sherry must cringe remembering what she used to say...
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