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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. That was so long ago, Abigail was not Peter Blake's stepdaughter for years. Plus, I hated how JER had baby Abigail calling him daddy, it just pissed me off, the erasure of Matthew's Jack was just so vile and very typical of JER who was known to be vindictive and spiteful with his writing. He gave Victor a stroke because he and John Aniston had a public disagreement and thus began the marginalization of Victor during the JER years and the destruction of the awesome coupling of Victor and Kate.
  2. I could not watch today, it was so unbearable to see Ben today, the writing is slanted in his favor and it is disgusting..
  3. I loved the myriad of topics that they covered that will affect the elections, everybody added to the discussions and the show just flowed so much better without Whoopie's incoherence and Nutmeg's nastiness..
  4. Thank you for saying that, Jack sizzled with so many women on the show and it is all because of Matthew Ashford's wonderful interpretation of him.. Jack even had chemistry with Marlena.. Jack's sexiness is not the type that Ron likes, he does not have abs and a sculped body but his looks, intellect and his humor would be very attractive to women..
  5. Thank you Ana for saying that we can feel sympathy for the President for testing positive for the Coronovirus while criticizing the way he mishandled his response of the dreadful disease. I could say more but it would be off-topic...
  6. JER was a very conservative catholic and he incorporated a lot of Catholicism in the show. I really despised his Madonna/Whore complex when writing for women..
  7. If she can like and root for Ben then she can like Kristen..
  8. Jack's chemistry with CR's Eve was awesome and they worked because they had no expectations and illusions if each other. They were also very funny, Jack was able to be humorous without being a buffoon... JER's stint changed the show for the worst, I really hated that era with the exception of Lumi, Kate and Lucas..
  9. I also like Jack/Sami as well. It is why Jack/Marina was such a missed opportunity, I would love to see Jack interact with a bad girl while trying to fight his dark side.
  10. I really hated how yesterday everybody agreed with Sharon about that young man who accidently killed a mother of 4 with his stupid prank. Where was the sympathy for the kids who will now live the rest of their lives without their mom? That type of pain never goes away, with every milestone in their lives, they will remember that they have no mother. Sharon could f off with her sympathy for that man, yes, he is young, he did not mean to kill that woman but a life was taken nonetheless, there has to be consequences. That young man will mostly like get out in 2 years for good behavior and will not serve his 5 year sentence.. I was really perturbed by the panel, Carrieanne looked like she did not agree with them but kept her mouth shut..
  11. It was and what made it even sadder was the fact that she had had difficulties getting pregnant and was so happy to get pregnant without the use of IVF. He was a wonderful surprise, Chrissy went for a routine exam, was required to take a pregnancy test and was floored to find out that she was expecting.. Sunny saying that she had had 5 miscarriages was heartbreaking as well.. I am glad Nutmeg was not there to recount her own miscarriage.
  12. Lani is carrying twins and she lost her first child shortly after his birth, as a mother her priority would be to her unborn children and not a deranged violent psychopath like Kristen.. Pregnancies with multiples in the womb are considered to be high-risk pregnancies and she is in her mid-thirties, that adds another layer of complication, so, why would Lani seek out unnecessary stress in her marriage that would affect her growing babies. She is becoming a dumbass like Brady over Kristen.. At least Brady is getting something out of his sick obsession with her, what is Lani getting?
  13. I think it is pretty clear who Megan will vote for, despite everything..
  14. True but to be fair the first Presidential debate was last night and the elections are upon us.. As a Bernie fan, I did not care for Ana's questions.. I love Ana, I guess since Nutmeg is out she had to be the annoying one today..
  15. I love Bernie for his passion and not bowing down to the establishment.. The ladies of the view have treated him poorly in the past and he just goes on being true to himself and his principles.
  16. Last night was a hot mess but not surprising, it is what it is...
  17. Shouldn't she be concentrating on her baby? Megan is just weird, most mothers are enthralled and fascinated with their new baby..
  18. That is not who Nene is, that was never going to happen. Nene is still dragging Wendy and she went very low mocking her lymphedema, mocking her big legs and big feet. I have no sympathy for Wendy, Wendy is vile.. This is the person that outed a rapper's wife cancer for gossip and when questioned about it years later, she had no remorse..
  19. She did with Julie and her nasty husband... Sharon is just a nasty person...
  20. I actually wrote off Abigail when she was encouraging her mother to go after Daniel and Jacks "body" was not even cold in the ground. Not to mention, attacking Chloe physically for looking at Daniel..
  21. I believe it about Sharon who is a vile snake but I refuse to believe it about Sheryl, not to mention Sheryl takes care of her disabled sister with her good CBS money, as she used to say when referencing her nice paycheck, so why would she quit over Marie. Sheryl would not mess with somebody's money over pettiness or perceived slights but Sharon definitely would cause she rolls like that..
  22. I was taken aback by Sheryl and Eve. Sheryl was a married woman, would she have been so cavalier if another woman had hooked up with him? The same goes for Eve. The ladies were all kissing up to Sharon. Sharon owned her messiness and I actually liked that about her that day. She did not make any excuses, she said Ozzy was married with two kids and she made the choice to be with him, the wife be damned..
  23. Exactly! I don't think it is off-topic because Joy spoke about the enthusiasm on the left and she seemed to be annoyed with Martha.
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