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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Beijing Barry had me rolling, I miss him so much... What a man! What a President! I am so happy that Sunny referenced that awesome speech yesterday with Elizabeth Warren..
  2. Sara was awesome as well. I think Rumer should be a host on the panel, she is a breath of fresh air..
  3. True but I think Peter should have been brought back years ago, perhaps when Jack was presumed dead. I am just tired of all things Dimera. How about they create new villains, I thought Clyde played by James Reade had potential to be really great but they had to make him a rapist..
  4. The police like the military is supposed to be apolitical, they are here to serve the public regardless of the people's political affiliations. Not to mention, tax dollars generated from the people pay their salaries.
  5. Not every minor character needs to come back to the show. Peter does not need to come back enough with the Dimeras. Jack and Jennifer never needed interlopers to be interesting. It is a shame that these stupid writers never realized that..
  6. Andrew Kim Chelsea the resurrected fetus Joey Arianna Zack Johnny Allie Claire
  7. This baby is Marlena's descendent and a Brady so being kidnapped is a tradition, lol, All of the legacy Brady children have all been kidnapped at some point on the show..
  8. Same here, I am surprised this is even a topic.. It was a glitch and he obviously made a mistake, I don't get a perv vibe from him. Sarah losing her shit had me laughing.. It was so good to see her laugh since we don't get genuine moments of levity anymore on this show..
  9. Exactly! why not say reform the police....
  10. No more Dimeras, enough! how did they become the most important family in Salem. Every writing regime has brought back a Dimera or in Ron's case created 2 new Dimeras.. How about bringing back some more Bradys, Kiriakis or Hortons. I may not be a fan of JER but I always loved it when he said that you can never have too many Bradys in Salem.
  11. Ana was really moving today when she described her husband's bout with the rona. I had tears in my eyes and I am so happy that her husband is doing well, I can't imagine what she must have been feeling having to take care of her husband while keeping herself safe. I loved how the ladies rallied around her giving her love and support. It was women coming together to support one another.
  12. What was done to Tony was a damn shame, why do soaps do that type of thing?
  13. The writer on the show who wrote Elizabeth's rape wanted her assailant to have remained unknown and at large but she was overruled by the suits in charge. That same writer had been raped a man she did not know as a teen and she wanted to call attention to that of rape that is extremely rare. Most people who are victims of a crime knew their perpetrator.
  14. Remember Jack took a dark turn when Matthew took over the role. The previous Jacks were kind of bland entitled rich boys who were used to women falling over him. Kayla was never impressed with him at all and he followed her to Salem from Hawaii.. He was a bit pathetic and kind of a wuss to be honest, everybody had to convince Kayla to marry him. Once Matthew came on board, he breathed new life into Jack, the writers and the audience took notice and the rest is history. I think that Jack paid for his sins against Kayla and others. He never really got to have the family he wanted with Jennifer, there were always dark forces keeping them apart. Plus, Jack's biggest hater is himself, he has never forgotten his misdeeds and he continues to try and make up for them, unlike others on the show..
  15. I think Jack was a different case entirely. We the audience had already started to form a bond with him before he raped Kayla.. The rape was never presented an act of love after the fact like Luke and Laura, it was an act of violence, it was very brutal.. What was commonplace back then was the raping of the bad girls of the shows.. I always thought that was gross on so many levels, we will punish this bad girl by having this alpha male rape her to punish her for her misdeeds.. His phallus will teach her a lesson by dominating her and putting her in her place.. Marty from One Life To live and Natalie from All My children were both bad girls who changed their ways after being raped.. Both were also raped by men they had had a physical relationship with in the past..
  16. Also, Tony like all Dimeras became obsessed with Liz.. It seems all of the Dimeras become obsessed with somebody they used to be with romantically. Tony was believed to be the father Noelle, Liz's daughter with Neil Curtis.. I think he tried to take custody of her...
  17. The show does know how to dress women who are not size 2. Look at how they dress Mary Beth Evans who plays Kayla, she is often in unflattering clothes that make her look frumpy and she is still a beautiful woman.
  18. Thank you for saying that, there are a lot of us who feel like Joy, the only difference is that Joy is on television everyday to express herself. Not to mention, Joy lived through the turbulent 60's and has seen progress come out of that and to see that progress being undone has to be heartbreaking for Joy.. I also think she is thinking of her beloved grandson and the type of world he will inherit when she is no longer here.
  19. Exactly! Stefano was much better in the 80's, he became a joke in the 90's and his obsession with Marlena made him a wimp.. I miss the diversity of villains we used to have that had nothing to do with Stefano..
  20. To be fair to Sarah, as Joy and Ana both said on the show, the bar has been lowered for him and we have been conditioned to accept what was previously unacceptable.
  21. I predict Libby will be an only child.. I would be shock if she had another one.
  22. I remember and it pissed me off because it was all done to prop Doctor Tan... It was really obscene for the show to have done that story, it was such a low blow. I will never understand the show's apathy for Jack/Lucas and the actors who portray them..
  23. I agree with you. She lived a full life with her identical twin sister who passed away in 2008, they used to travel all over the world together, especially to Europe.. I believe she gave up driving after her twin died.. It is too bad she did not meet her great-granddaughter..
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