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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Give me a break, Black people are not that sensitive, they would not riot if Lani a Black woman was involved with another woman on a soap. As far as same sex relationships being frowned upon by the Black community, it is a complex issue and this is not the right forum to talk about and it would be considered off-topic by the mods.
  2. What a beautiful story! You can meet somebody anywhere and it can go bad. You take a leap of faith and hope it works out..
  3. I hate to seem like I am picking on Sunny but did she have a nose job, her nose looks thinner, it is starting to look very Michael Jacksonish. It bothers me when Black women in the media and Hollywood alter their noses to look more European and less African..
  4. For some bizarre reason the show loves to emasculate the good guys and it was not always like this. Roman, Bo, Shane were intelligent flawed men who meant well after all is said and done. Female friendships are strong but Lani does not want just friendship with Kristen, she acts like she wants her sexually... If the show was smart, they would have written it as a love story between the two women..
  5. I wish that I could like your post one thousand times...
  6. It is a damn shame how the show is emasculating Eli in the name of a POS like Kristen. Eli deserves better and we deserve a better writer than Ron.
  7. I came to post this, not only that I hate her makeup and hair. I wish she would lose that look, she is too pretty for that.. I think she would be stunning with minimal makeup and her natural hair...
  8. I would have preferred he framed Roman, the retcon of John not being Roman supplanted his original beef with Roman, it became all about John and his stupid million backstories.. People forget that Roman was determined to take down philanthropic "businessman" Stefano and expose him as a criminal to the world and it came at a price.. Roman lost the most out of all of Stefano's victims. Wayne Northrup who played original Roman left the show in part because he said with John around Roman became irrelevant and obsolete.. Years later we can say without a doubt that he was so right...
  9. Gabrielle was so forced and she never made any sense as Eve's mother and Shane's partner. Emma should have been Eve's mother, it made sense that she was pregnant when she was kidnapped by the dragon.
  10. It's a nickname it is not that serious, plenty of people are given nicknames by their love ones in their families, it is meant to be a term of endearment..
  11. I think that "Bonnie" is Adrienne... Ron is setting it up with everybody being cool and comfortable with "Bonnie".
  12. I don't think it is anything that deep, it is just Ron being contrived with his writing so it makes no sense. Claire adores her daddy and there is no way she would be friends with Jan but for the sake of the plot, they have to be in Ron's warped writing. It is just like when he had Sami have Ben reenact his strangulation of Will, in order to jolt him out of amnesia, never mind that is not how the brain works when it comes to traumatic events in somebody's life but this is par for the course when it comes to Ron, disturbing and nonsensical...
  13. I don't count Shayla because it made everybody involved in that story look bad and everybody was written out of character for that BS. Kayla would never have gone for Shane and lied by omission by keeping Shane from knowing that Jeannie/Theresa was his daughter. It creeped me out how she had Shane play daddy to Stefanie while he ignored baby Jeannie. Shane accepted Andrew as his son even when he believed he was Victor's son. He never would have rejected Kim's daughter even if she was Cal's. Why do soaps do this sort of thing, it just alienates the audience but I digress. Shane who loved Kim and knowing all of her issues would never have looked at Kayla. Plus, they had Kim a survivor of child sex abuse and incest in a relationship with Lawrence a rapist.. I also hated how everybody treated Kim like she was an idiot, Shane and Kayla were talking down to her in that era. Even Jack took potshots at her and it pissed me off since Jack raped Kayla. Kayla even called Kim a whore behind her back. So, I don't count Shane as a viable love interest for Kayla after Steve died.. The show could have written it as Kayla becoming very attached to Shane due to loneliness after Steve died. Shane acting as big brother could have been helping her out with Stefanie. They begin to develop a tight bond and rumor starts going around town that they are sleeping with each other. It even has the Brady family talking and one day Kim overhears her parents talking and Papa Sean is saying how wrong it is for Kayla to be spending so much time with Shane because of Kim. Kim confronts Kayla and Shane, both denying the accusations of an affair they assure her that they are just friends, not to mention they will always be family because of Kim. However Kim remains doubtful. On the anniversary of Steve's death, Kayla has a meltdown, Shane is there to comfort and perhaps they share a kiss. Shane lets her down easily and it just adds to her feelings of rejection and loneliness. For a while they avoid each other and Shane's rejection of her causes Kayla's dormant jealousy of Papa's Sean obvious favoritism of Kim to come to the surface causing a rift between the sisters. Kayla even speaks to her dad about how his constant praise of Kim caused her to feel unloved. All her life, she had to hear her dad praise Kim as "the best and the brightest", why did he not feel she was deserving of that type of praise as well. Eventually the sisters hatch it out and Kayla realizes that Papa Sean's favoritism damaged Kim in so many ways given that Kim felt that she had to be perfect for her parents causing her to hide her sexual abuse by her uncle Eric that caused permanent damage to Kim's psyche.. All of the Brady kids knew that their father's love was conditional and they all behaved accordingly. Roman became a mini Sean, Kim suppressed her feelings to her detriment, Kayla became the peacemaker avoiding conflict and Bo rebelled against the status quo by challenging Sean at every opportunity causing a rift between them. It is not that hard to write a story without destroying the characters integrity for a story. If I am not a writer and I could come up with a story , why can't the writers put some thought into writing a story..
  14. Add in Ben playing psychological games with him pushing him to struggle with his dark side. Eventually Ben will switch places with him and all hell breaks loose.. Ben who has nothing to lose will rain down so much destruction on Salem...
  15. I always thought that Aiden/Kayla sparkled more than Aiden/Hope. That brief scene between Aiden and Kayla at the Horton square before Wilson's wedding intrigued me and I wanted more of them. The show has never had any interest in Kayla outside her relationship with Steve.. I will always bitch about Kayla not having had a relationship when Steve was dead. She was celibate for 16 years, come on now! Whereas Steve in his amnesiac state loved that dreadful Ava and had a child with her..
  16. True but Ron just squanders the rich history of Days for stupid plot-driven stories. What he did to Anjelica was maddening, he reduced a complex villainess into a joke for his doppelganger story.. I would take Anjelica over Kristen any day and twice on Sundays, especially if Jane Elliot was coaxed out of retirement to reprise the role..
  17. I love your post and you should write for the show. Ben's twin coming to town, being his polar opposite but feeling drawn to his twin could have been a good story.
  18. He uses characters from the past and just trashes them, look at what he did to Vivian, Anjelica, Diana. He is a hack.
  19. This is why I cannot stand characters like Kristen, the serial killer with abs and Ava. They can do heinous things and face no consequences.. In fact, they are rewarded by getting everything they always wanted..
  20. Don't forget whip cream and strawberries used to be a Roman and Marlena thing that became Jarlena's..
  21. Patch was never a nickname, it always pained Steve to be called that but he always acted like he did not give a damn but he did. Steve has always been insecure about having one eye, he thought it made him ugly and unworthy of love. Kayla and those close to him know that nickname is hurtful and they would never call him that. When Bonnie called him Patch when she was pretending to be Adrienne, it was a clue to him that something was amiss.. Steve called Kayla "sweetness" because he found it remarkable that Kayla was genuinely a nice and loveable person and he was not used to that. He came from a world that people were nice with ulterior motives. He also found out that Kayla's sweetness belies a toughness in her that he liked.. I forget why Bo called Hope "fancy face" but it was something special between them. Their nickname does not have to make sense to you but it meant something to them. Roman called Marlena "doc" because he had never met a woman doctor before her, he came from a world where the man worked and the woman stayed home to take of the house and the kids. Marlena was liberal independent worldly beautiful sophisticated educated with a career of her own. She was different from the working class women he knew and grew up with.. She fascinated him and frustrated him because she was not taking the threats against her life seriously. Roman came into her life to protect her. She was used to be being fiercely independent and taking care of her patients. Marlena and Roman challenged each other in a good way. Roman was a very conservative Catholic Irishman with a different worldview about the role of women in society and in the home. Roman and Marlena worked because their differences made them compelling as a couple, they fell in love and were able to make it work. Roman and Marlena were a supercouple in their own right with legions of fans and that carried over to Rojohn/Marlena and even John/Marlena.
  22. John/Ava made my stomach turn, Ava is such a nasty character, I despised her on sight and it pisses me off that she has never paid for her misdeeds that killed Papa Sean..
  23. I admit that I have not been watching the show due to that horrid Ava, I feel no sympathy for Jennifer whatsoever. How many times have we Jack fans been subjected to watching Jack have to compete with another guy for Jennifer's affections.. I have not forgotten what she did to him over the Tan man. The many ways she flaunted Peter in Jack's face, encouraging that insipid Hawk, kissing Austin, the list goes on and on, bitch please save your tears.. I will never buy that Jack slept with Kate while Jennifer is in a coma, as always Ron has to make up stuff for unnecessary melodrama that will go nowhere and will have been forgotten in six months. So, what was the damn point in the first place? I am team Kate on this and whatever venom that she launched at Jennifer was richly deserved. I am just tired of seeing Jack being debased humiliated tarred and feathered for Jennifer Rose Horton, enough already. A grown man groveling is not a good look, he did this throughout the Peter era.. Why can't Jack fans ever get a writer who gets him and writes accordingly.. We just can't have nice things..
  24. I would like to add Starr Jones in that category of women while she was a staunch liberal she used to say that as a wife, she would submit to her husband.. So she was inclined to adhere to traditional male/female roles in her marriage that you would expect a conservative woman to say.. Whoopie is also a liberal who does not want to pay a lot of taxes.. The women back in the day had complex views about things and it was not always staunch right versus staunch left..
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