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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I remember Lisa Rinna the original Billie replaced her on Melrose Place.
  2. Women often get drag worst than men on the internet and if you are a woman of color, it is even worst. In her case, she already has a history of controversy, so her latest snafu just added fuel to the fire..
  3. FoxNews poll has said that Kamala won and we all know that FoxNews is far from being a liberal network.
  4. Real Roman asked Marlena, how could she sleep with an impostor and not know the difference.. So much could have been done with the Roman/Marlena/John triangle it could have driven stories for years for the principals, instead the show wrote out Roman and put John with Kristen. I don't care for Trip but he is getting a raw deal and his horrid mother is going to come back...
  5. Since you are going there, one can say Rojohn and Marlena was objectionable due to the fact that she slept with him believing him to be Roman. I know Drake's Roman was retcon in 1991 and before that he was indeed Roman, but it is a slippery slope if you look at it too long..
  6. Hunter Tylo has always come off nuts, entitled and self-important.. She was also part of an extreme Christian sect, people like that scares me, using your religion to justify your bigotry... I will never understand that mindset...
  7. So Allie might get assaulted again, I think that I may have to take a break from this show.. This is just too much.. Ron needs to talk to a professional about his obsession with rape..
  8. Exactly! I do think a story about the issue of consent regarding sex under the influence of drugs and alcohol is something worth exploring that can be thought-provoking and illuminating but Ron is the wrong writer to do that type of story..
  9. I also loved the growing bond between Marcus and Jack... So much could have been done with Marcus..
  10. Wendy, please don't discuss politics, we already have enough misinformation and disinformation out there, do not add to it. Furthermore, Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the house, she is not in the senate. So please stick to your usual buffoonery and I feel bad for Norman, he has to do the heavy lifting for Wendy in addition to his job..
  11. Whoopie was on point when she said that the people who don't want to wear a mask that if you get the Coronavirus, you will not be treated like the President of the United States..
  12. Kate was more grounded and complex. I remember a scene when Sami was in a coma, she was so happy, wanting Sami to die and she overheard Lucas pouring his heart out, telling her how much she meant to him begging Sami to live and seeing her son's heartbreak moved Kate to tears, she was sobbing at the end of Lucas soliloquy.. We have not seen that Kate in years... Lauren was so good in those scenes.....
  13. Exactly! they are not disposable, they are human beings who have decided to dedicate their lives to protect the President, looking out for them is the least he can do in return.
  14. So that makes it okay, these people have families and you don't know if they may have relatives who have pre-existing conditions. You have to be considerate of other people and not just yourself.. Also, this is a hospital, people are being treated for all types of diseases and the last thing they needed was a ruckus parade outside of the hospital..
  15. Vincent is hot, can we keep him? I felt so bad for him today and he is the villain. I am supposed to root against him and not for him. I don't give a damn about Ciara's predicament, if her death brings Ben pain, so be it and I say this as a Bo/Hope fan.. I should feel bad for Hope after all she has been through but I just don't. It is harsh to say but Ron's writing has brought me to this point. Is it true that the actor who plays Vincent is in his 50's? inquiring minds want to know... Team Melinda over here, get your pound of flesh from Kristen.. That bitch deserves nothing but pain... The Trip/Allie nonsense is so offensive and ill-advised, why Ron? why? Mary Beth Evans was luminous today as Kayla, beautiful hair and make-up...
  16. Ana was on point during the first block of the show. I have missed her fire her passion and intelligence. Her derision of that ill-advised parade around the hospital gave me life..
  17. Nothing wrong with that, it takes a village to raise a child. It is always blessing to have a support system when you are raising children. Just because Sami asked Lucas and Rafe to help with the kids when they were giving her problems does not mean she was a bad mother, quite the opposite actually. Lucas is Allie's dad and even though I hate Rafe, he did love Sami's kids. Being a parent does not mean you always have the right answers hence the support system..
  18. Thank you for the information, the only thing that I remember about the story was Lucas walking in on Ejamie after they had done the deed, poor Lucas! I will never understand why the show dislikes him so much..
  19. You can write around EJ and make it compelling, seeing how the fallout would affect Allie, her twin Johnny who was a child of rape and Sydney who is EJ's daughter and perhaps Sami has a lot of unresolved guilt concerning Sydney's kidnapping and being away from her for 1 year. I could see Sami still feeling guilty over not being able recognize her own baby. Did Ejamie ever discuss the rape? I do remember them using Sami's rape of Austin to handwave Sami's rape by EJ. I don't even know what to say about that twisted logic to defend the indefensible.
  20. I love your ideas, how would you incorporate Johnny and Sydney, EJ is their father. What about Will and his own complicated past with EJ? He did try to kill him.. What about Lucas? There could be so many layers to this story, if only you were writing and not Ron..
  21. Were they not encouraging herd immunity, encouraging people to get themselves infected on purpose to what end.. Even if you do survive corona, it leaves a parting gift. Why take that chance? The secret service agents have been suffering for months and many have been relieved of their duties and being replaced with other agents. It is always the innocents that pay for the actions of the guilty.
  22. This came to me when reading over the spoilers, what if Allie's real rapist is the father of her child and he now seeks custody of little Henry. I saw an episode of Law&Order SVU where a lady got raped, she decided to have her baby and her rapist sought custody of that child. In real life, a woman got raped, got pregnant had her baby and when her rapist got out prison sued her for visitation rights and got it. Ron is sick enough to do something like this.. In his ignorance, he erroneously believes that controversial stories mean he is being edgy and innovative..
  23. I think Tripp is a red herring, there will be lots of fights and misunderstandings. Ultimately, it will be revealed that Tripp and Allie did have consensual sex and Allie got raped by another guy that was at the party.. I felt icky writing this, why does Ron have to write these type of stories.. The baby will be Tripp's.
  24. Nene was on Tamron Hall's show crying, she is a bad actress. I could see why her career in Hollywood was short-lived..
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