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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. This talk about the lack of enthusiasm for Biden bothers me because it does not seem to match what I am seeing on the ground. I think people have had it and want a change. The media treat our elections like it is a sporting event, whipping both sides into a frenzy, it is a sobering process that will determine our future. I am usually a fan of Martha but she is not getting this right.. People like Martha are only obsessed with Trump voters so it is par for the course..
  2. Sage in French means wise, sensible good and well-behaved..
  3. John may have hurt her but she chose to be evil, her machinations against Marlena almost caused little Belle to die when she poisoned Marlena's chocolates. Children at that age are all about putting stuff in their mouths and Belle almost ate one of the poisoned chocolates. John owed her no apology after everything she did against him and Marlena. Kristen's comeback in 2012 was all revisionist history to make her a victim of Jarlena, disgusting! Eileen is a very campy actress, Kristen screaming at the statue of baby Jesus was embarrassing as a longtime soap viewer.
  4. That hottie from CNN Brad Sanchez that she was fawning over this morning would never go for her, dream on Wendy!
  5. The sad thing is that soap actors are really good and their discipline is unmatched. The fact that they are able to memorize 60 pages of dialogue everyday, 5 days a week is amazing. I remember Susan Lucci who played Erica Kane on All my children collapsed on set once during a grueling storyline that lasted for 6 months. She had been on set taping 6 days a week, having to learn 60 pages of dialogue a day.. It was mentally physically and emotionally exhausting for her. So, soaps may not get the respect that they deserve from Hollywood but they are the hardest working actors and are beloved by their fans..
  6. Based on his interview tonight, it is obvious that Mueller for whatever reason did not do his job and did not allow others to do the same.. It is so disappointing!
  7. Wendy was on Andy Cohen's show and trashed her "friend" Nene. Wendy is truly a horrible person and I have tried to be sympathetic to her plight but she is truly a snake in the grass. She looks horrible this season, did she have plastic surgery?
  8. So true! but Whoopie invoking her mother not making much money being hounded by the IRS was powerful, she was coherent and passionate. It was Whoopie at her best and her "how dare you sir" was a perfect segue to a commercial break, Brava!
  9. Nene is fighting with Wendy and Andy.. To be fair, they started it, Wendy was on Andy's show and she threw shade on Nene calling her boring with Andy laughing. Well Nene responded with a tweeter tirade against them. She called Andy a racist and Wendy a cokehead. Kandi was right, at the reunion, she said that the Nene/Wendy friendship was not real and convenient for both of them. Nene should have known that Wendy is a snake, always has been and always will be..
  10. Just kill off EJ for good, that rapist and Rafe were the worst things to have happened to Sami. Reveal that Johnny is Lucas' son and that Kate had switched the results years ago to mess with Sami. Since her lie has been going on for years, it was too risky for her to come out with the truth, fearing that Lucas would really disown her for good. Sydney could stay EJ's..
  11. Lucas Adams should have been cast as either Joey Kiriakis or Joey Johnson. Ron ruined Diana and Anjelica.. I really despise him for ruining them for stupid storylines.. Diana did not need to come back and Anjelica could have been used to introduce Alexander Neil Kiriakis, Justin's first son.. The show back then was better because they had great writers, look at how they wove Stayla's ability with sign language into their new story with Benji. It goes to show you that the deaf storyline that was not planned still reverberated..
  12. The show does not care about JJ, he is a male Horton. Ron even said that JJ is going to be in a filler story, he is not important enough to drive his own stories.
  13. Canaryfan98, thank you for this clip. I loved seeing Stayla and their first meeting with Benji, it brought back so many memories. Benji should never have been killed off and Stayla should have raised him as their own. Roman and Diana, I loved them so, they were such a fun couple who enjoyed each other, I loved their humor and they were a wonderful respite from the drama filled Roman/Marlena.. I am intrigued to know what was up with Roman's memory, what was going to be the original story had they not retcon Drake's roman. Drake's Roman was such a hottie, It was cool seeing Lexie as a cop before she was brought back as a doctor.
  14. Jack was anti-Marina and was trying to get goods on her to defend and protect Stayla. There is a scene in the hospital between Jack and Marina, my goodness! the heat..
  15. I agree, I see what you mean.. I just wish Ron had not given Allie a baby.
  16. I think Sami and Lucas would raise this baby, if they had to do so, he is their grandson. Sami's reaction upon seeing Henry for the first time said it all. I don't see Sami and Lucas given their history would want strangers to raise Henry.. The same for Kate, it never made any sense to me that Kate and Victor were fine with Philip giving up his son, but I digress. As for Allie, she may not want this child for now, things could change, she did feel a maternal pull towards him. So you never know.. I think part of the reason Sami is fighting for Allie to raise her baby is because she is afraid that Allie would regret making the choice to give him up forever. If she did regret, it would be devastating on so many levels. Sami is her mom and mothers know their children better than they know themselves..
  17. The media likes to speak things into existence and run with it. We are still a nation of laws and not of men..
  18. I get your point but why put the child up for adoption when he has so many people in his family with means who want to love him and raise him. Lucas and Kate would raise him without reservation. I wish that Allie had left Henry with Lucas and Kate.
  19. They are awesome and I may not have cared JER's writing for the show but he always knew that Lumi was meant to be...
  20. I gave Hunter Tylo the side eye because when she got with her husband, he was married and so was she.. Then she became a fundamentalist, how are you a fundamentalist and you act on a soap. The cognitive dissonance is something else.. I could envision a scenario where Jack in his self-hatred mode having a tryst with Marina while pushing Jennifer away.. Marina could decide that Steve is no longer the man for her and make a go at it with Jack. I could see Carly and Jennifer teaming up to get the goods on Marina.. Also the dynamic between Marina and Isabella needed to be explored more... Marina could have been so much more but the show screwed it up.. I could see Marina messing with Bo and Hope as well, in addition to Steve and Kayla..
  21. It made sense that Blair was an apologist for Todd since she was an outsider like him, she owed nobody in LLanview her loyalty. Whereas, Ciara witnessed what Ben did to her family and her nastiness towards anybody who told the truth about her beloved serial killer just pissed me off. It was a disgrace what the show did to Chase and Aiden. Dena was another hack with an agenda..
  22. Yup and Ron likes to repeat stories from One Life to Live on other shows that he writes for. I was riveted with the Marty storyline but hated how it elevated Todd's status on the show.. Rapists and serial killers should never be heroes.. Jack's redemption is an exception because Jack has never forgiven himself for raping Kayla and is still haunted by it till this day..
  23. Judy is just too awesome for words. Whether she is playing Paulina on Another world, Beth on Guiding Light or Adrienne/Bonnie, she gives it her all.. Judy is one of the best criers snot nose and all. I hope it is revealed that Bonnie is really a brainwashed Adrienne... I will never back Justin/Bonnie an insult to the Justin/Adrienne fans in my humble opinion.. Ron is a hack so...
  24. To be fair, the show has money so nobody has a home or if they do, it is tiny...
  25. I have been crying since yesterday and it just reinforces what we Black people have always known: our lives don't matter.. That attorney general in Kentucky disgusts me even more, how can you say that Breonna's murder was justified.. In his announcement, he felt the need to say that he is a Black man somehow that would soften the blow. You may be skinfolk but you are not kinfolk..
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