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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Same here, I was scared that Hope was going to leave with Rafe.. Hell no! Kristian is Hope. I always hated the Bo recast..It is an unpopular opinion but he was never Bo to me.. I was over the moon when Peter came back and the fact that Kristian campaigned for him to come back given their acrimonious history in real life was icing on the cake..
  2. Ruth held on for us as long as she could, we will mourn this great woman and now it is up to us to continue her fight for equality.. May she rest in power!
  3. This woman knew damn well that Joy did not do Blackface and she came to provoke a reaction and she got it.. I feel no sympathy for her. Could the ladies have done better, of course, people are human and sometimes you do take the bait and give provocateurs like that sellout clout. She did not come on the show to have an exchange of ideas with the ladies. Why didn't she attack Sunny, of course not, accusing Sunny a Black woman of being a racist would not have gotten her the attention that she wanted and positioning herself as the victim of the intolerant left.
  4. I agree with you about her wardrobe but I like Gabi because the Hortons hate her.. Now they have a serial killer in their ranks so they can all shut the hell up, yes, I am looking at especially you Julie. You can no longer throw Nick in Gabi's face while playing nice with the man that killed Will..
  5. I can't wait to see Chelsea. She is everything Nutmeg wishes she could be.. Desus and Mero should be fun. The last time they were on the show, I remember Nutmeg was practically begging to be on their show because AOC was on there. Nutmeg wants to be down with the cool crowd.. Nutmeg will try to filet Mark Kelly and will fail as always.. Chris Rock needs to explain his nonsensical statements but I am sure Sunny will be on it..
  6. I have my issues with Kanye but I cannot help but feel sorry for him.. He is so broken and it just breaks my heart for him and his 4 children who must be so confused with everything that is going on. 2020 has been such a tough year for all of us and it has to be even worst for a person who has mental illness. I wish him well..
  7. It's not about the women feeling good and dressing sexy because they like it. They are supposed to do it to attract men since women exist solely to please men.
  8. She will probably have nannies to help her with the baby. Plus, she is very insecure about her body, people who don't like her are always making fun of her weight and calling her Ms. piggie and worst. I am pretty sure she has gotten bigger and does not want to be seen..
  9. I love Jennifer when paired with Jack, those two was magical back in the day. I have not liked her since the Daniel debacle. Talk about character assassination, my goodness! The women on this show are always used to prop up the men. As far as Melissa's politics she is entitled to her opinions. I don't have to live with her or interact with her, it is what it is, live and let live. Being Black, I can understand why Lamont and Sal were annoyed with her. It is very hurtful to know that as a Black person that your life has no value and anyone of us could be the next George or Breonna. The one thing that really bothered me about her was when she threw shade at the Jack/Jennifer fans when she was pimping Dannifer.. She mocked us and I did not appreciate that at all.. She should have taken a page out of Peter Reckell's book who never shaded any of the fanbases for Bo's pairings or Allison Sweeney who never alienated the different fanbases for the pairings that Sami was in over the years. I know that the fans can be demanding and overzealous at times, it comes with the job and you should always keep it professional.
  10. She has no platform, she is an agent of chaos as General Days said wonderfully above..
  11. In that picture, Joy looked like a mixed race woman, Joy has naturally curly hair that she was mercilessly teased for at school as a kid, so she decided to wear darker makeup and wear her hair natural for Halloween.. She looked beautiful, I am Black and it was far from the Blackface that Whoopie's ex wore at the friars club.. That was Blackface and offensive..
  12. Did she attack Sunny? She could not attack Sunny the way that she planned on attacking Joy..
  13. People like Kim don't believe that White privilege exists and that it is a talking point by the Democratic party to keep Black people beholden to them. Kim could kick rocks.. She seems to be just as insufferable as Candace Owens and Stacey Dash..
  14. The fact that she brought up "Blackface" lets me know all that I needed to know. Joy never did Blackface, that is her team's talking point. Joy showed that picture years ago and it was taken in the 60's. That picture was not offensive at all.
  15. They would do that regardless. Kim is not trying to uplift the Black community by offering a conservative perspective it is all about elevating herself. Being a right wing Black conservative is much more lucrative than being a Black Democrat. She is a unicorn who will do her team's bidding for a check..
  16. What happened? was Kim in the same vein as Candace Owens, if she is then, oh well..
  17. I must be alone in this but I never understood why Lucas had to be a Horton, they never did anything with it.. Lucas never had any substantial stories with Mike, Bill, Hope, Jennifer, Mickey, Melissa, Tom, Alice.. What was the reason for even making him a Horton..
  18. I think that Nene will be back in the future. I do need a break from her. Ken may believe that she will have free reign on the show but I am pretty sure the other ladies will remind her that she is the not the queen that she believes that she is... Cynthia is her lapdog so she does not count. Ken likes to start trouble and she will pick somebody that she views to be weak to be her target. She did that with Porsha and we all know how that went down: Ken got dragged by the hair literally on the floor at the reunion...
  19. I think it is healthy mentally for them to do this with everything going on surrounding Covid19 and the fires in California where the ladies live.. I am on the east coast and the smoke from the west has affected our weather, the sun has been blocked for 2 days so we are cloudy..
  20. Megan is the type of woman that takes on the identity of her man. If her husband had been an ultra liberal , she would be one too. She has no core beliefs and is just an unhappy woman.
  21. Megan is a repulsive ignoramus. I could not believe my ears today, I know that I should not be surprised but it really irritated me that she called the CDC and the doctors liars. Does she not realize that they did not know anything about the Corona virus and were learning along the way,. It is just typical of Megan and her team to seize upon a perceived mistake to diminish your message. They are used to being contrarian and combative to anything they have declared to be left-wing that they have politicized an illness that does not care who you vote for on election day. When is Nutmeg's maternity leave, because it cannot come fast enough for me..
  22. She looks so much like Kim, she has the altered behind and she poses like Kim in pictures too.. That is so weird...
  23. Did Megan do something to her lips or is the lipstick that is making her lips look so plump? I hope she did not do any plastic surgery, she is too young for that..
  24. Whoopie checked out years ago even when Baba Wawa was there. I used to enjoy their weird dynamic, Barbara used to always let Whoopie know that she was the alpha female and she had to watch out...lol
  25. Perhaps, Kamala changed the pronunciation if her name because she is in the states. I have a French name, first and last name and people butcher it all the time, so I let anglophones say my name in the way that it is easier for them.. You get tired of constantly correcting people,,lol It is what it is..
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