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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I would love for Shane to come to town and rip everybody a new one for supporting the man that killed his granddaughter. Shane and Hope were really close in addition to being in-laws, what a betrayal... Ron would never write that because that would remind the audience that his favorite serial killer with the muscles is actually a monster..
  2. A damn shame because Lucas is beloved.. Lucas was thrown under the bus for both EJ and Rafe...
  3. The possession storyline forever altered the show and it became about the latest gimmick to get high ratings to the detriment of the show's quality.
  4. If Marlena can be nice and respectful to Kristen, Ben and Nicole who have all tried to kill her at some point, she can treat her firstborn daughter Sami with some type of decency..
  5. I may be alone on this but I want Ciara to experience for a brief second the terror that Ben's victims felt before they died. It takes a long time to kill somebody by strangulation. We all know that Ciara will not die but perhaps it will give her pause the next time somebody brings up her boo's murderous past.
  6. The Philip/Melanie romance is why Jay left the show. He absolutely hated the pairing.
  7. There is nothing wrong with being rugged though, it can be sexy.. I know some on here have called Philip smarmy but I think he looks fine.
  8. Megan's peeps are not too happy with Dolly over her recent statements...lol
  9. After Jay came back to the role a few years ago, he would incorporate a limp but the producers told him they would not acknowledge Philip's handicap that occurred during another recast's storyline.. Jay is the only Philip for me and the awful recasts added nothing to the role..
  10. Perhaps she will go with Jean in French, Joao in Portuguese or Giovanni in Italian all are John.. Is there a Gaelic equivalent for John? She could give the baby that name to honor her Irish heritage. I do believe that she also has Scottish heritage, maybe she will surprise us and give him or her a Scottish name..
  11. I am just so happy that Philip is back. Kate and Victor's only son should be a force to be reckon with.. I am just continually amazed on how the show continues to shit on their legacy characters like Philip and all of the others..
  12. I am one of the few Marlena fans on here and for the first time I saw what the Sami fans have been saying for years, she has no feelings whatsoever for Sami.. She sees her as an obligation, someone to tolerate because it is expected of her..
  13. She is drawn to Justin and it reminds me of when Hope as an amnesiac calling herself Gina was drawn to a picture of Bo..
  14. Like Lucy on General hospital and her inability to have natural children gave her depth in my opinion.. How about a woman choosing to not have children because she does not want them.
  15. I loved the show today even Bonnie and Justin even though I think she is really a brainwashed Adrienne. Ron better resurrect Adrienne who still has stories left to tell in my opinion. I just cannot stand Nicole and her doofus husband Eric. Nicole has no self-awareness, of course Sami does not want you near her grandson. Have you forgotten that you stole her daughter Sydney and switched her with another baby girl. As a mother, she missed time with her kid that you stole from her that she could never get back. She had the gall to call Sami a selfish bitch in front of her siblings, wow just wow.. Eric the doofus is just as maddening as his wife. If Eric had any sense he would realize how wrong it is for Nicole to go anywhere near Sami's children and grandchildren. They could play a role as aunt and uncle in the baby's life without adopting him.. In life you have to know when to pick your battles, fighting with Sami over custody over her own grandson is just plain stupid... I absolutely loved the Marlena/Kate scenes and the Lumi scenes. Lucas just gets her and knows how to get Sami to listen to another point of view. I was not upset with him going after Sami, he was very angry over the Allie situation. It has to hurt Lucas knowing that Allie did not even want him to have the baby. The best part of the show was the fact that the serial killer was not on today...
  16. Nicole also tried to infect Chloe with a flesh eating bacteria in order to get Brady away from her. That is just sick and sociopathic, not only did she want to kill Chloe but she wanted her to suffer an agonizing death. Nicole would have been a perfect candidate for a story on the show about a female serial killer. Female serial killers are rare but they do exist..
  17. To answer your question, it would be off-topic and would violate the rules of posting on this board.. I suggest you go to the behind the scenes board on days to get the tea when some posters spoke about it..
  18. I agree 100%.. Dena the hack, hated Hope/Aiden and trashed them for no reason. Kristian was not happy with the story..
  19. Don't put that out there in the universe. Hope and Rafe are just gross in every way.. To go from Bo Brady to Rafe, how the mighty has fallen..
  20. No thanks! Jed is nuts, wow! she was able to keep the craziness under control on the view.. I saw a clip of her on another show spouting her talking points with crazy eyes, yikes! I doubt Megan will have another one.. I would be really surprise if she were to have number 2. I like Sarah, she is sweet and gets along to get along but I am just nonplussed about her return. I too would have preferred Ana or Tara over her but the princess of Arizona has to be catered to at all times. What a snowflake!
  21. It is funny you say that, I am from the Caribbean where women wrap their hair with beautiful colorful scarves and headdresses and my grandmother told me back when she was a young lady that women who liked other women would wrap their hair a certain way to signal to each other their intentions.
  22. You have to remember that the characters are no longer dressed by a wardrobe person, since they no longer have a big budget for clothes, the actors get to decide how they will dress. So Marlena no longer dresses they way she used to, she now reflects Deidre. In the past, Deidre has always said that Marlena had the best taste in clothes while she sucks regarding clothes in real life... I do miss the characters dressing how they used to be. For example: Kate used to be so elegant and sophisticated.
  23. It never made any sense since Jack and Jennifer always spoke about their respective families when they were together. Jack must have seen pictures of her mother at some point. It was just a plot point by JER to sully Jack in my opinion.. JER never got any of the characters that were not his favorites. The same can be said for Kayla. Mary Beth Evans is the second Kayla but the original was just as good but not memorable since she did not stay very long in the role. Kayla seemed more of a filler character until Mary Beth Evans was cast..
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