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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I understand your point given Sami's history. It is just tiresome that everybody in Salem is telling Sami how awful she is.. How many times have we had this over the years. I wish Ron would just move on already.. There are lots of reason to dislike Sami but Sami not wanting the woman who kidnapped her daughter to have custody of her grandson is not unreasonable, in my opinion. Sami being Sami is her worst enemy as usual..
  2. True, remember when Megan called Joy a bitch on the show and when they came back from a commercial break, Joy was actually defending Megan and told us the viewers to not be snowflakes... I was so livid but it was obvious that Joy was told to do that by the producers. Joy should have just stayed quiet and let the others pretend that they love each other like family..
  3. True, they probably did not want Megan to bring up Jane's past controversial statements during Vietnam. We all know Nutmeg's team still hates her for that and the other odious Megan brought that up in an attempt to shame Jane..
  4. Sarah is wrong for the show but the view was never meant to be about women fighting. It was meant to be about women of different ages and life experiences, coming together to have a cup of coffee while chatting about various topics and that includes politics. It was not about right versus left, somewhere along the way it became that way..
  5. That is true but when you believe that you are the smartest person to have ever walked the earth, your pride will be your own undoing.
  6. For that to work, Adrienne would need to be alive.. I am more interested in seeing the Johnson siblings interact with each other, their children and playing supporting roles in their stories. Ron needs to have Bonnie be revealed to be a brainwashed Adrienne and go from there. Perhaps Justin starts to become suspicious and goes to Jennifer with his crazy idea. Jack and Jennifer go on an expedition to find out more about Bonnie and find trouble along the way...Justin begins to spend more time with "Bonnie" and finds out from her that she has been having memory problems.. She takes an interest in his kids, saying things that only Adrienne being their mom would know but she thinks it has to do with the time that she was masquerading as Adrienne.. Bonnie slowly begins to realize that she might be Adrienne after all.. This could last for weeks maybe even months..
  7. It may be tiresome but it says a lot that everybody who has worked there writes a book and/or secretly records people.. Has that ever happened before?
  8. She had nothing to add when Whoopie was talking about a series that she is enjoying on netflix, Whoopie was trying to talk about something that was not political and she just looked so annoyed. Her maternity leave cannot come fast enough for me. Can somebody explain to me what was up with that weird vibe between Nutmeg and Whoopie. I have noticed a change in their dynamic, Whoopie no longer fawns over her like before..
  9. Whoopie, Joy and Sunny are far from far left... In Europe and Canada, they would be considered moderates.. Sara is wishy washy and today was a perfect example of that,, All 4 ladies were in agreement that he said those remarks about the veterans but Sara had to attack the anonymous sources and called their integrity into question. I am just not feeling Sarah, she actually annoyed me more than Megan..
  10. I have always felt that Kristen's fixation on Brady was a continuation of her obsession with John and what could have been. She could not have him so she settled for his son. She could not give John a child so she gave him a grandchild via Brady. Never forget the Marlena factor. Brady has issues too that stems from his addictive personality, just look at his track record with women.. Something is not right with him, a skillful writer could have used that to give him a character-driven story that is about why Brady makes poor choices in women and how can he evolve, to do better..
  11. Exactly! ratings over decency..Ladies do better...
  12. She was and she took horrible pictures. Tyra favored her over other girls who were much better models.. Just because you are a pretty girl like Sal does not mean you are a model.. They were engaged to be married and she was going to be the stepmother of Belle and Brady. Brady asked John if she was going to be his new mommy, Marlena had been kidnapped by Stefano and the kids were missing her..
  13. Whoopie was incoherent as always but I was shocked on how she botched Chadwick's remembrance, she is usually on point with those. Chadwick has always promoted his projects on the view and he deserved better. I still can't believe he is gone, he had so much more stories to tell via T'Challa and other characters in the future. He also aspired to direct and write, what a loss. I cried like he was a family member that is how I was rocked by the news. 2020 just sucks on so many levels.. Sarah is just so wishy washy and I do like her but she is not right for this show. Nutmeg loathes her for some bizarre reason. Nutmeg is Nutmeg, so there is no need for me to reiterate what you guys have said so eloquently about her. Not enough Sunny. I was happy to see Joy today. Anna better be on the show on Friday. I refused to watch Sarah Huckabee Sanders so I changed the channel.. I bet she was still defending her old boss..
  14. Chadwick did not look his age at the time, good black don't crack. I remember him being on All My Children, he was really good. Actually Chadwick paid dearly for taking a stand for his beliefs, not only did he get fired, his savings eventually dried up and for a while he lived off of oatmeal and water. He actually thought about quitting acting until a friend invited him to come to LA and the rest is history..
  15. Social media with the loudest cruelest voices does not represent the majority of viewers of the show. A few years ago when Guy Wilson was playing Will and the vitriol against this young man and his family was just vile unfair and demoralizing. The suits on the show believed that everybody wanted Will dead and they killed him off to satisfy their blood lust and they were not ready for the backlash that came with it.. It was so bad the actors were told not to comment on Will's death. Just because Cin is popular online does not mean they are popular with everybody..
  16. How the hell does Nicole get custody of a child she has no biological ties to, the story is so absurd on every level. Sami and Lucas should have gotten custody of their grandson, period. Ron is such a stupid hack... I have no desire to watch this stupid story unfold.. Why couldn't Sami and Allie mend their fences as Sami helps her daughter cope with motherhood. It is a very stressful time in a new mother's life..
  17. Vincent is so intriguing because his motives for hurting Ben are understandable even if you don't agree with his methods. I just don't give a damn about Ciara and I loved her parents back in the day, oh well! it is what it is..
  18. There are so many books to read, it makes my head spin in addition to my usual authors.. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, no thanks! I suspect Joy and Whoopie will be tough with her, Sunny will bring up the facts like a lawyer while grilling her and pushing back on her claims, Megan will be effusive because she is a member of her team and Sarah will try to mediate ...
  19. She also engineered a plane crash to stop Steve from leaving her causing the deaths of 5 innocent people one of whom was Sean Brady the beloved patriarch of the Brady family. She also had an affair with RoboJohn when he was once again brainwashed by Stefano. She also kidnapped Joey as a baby and she kidnapped Hope believing she and Steve were lovers. She is an evil campy bitch, just the way Ron likes his women.
  20. This is why I never felt sorry for her when a certain person attacked her family, she directs her anger at the wrong person. Megan is just an asshole, full stop. If you go against her team in any way, she will go after you...
  21. I doubt that will ever happen, They are with him no matter what. Nothing should surprise me at this point, but it was still horrifying to hear nevertheless..
  22. Same here, I am down with a Vincent/Ciara romance with the right writer they can be compelling but we have Ron, so you guys know the deal..
  23. Ava coming back is a dealbreaker for me. I may take a break from the show. There is something wrong with the killer of the patriarch of the Brady family being alive. I find it offensive that Ava and Steve share a child and will now share a grandchild if our speculation that Trip is indeed the father of Allie's baby. Ron loves psycho women and prioritizes them over women like Kayla. Kristen got a baby over Sara. Ron is a hack.
  24. He is just a disgusting human being who was obsessed with Megan Markle and added to the toxic harassment that plagued her throughout her time in the Royal family. So he and Megan being simpatico on tweeter is not surprising to me but they would clash when it comes to Nutmeg's guns since he is not a fan..
  25. Yup, it tied perfectly with Harper Devereaux killing women he believed to be whores and prostitutes. He almost killed Eve and Kim.. The show never referenced Eve's attempted murder by a serial killer when Paige was murdered by a serial killer.
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