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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Ana is more in line with Norheastern Republicans back in the day who were fiscally conservative small government and socially liberal. Plus, Ana is from Nicaragua that was devastated by far left ideology, so it explains why she became a Republican..
  2. A lie is a lie and these lies have been corrosive to our country and we are seeing the consequences of this via the pandemic.. Same here and I hope her loving her baby will keep her gone for good..
  3. Why is that a bad thing? Bo had a nickname for the people that he loved.. I think either he or Steve called Shane the governor because of his regal presence and his British aristocracy roots...
  4. I would like to add my voice to the chorus of saying shut up Lani! Eli is too beautiful to deal with her.. I refuse to watch the show because of Ava Vitalli. I have taken a lot as a viewer but she is too much for me as Stayla fan. I have been reading the board to keep me informed on the show.
  5. I remember Elizabeth Hasselback was cheering the backlash against Whoopie long before she got on the show.
  6. The right has cancelled rappers for their rhetoric in their rap songs against the police in the past costing them lucrative deals with companies.
  7. I believe that we will be under the yoke of Covid19 for a long time because we the American people do not have a common narrative based on facts and science. Half of the country believes that Covid19 is a hoax and the other half believes it does exist. How do we overcome this deficit?
  8. I don't care for Bill Maher for many reasons. He is a smug condescending ass..
  9. Laroyce Hawkins owned this episode, he was amazing from beginning to end. My favorite scene was when he was stopped by the police while driving and the main antagonist was the Black officer, it was a great touch to show that some Black cops will at times harass Black people as well, all skin folk is not kinfolk. I wish that Kevin had Black people around him to give him moral support because Upton showed with her ignorance, no matter how much she may sympathize with Kevin she will never understand what it is like to be Black in America. Kevin is alone and he needs some good loving. I still lament the show not making that Black woman from the season 6 episode "Black and Blue" a main character on the show and his love interest. She had great chemistry with Kevin and the cast. I always thought it was short-sighted of the show to give the ending that they gave her. She had potential to be a good police officer, especially with her backstory. I wish Kim would have given Kevin support in this episode, they were so close in season 1 and parts of season 2. I miss their friendship and their friendly rivalry to get into intelligence.. Kim was so comfortable around Kevin and his world..
  10. Ron is a hack and he has driven me away from the show. I barely watch the show in real time and I doubt that I ever will.. I do enjoy the commentary on here, the posts on here are more entertaining than the show itself..
  11. I actually thought Mark Valley who was cast as Jack after Matthew was fired would have been the perfect Mike Horton. I loved the actor and I loved his energy but he was so wrong as Jack...
  12. How is Lani the aggrieved party here? What a worthless character! she has gotten worst and worst.
  13. Exactly! she is that and more. Thank you Stacey! for saying that all politics are local, you have to let the candidates speak to their constituency in their jargon and nobody can prognosticate accurately how people will vote.
  14. They have been indoctrinated to believe that science is not real to their detriment and ours.. Joy is on fire today, I agreed with everything that she said..
  15. Her dad adopted his stepsons from his first marriage so they are her brothers..
  16. Everything is so contrived nonsensical and offensive. I just cannot stand this rape storyline.
  17. She is horrible and I don't understand why the show is so enamored of her.
  18. Has the media ever done the right thing? It is all about securing the bag...
  19. Exactly Sunny, Black votes matter! I hope everybody realizes this.. Like Joy said if there was voter fraud, why didn't the Democrats take the Senate. Republicans outperformed Democrats in the down ballot races..
  20. I always thought the Alexandra/Roger/Mindy triangle was one of the best in daytime , nobody was totally right or totally wrong and it was not meant to be a triangle where a couple would end up together. It was about betrayal and heartache. Beverly McKinsey was just phenomenal during that time as Alexandra. Alexandra can be a cold stone bitch one minute doing something heinous and then will break your heart the next. I doubt that I will ever see that type complexity in a character on a daytime soap..
  21. Same here, Chris was awesome and he just sizzled with Savannah, the show's best villainess in my opinion... I don't care for the new Jennifer, Melissa Reeves is Jennifer.. Recasting Jennifer at this point is like recasting Marlena or Hope..
  22. I teared up while she read that beautiful letter, I am tearing up as I am typing this post. The media was just trouncing Biden over his losses and then South Carolina spoke...
  23. I get tired of Joe lecturing Democrats about their philosophies, Joe you are not a Democrat so you should not even go there. The Democrats are not far-left, in fact, I would dare say that they are conservative Democrats.. As far as socialism goes, I wish people would take the time to look up the meaning of the word in a dictionary, sad!
  24. I agreed with Sunny and she held her ground. I liked her banter with Sara.. I also agreed with her that these mythical legions of Black male voters are not panning out as the right would like us to believe.. People need to stop listening to the media who have their own agendas that are not always to our benefit.. Whoopie talked about this, the media's narrative does not always add up to reality. Ana was right, no group of people is a monolith and Joy was great as always. I got a kick out of Whoopie not being able to keep the ladies in line, she was getting impatient trying to speak and the ladies were just debating like she was not there. I thought the discussion was great with everybody getting a chance to speak and were able to disagree without becoming disagreeable..
  25. Not to mention, eventually one twin gets phased out of the show never to be seen again because the actor/actress becomes overwhelmed with the work load... Anne Heche of Another World who played twins said that she would spend 15 hour days acting with herself and party scenes where the twins would interact with each other and others were taxing on her body both physically and mentally..
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