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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Please go to Megan's thread and see what she did to get owned. She is truly an idiot in so many ways. She got owned again and this time by the fabulous Kamala Harris. Megan is always angry no matter what. Joy was fabulous today...
  2. Your scenario would have been perfect especially if Sami sees herself in bad girl Ciara tormenting good girl Allie like she used to do to Carrie.
  3. I can't stand Terry Crews. I was over him after he threw Gabrielle Union under the bus and his tone deaf stupid ignorant tweet last night about what has been going on just really lets me know who he really is. What an ass! He is a weak little man despite his massive size..
  4. To be fair when Jay came back as Philip after that awful recast, he incorporated a slight limp to convey that Philip had a prosthetic leg and the producer at the time told him that they were going to act like that story never happened.. Don't forget that Philip also had a face transplant that was never mentioned on the show..
  5. I think Ron is already there in my opinion.. I think Ron would benefit with having a co-writer who can temper his worst instincts.. He has some good ideas but his execution is awful.. He was right to bring back Will and Jack who should never have been killed off. I did like how Jennifer had to be the one to chase Jack instead of the usual. If only Jack had been with another woman other than Eve.. I thought Jarlena's wedding with Kristen orchestrating Marlena getting shot was awesome and I did like the conflict over John and Belle over Marlena's living will.. He had good stories but it went downhill with Stefan his worthless creation falling for a wig, I hated Abigail and now I had to endure two more versions of her via her DID. I loved the serial killer interrupting Paulson's wedding to tell them Will was alive. Now the same serial killer has been deified.. With Ron you will get a good story and then he gives you an awful story that makes you want to vomit.. I will never forgive him for what he did to Vivian Anjelica and Adrienne.. I fear that we are stuck with Ron till the bitter end..
  6. Why does Allie have to even be pregnant. Allie should have been introduced a year ago, building a bond between her and us the audience.. Why should we care about her plight as a young mother? Whoever said that EJ could be Allie's baby daddy, you could be onto something. Ron is sick enough to do that...
  7. When you see Deidre next to her twin sister Andrea side by side and you will see the extensive work that she has done and she has done alot.. Lauren's surgeries are tasteful and subtle. She does look amazing and I wish that she would do something about her hair.. Hunter Tylo's face is a tragedy, unbelievable...
  8. I am not a big fan of cancel culture but there are young people recreating the knee on somebody's neck with smiles on their face all over social media, it is very disturbing and disgusting to see. Some things should not be spelled to somebody young or old: using the N word, wearing Black face as part of a Halloween costume, calling Black people gorillas, monkeys or any type of other animal is offensive painful and wrong..
  9. I agree with your friend and I will always big up someone who talks about Black issues but Amanda comes off too nasty and rude. She also needs to remember Black folks always found ways to find joy out of life even in our darkest hours.. It is why we are still here despite everything. Wherever we are in the world we always influence the culture with our creativity and our zest for life. She needs to lighten up..
  10. She will whine and cry. She will play the victim like she always does. Her lies showed who she really is, someone who will spread lies to further an agenda and that is to win at all cost even if it causes strife and even more division.
  11. The week sounds pretty good. However, the ladies should have taken this coming week off and not last week. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise because somebody got owned spectacularly on social media..
  12. Jay is the only acceptable Philip, everybody else sucked in the role with the exception of the original actor who was equally as handsome and dynamic as Jay.. Jay left the show because he hated the Philip/Melanie romance.. His Philip sizzled with Belle, Stefanie and Chloe..
  13. I disagree about Justin and Adrienne but I do agree with you in part about Steve and Kayla. Kayla was not allowed to move on with her life when Steve was dead. Whereas Steve as an amnesiac fell for Ava and even had a child with her. I am sure he had been with other women as well. Kayla a beautiful accomplished woman was a celibate for 16 years, how insulting! Justin and Adrienne could still be interesting if the writers made an effort to tap into what made them so damn popular in their original run. Justin and Adrienne had a full life together and raised 4 sons from baby to adulthood together in Texas. That is quite an accomplishment on a soap opera. I wish we had had writers who were interested in writing for them to give us insight on how they lived in Texas and exploring their dynamic with their sons on the show. I think Dena is the only writer who was truly interested in Justin and Adrienne. She made several efforts to bring them back over the years. Justin and Adrienne once moved back to Salem with all of their boys but they were not seen but mentioned by Victor. We had several characters talk about them and then they left Salem for a business opportunity for Justin. She later brought Sonny to town and she also had plans on bringing back Alex, Joseph and Victor jr to Salem with Adrienne being the matriarch of the new dynasty of Kiriakis men. Given how she hated the Kiriakis legacy in her original run it would have been an interesting story to see play out with Adrienne and her sons.. The show was in the process of casting Alex when Dena got fired and Ron had no interest in writing for Alex, Anjelica Justin and Adrienne. So Dena's story was altered by Ron. Anjelica was supposed to go after Adrienne over Alex and not Justin as written by Ron.. Ron just sucks..
  14. Yet she was spreading lies to trash Cuomo and Diblasio... What a lying piece of shit.. She is really a piece of work..
  15. I agree with your post, I did like Amanda but she was too "real" when it comes to Black issues and that would make some people uncomfortable but it is very ironic with the country rioting and in pain over a Black man's murder that she would leave at this perilous moment in our country. Amanda also said that she butted heads with an executive who is actively suppressing the voices of women of color on the show. I wonder if it is the same lady that clashed with Tamar who was also too real at times.. The panel was fine as it was after Tamar was fired. If the show had Black people in positions of power at the real making decisions and understanding the perspectives of people of color, perhaps Amanda would have stayed.. She did make it clear that she had no issues with the ladies. For better of for worst, I did like how Amanda challenged the ladies to go deep and not just look at issues that affect us as people of color superficially.. I noticed there is alot of hatred directed at Loni with people saying that Loni got Amanda fired like she did with Tamar.. People have been hating on Loni for so many things for a while now.. It is very interesting..
  16. I think Wendy built her world around Big Kevin like alot of women and she would have stayed with him had he not been so sloppy with Sharina, being so public with her and also for getting her pregnant. I have no doubt that Wendy's parent warned her about Kevin and she blew them off and now she is paying the price.. I feel bad for her but I also know that her haters have reason to rejoice in her misery because Wendy has reveled in people's misery shamelessly and would at times hurt people very deeply with no remorse..
  17. Bitch is evil wow and she got owned wonderfully for her lies just to bash Democrats.. She is inciting hate and fear as always just like her team..
  18. Could please say that again and louder this time to the people in the back and to Ron as well... A smug self-righteous serial killer, I have truly seen in it all on a soap opera...
  19. Yup, I was shocked. It is a shame we never saw them as adults...
  20. I felt like Rachel on her first block was channeling my fear, my disgust, my anger and my disbelief on the American army being sic on the American people on the streets of DC...
  21. I hated how dark the show got under Josh Griffith but he was right to want to make Lani a dark hat. Lani was supposed to be an antagonist for Shelle but Dena objected and had those scenes edited out.. Lani was supposed to be really bad who would have targeted Belle and Claire for Sean-Douglas' attention and affections..
  22. Porsha and Dennis had to run for their lives, since they were attacked with pepper spray and tear gas by the police in Atlanta. I could say more but it would be off-topic. Porsha has come a long way from her underground railroad comments.
  23. I get your point because they went too far with her characterization when she was with Rafe who ruined Sami in addition to EJ... They turned Sami into a heroine like Marlena when she was nothing of the sort...
  24. Sami could still have an edge and remain interesting.. The writers refuse to let her grow and evolve.. They did this years ago, she made peace with John and Marlena when they got married the first time surrounded by their 5 kids each representing a flower at their wedding ceremony. She reconnected with Carrie, had no use for Austin and was in a real relationship with Brandon, trying to be a good mom to Will and fighting with Kate and Lucas.. Then JER came back and all of the sudden Sami went back to hating Jarlena, began scheming against Carrie to snag Austin by blackmailing Lexie to tell Carrie that she could not have healthy children with Austin, undoing all of her growth when he was gone as headwriter.. The writers see Sami as a caricature, hurricane Sami..
  25. With everything that is going on, they should have new shows to reflect that reality. These ladies could take a break at another time..
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