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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. April and Daniel ripping each other's clothes off while Lucy was asleep in another room? That little girl would have been seriously traumatized if she walked in on them. That definitely seemed too risky to me. Geez Karen, your crazy former patient currently has a better life than you. Your life really sucks at the moment. Why is Savi even on this show anymore? They just don't know what to do with the character. I guess if she is still here next season (assuming there is a third season), she will fighting with her sister over Harry. I like Harry and Joss's friendship, and their arguments are always very spirited, but both of their kisses just felt anticlimactic to me. I was expecting more heat there.
  2. Because the writers hadn't conceived that idea yet :) The cure that Oliver conveniently failed to mention totally seemed like one of those things that the EPs just made up on the fly.
  3. I guess that I should clarify since I've seen multiple posts scoffing at the fact that I referred to Dougal as an older looking gentleman. I meant no offense to the character (or actor), and as I posted in a previous episode thread, I really like the actor and his portrayal of Dougal. Realistically, though, Dougal is twice Jamie's age, he's old enough to be Jamie's father, and something tells me that he is well past the average life expectancy for a male born in the mid-1700s. So, no, I would not call him a young man. Middle-aged in 2014, yes, but not in the 1700s. All the credit goes to Graham McTavish, though, because Dougal has done some pretty bad stuff so far, and yet I still manage to like the guy. He must be doing something right.
  4. Surprisingly, this show has a lot of humor. Angus and Rupert together are comedy gold...those two fighting over the same lady was hilarious. Anyone else confused by Colum's changed appearance? He looked like a completely different actor. That was Colum, right? Seriously, Claire, giving Laoghaire a love potion for Jamie with dried horse dung as the main ingredient? Not cool at all. Speaking of Jamie, it took him like 30 minutes to even show up on screen. That was way too long, if you ask me. Damn Dougal, I kind of like you, but why did you have to go and try to assault Claire? That was gross. At least she walloped him over the head pretty good. For an older looking gentleman, he sure has a lot of spunk, as witnessed in the game at the end there. It has to suck for Jamie. I think he just wants to spend some quality time with Claire, and she spends every episode telling him how she has to get out of there. He seemed pretty sorry that he might have offended her by repeatedly calling Sassenach.
  5. I've read a few comments here and there in the past few months that suggested that Laurel should become Cupid instead of BC. Reading the character description and comments here, I now see why that was so funny. In the comics, does Cupid know that Oliver Queen is Green Arrow? From that EW article, I see a picture of Dinah with her eyes X'd out that says "Die Tramp Die!" so it definitely seems like the comic Cupid was targeting Dinah. Here's hoping the show Cupid will know that Oliver Queen is the Arrow and will target Laurel since Laurel was his ex. I suppose I would be OK with Cupid targeting Felicity because that could lead to some good Felicity/Oliver moments.
  6. I guess that this is less speculation and more of my hopes for the show, but now that Finding Carter has been renewed for another season, what would people like to see happen? I want the show to get rid of basically ALL of Carter's friends from school (goodbye Gabe, Bird, Ofe and Crash). Maybe the girls could transfer schools and then we could bring in a new batch of friends for them to hang out with. I also want more screen time for Grant and Max/Taylor. I like Elizabeth as well, so I would enjoy seeing more of her at her job. I'm actually not crazy about Carter, so the writers either need to find a way for her to be more interesting or not feature her so heavily in the episodes. I want to like Carter, but at the moment she's far behind Max, Taylor, Grant, and Elizabeth. My dislike of the character could actually be due to her crappy friends, now that I think about it. I'm not convinced that Lori will be caught this season, so I'd be fine with her popping up again in the second season. She'll probably become even more psycho and obsessive. Maybe she can kidnap another baby and the police will be hunting her more aggressively in season two.
  7. Looks like Felicity has a little Batman keychain and a Flash pin on her backpack strap. Cute! But she wears her heart on her sleeve, am I right?
  8. Goodbye Crash, you are going to prison. I did feel a little bad for him earlier this season when we saw his home life and found out about his younger brother, but after shooting Max? You are dead to me, Crash!
  9. As long as they have a "translator" for the more complex Gaelic-speaking scenes, I'm OK. When Jamie was offering to take the beating for Laoghaire, it was really useful to have Geillis there explaining what was going on. In the first episode when Jamie was speaking to Douglas about the rocks being a possible spot for an ambush, I thought it was fine that there were no subtitles. We could pretty much figure out what was going on there. I think that the voice-overs are another controversial device. I don't hate them, but they do sort of annoy me. As someone else already pointed out, this is a TV show...not a book. We should be able to tell what the characters are thinking or feeling by their facial expressions, actions, etc. Many times the voice-overs aren't even necessary because Claire could be dialoguing with other characters instead. I believe that there was a voice-over in the third episode when Claire was in the surgery trying to familiarize herself with the herbs and medicines in there. Instead, she could have been muttering to herself, "What is this for?" or "They use this for what?!" etc., while Angus or whoever watched her from the stairs. The voice-over while Claire was treating the poisoned boy could have been replaced with a quick conversation between her and Jamie. She could have explained that she thought that she knew what was wrong with the boy, but if she was wrong it would kill him. I just don't think that voice-overs are necessary in most TV shows, and I don't think we need them here. I don't think that they are going away, but they do irritate me. Possibly irrational, I know.
  10. I am glad that others are as ticked off about the cookie-smashing as I am. What the hell, indeed?! Poor Grant...I feel like maybe he is going to run away in the season finale. Would anyone even know he was gone since he's largely ignored? I just can't get over the cookie-smashing. David, you are awful! I thought that Max and Taylor were sweet. I don't think that Taylor could have wished for a better first boyfriend. Yeah, Max is a little ditzy, but he shows so much respect for Taylor and women in general, so he somehow turned out OK despite maybe not having the best home life. This is potentially super spoilery, so I'm going to hide it. In the preview for next week's episode,
  11. I used to think that April was dumb, but sweet. But she really is just dumb, isn't she? I'm not sure why she is treating the FBI like the bad guy in her situation, but I hope her stupidity gets Paul killed! When Zach went up on stage to sing, I thought "Oh, this might make him more interesting if he is actually a talented singer." Nope, he was pretty crappy. He's still lame. I think that Joss overreacted a little to seeing Harry naked. It would have been more in-character if she was out there hiding in the bushes to get a better view. Stop being all passive-aggressive, Harry, and just man up and tell Joss how you feel. Based on the preview for next week,
  12. I'm guessing that the Harry and Joss kiss happens but Joss still decides to marry Shoe Guy. Then, Joss is going to find out that the record player was really Harry's idea instead of Shoe Guy's, and that is going to be what sends her into his arms, right? This will probably happen after Joss has already married Shoe Guy...I think that she'll be late to the wedding but ultimately go through with it.
  13. I just can't like Frank. His love of history is a deal breaker for me :) I know that all of those fun historical facts that he has spouted over the years are probably coming in really handy for Claire, what with being transported to the past and all, but my gosh that sounds like torture. "Honey, want to hear something really interesting about this rock here?" No...no, I really don't! The problem here is that I don't want Claire to get back to Frank. From the first episode, I got the impression that they are sort of strangers...I think that we were told that they had seen each other five times in five years or something similar. I also got the impression that Frank had been unfaithful during that time. No way would I want to live in the 1700s, but as a viewer, I'm finding it very very difficult not to root for Jamie over Frank.
  14. I definitely think that Claire should be more careful if she doesn't mean to give Jamie the wrong impression. I mean, as a nurse, she dealt with men day in and day out. Does she think it's really appropriate to undo a man's collar while making eyes at him? She wasn't worried about how he might interpret that very intimate gesture? Jamie had two working hands...she could have just asked him to please take down his collar so she could look at the bullet wound. She finally caught on there at the end when she looked up and saw the intense desire in his face, and then she was like "Oh, you can take the bandages off in a few days" and Jamie replies, "As you wish"...er I mean "As you say." I also thought that teasing Jamie about Laoghaire in front of other people was sort of mean. Claire just witnessed Jamie getting his ass beat because Laoghaire had been accused of loose behavior. Now Laoghaire is actually committing loose behavior with Jamie (well, I'm guessing her father would consider it loose behavior, even if I don't think a kiss is that bad). What does Claire think will happen if someone tells Laoghaire's father? Murtagh seemed to catch on quickly that they weren't actually talking about horses. I don't think that he would say anything but others might have overheard?
  15. I had to laugh at April asking Daniel what he was doing at the FBI office. He was wearing a badge, talking to an FBI agent, and wearing a jacket with an FBI logo on it. He tells April "Let's go to my office." I think it's a safe bet that he might be an FBI agent. Harry looked pretty devastated when he spotted Joss's engagement ring. As quickly as the women on this show go through men, I can't believe that the writers haven't had Harry make a move on Joss yet. Honestly, Joss and Harry's friendship is the only thing that I actually find interesting on this show anymore.
  16. There was too little of Jamie in this episode, I thought, and it took too long for him to show up. He's my favorite, so more Jamie automatically makes the episode better. Poor Caitriona Balfe...having to give that guy a massage while he was naked from the waist down. How awkward. It seems as if stubbornness in a woman must be a very attractive trait. Frank loved the stubbornness and Jamie seems amused by it as well. I find Angus quite funny. Poor guy, having to chase after Geillis and Claire. "This just keeps getting worse." Ha! Those were some interesting red shoes that Geillis was sporting. I'm not sure what to think about her. I got a bad vibe when she was super curious about learning of Claire's upbringing. Are you a spy, Geillis?? I'm glad that Jamie caught on quickly and devised an excuse to get Claire out of there. Jamie and Claire make a good team. I just love everything about them. I liked the way that they worked together to help the little boy whose ear was nailed to the post. I liked how Jamie pretended that his dressing was chaffing so that he could walk Claire back to the surgery or whatever he called it. I liked how Laoghaire basically didn't exist because Jamie was too busy being wrapped up in speaking with Claire. I didn't like how Jamie was making out with Laoghaire, but I figure that it may have had something to do with the fact that the last time he saw Claire, she was unbuttoning his shirt to check his bullet wound. I think that the tension was getting to him...he needed a release. I really feel that a lot of Claire's voice-overs are unnecessary. The voice-over when she was trying to save the poisoned boy could have been replaced with a scene of her telling Jamie that she had a possible cure but it could kill the boy if she was wrong about what poisoned him. Finally, I thought that it was adorable that Jamie told Claire that he almost reinjured his hand while waving to her at the very end. "Over here. Didn't you see me waving?" He's so smitten with her.
  17. Yeah, I'm not sure that Caity's post was entirely necessary. Yes, the challenge is wasteful, but I'm pretty sure most people, including Caity, go about their daily lives wasting a hell of a lot of resources. I highly doubt that most people are taking five minute showers, recycling, drinking from reusable water bottles, using cloth grocery bags, etc. I'm not about to scold others for wasting resources when I do it myself. I guess she could have done the challenge and then just taken one less bath or shower that week and called it square. Her post doesn't really tick me off or anything and I'm certainly not going to go and post mean things on her account, but I'm being realistic here. Pretty much all of us are wasteful at one time or another.
  18. He is currently on Mistresses, which is definitely a step down. I watch the show, but it is truly awful. He plays a plastic surgeon who has a women's shoe fetish, I kid you not. He has an entire room full of women's shoes, and his new girlfriend got to choose a pair to wear. Ick.
  19. Yes, it was pretty hilarious that Carter decided to tell Elizabeth that she had to end the affair because it was wrong. Carter is dating a drug dealer, she was allowing her friends to obstruct a police investigation, she was meeting up with Lori, a wanted criminal, in secret, etc. Gosh, David is not a very effective parent. What the heck was he doing when the kids woke up late and had to rush to school? It's not like he has a job, he could have been up early to make sure the kids were doing OK and were going to get to school on time. I thought "high" Taylor was funny. I laughed when she asked Max to lie down next to her and he told her no, so she replied, "Poo." That was cute.
  20. I find myself curious about Dougal and unsure of how I should feel about him. On the one hand, he made Jamie stay out in the stables while everyone else was eating, and he allowed Jamie's beating to go on for much longer than it should have. But I took an immediate liking to the actor, and he seems like a person who has morals, as he shut down the rape talk in the first episode. Plus, I thought it was very sweet how he was sword fighting with the little boy. At this point, I kind of like the guy but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to or not.
  21. Yes, I really liked Everwood. It has some great actors in it...Treat Williams, Gregory Smith, Emily VanCamp, Tom Amandes, and Chris Pratt, of course. If you like shipping couples, you might ship Bright and Hannah (played by Chris Pratt and Sara Drew). Hannah is a nerdy girl who develops a crush on Bright, but he is sort of a dumb jock. Bright and Hannah become friends and then...well...some good stuff happens! :) You can get all four seasons relatively cheap on Amazon right now, so I recommend it.
  22. If you like Parks and Rec, you might like Enlisted over on Fox (there's only 13 episodes, though, since it was cancelled). I find the humor in both kinda similar, so I think both are hilarious. @wonderwall, you have seen Chris Pratt in Everwood, right? His character is awesome there, too (well, I don't remember much of him in the first few seasons, but his storyline gets interesting when Hannah shows up in season 3).
  23. Don't know if it was the first couple I ever shipped, but Felicity and Ben. Then Felicity/Noel. Then back to Felicity/Ben again. Joey/Pacey along with Liz/Max and Michael/Maria from Roswell. The WB had some really great shows when I was younger. Does anyone remember Jack & Jill on The WB? I wish that they would release that one on DVD...I never got to see what happened!
  24. Sadly, my internet sucks so any shows that I would like to binge-watch would have to already be on DVD. If you like cute quirky shows, I recommend The Middleman and Wonderfalls. So sad that those didn't last beyond one season. I used to watch Doctor Who but quit recently. In fact, Matt Smith's last episode is still sitting on my DVR. I'm not sure if Peter Capaldi has the charisma that is needed to pull this role off, so I may just tune in later if I hear good things.
  25. I thought that the comic posted above was Felicity's introduction into the existing Green Arrow comics, so I was like "Wow, Oliver sure moves fast, asking her out on a date already." Then I'm like, "Wait! Why is Oliver pulling a gun on Felicity?!" Yeah, that's not Oliver. Super confused for a second there.
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