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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I've mentioned this before, but did you know that Sam Heughan was in that Hallmark movie A Princess for Christmas? It still blows my mind that it's the same guy...doesn't look anything like him at all. I basically only find him attractive as Jamie in Outlander...not so much in real life before he joined the show.
  2. At this point, my best guess is that McPhee's role on the show is "future girlfriend to Walter." She doesn't really seem to have any unique skills or special insight into how to interact with these gifted people. She didn't even realize that her son is a genius as well, so I'm not sure why I should believe that she'd uniquely qualified to deal with Walter and his team. I guess I'll let it go, though, because I enjoy Walter helping Paige understand and connect with her son. I'm not sure that Toby is entirely necessary in this story, and it feels like the writers have to come up with scenarios that require his skills just so that he can be part of the action. I'm not sure that they can sustain that for twenty-some episodes. Basically, it won't shock me if he's only a one season character and is killed off at some point in the future. I really liked all of the stuff with Sylvester breaking into the lab. I don't think that you have to have OCD to be completely freaked out by biohazard waste, so I totally felt for him there. Poor guy. I'm a little irritated that his intro at the start of the episodes refers to him as the "human calculator." He's a mathematical genius here, not just some guy adding and subtracting numbers in his head! This show can be sort of ridiculous, but I find it entertaining and the hour flies by, so I'll keep tuning in for now.
  3. @KenyaJ, if you haven't read the books in the Outlander series and you don't want to be spoiled, be very careful when reading the forums. There is one instance I can think of where a non-book watcher was questioning something that didn't seem to be clear from what has been shown on screen, and some book readers answered based on what they know to be true from reading the books. That one wasn't a very big spoiler, but the thread for episode 8 had people majorly hinting about something that apparently becomes important later in the series. Some non-book watchers were irritated because they wanted to be as spoiler-free as possible and this alerted them to something that they might not have even noticed at this point in the show. Sorry if this makes no sense whatsoever, but I just basically wanted to warn you that you aren't even safe in the threads that forbid book talk because people are ignoring warnings and talking about book stuff in those threads anyways.
  4. ^ I missed the part where you could vote for two options in the poll...just now noticed that.
  5. I was discussing this episode with my boss, who is a casual viewer, and I told her that I couldn't believe that Rayna chose the guy that she did (I could believe it because I had already read spoilers that said this would happen, but anyways). She said, "I don't like him. He's creepy." I really hope that "creepy" is what the actor is going for because that seems to be the vibe that many are getting. He's just so jealous and possessive that I can imagine we're going to see some sort of him or me ultimatum involving Deacon where he'll forbid Rayna from seeing Deacon anymore.
  6. There is actually some sort of ignore feature that you can use so that if you don't want to read posts from certain people, you don't have to. I've never used it, but I've seen the mods talk about it in other forums. I don't see the big deal about people hating on characters. Look, sometimes people (even fictional ones) rub you the wrong way and it reaches the point where every single thing that they say or do just pisses you off. Yeah, I'm at that point with Laurel, but if I wasn't, I'd probably either chuckle at the posts I don't agree with or just skip over them. No biggie. Massive hate for fictional people doesn't really bother me, especially since it seems like the people on here have logical reasons why they hate the characters that they do.
  7. I really question if the EPs know what their actual problems are with this show. We have Laurel voted Least Favorite Character, managing to beat out a character whose main motivation was that her boyfriend chose his family over her. Caity Lotz, an actress who came into the role that Laurel was originally meant to inhabit, was voted Best Guest Star. Felicity, a character who doesn't even exist in the same capacity in the comics but managed to replace Laurel in the role of "love interest to hero" was voted Favorite Female and Favorite Character. The runners-up in the Worst Episode category were Blast Radius and Blind Spot, two of the episodes that were touted as part of Laurel's four episode arc. I have to wonder, do the EPs really know what the problems are, because if they are trying to fix their mistakes, they are doing a lousy job of it.
  8. I hope that the EPs pay attention to things like these. I'm sure they don't, but I happen to agree with many of the final results.
  9. I actually liked Scorpian, despite some fairly ridiculous stuff involving an airplane and a laptop. The previews didn't look great, but I usually give most shows a chance and tune in for the pilot episode. I actually teared up a bit at the stuff involving the main genius guy and Katherine McPhee's little boy. I know, that's completely ridiculous. I just wish that they had allowed Elyes Gabel to keep his accent (I'm sure that they could have come up with a reason for that, right?). I saw him on TV the other day, and he was adorable. Yes, I have a thing for accents...who doesn't? The Mindy Project is off to a really great start this year. I'm finding it completely cute and funny. That was one that I actually didn't start watching until halfway through the second season. My interest was piqued after watching Danny/Mindy gifs on tumblr.
  10. Why Rayna, why? I get that Deacon has hurt her badly and she seems scared to go down that road with him again, but she's not going to fare any better if she keeps getting involved with other men while still being hung up on him. She's been engaged to Luke for all of five minutes and she's already having doubts...she tried on Deacon's ring after saying yes to Luke, and then there was that moment at the end where Rayna was watching Luke from a distance, and her face faded from a smile to a look that seemed to suggest that she believes that she may have made the wrong decision. I'm hoping that the Luke/Rayna engagement doesn't last very long before she calls it off. He seems to be crazy jealous, and I just get the feeling that Luke is going to lose it and end up hitting Rayna. He seems to be seething right under the surface, so I'm expecting a blow-up pretty soon here. I really wish that the writers hadn't decided to have Juliette cheat on Avery. Like others have mentioned, she is never allowed to get ahead. I know that we're probably going to get a "Who's the Daddy?" storyline, so that's disappointing. I imagine that either Juliette will lose the baby, or Avery will just decide that he doesn't care who the father is because he wants to raise the baby as his own. Now if it's the latter situation, and Jeff is the father, will Juliette go the Rayna route and decide not to tell the bio dad that the child is his? I hope that we get some music this season featuring the trio of Scarlett, Avery, Gunnar. Last year, some of my favorite songs were the ones performed by the Avery, Gunnar, and Gunnar's girlfriend. I'm also hoping for some more Deacon/Maddie duets or Deacon/Maddie/Daphne trios. They all just blend so well together. Forgot to mention...loved Deacon kissing Rayna's hand when he was trying to convince her to marry him. Again, how could you say no, Rayna?!
  11. Maybe they couldn't figure out a logical way to transfer the Sin relationship from Sara to Laurel, so they are just going to kill Sin off instead. You know if you are the 1.0 version of any character, you probably aren't long for this world.
  12. I watched Forever over on ABC and kind of liked it, but that's probably because I find Ioan Gruffudd adorably charming. If that show tanks, I do hope that he eventually finds a role on a show that lasts for more than one season. Even though he is probably too old for it, I could have envisioned him on Arrow in the role of
  13. Eh, I watched Gotham, but I think I'm only going to keep tuning in for Ben McKenzie. He's earned a lot of good will with me from his days on The OC and Southland, so I'm willing to stick around for a while. I was kind of bored, but I'm not a comics person, and my knowledge of the Batman universe is limited to what I remember from some of the movies as well as reruns of the Adam West series that I watched like over twenty years ago. I thought that there was some really cheesy dialogue, I didn't like Gordon's fiancée, and Jada Pinkett Smith was way over the top, I thought. A lot of people in the Gotham forum seemed to like it, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about :)
  14. I'm beginning to wonder if the key to stopping The Troubles depends on Nathan sleeping with every version of Mara. Sarah, Audrey....next week it looks like he moves on to Mara. I kid, but I'm seeing a pattern here...
  15. Well, KC believes some crazy stuff about her character, so I could believe that she just assumes that she will be BC and is training for it. In her mind the fact that she has a jacket means that she will be BC. That being said, I won't be surprised if they do make Laurel into BC... but I won't be surprised if they don't either. If the audience and critic feedback regarding Laurel becoming BC is just awful and threatens to really negatively affect the show, I could see the EPs deciding to cut their losses. Laurel could be going along training with Ted Grant, and then three quarters of the way through the season the EPs pull the rug out from under her and switch gears. The EPs seem to love making things up as they go along, so I don't think that anything is set in stone yet.
  16. I choose to believe that Sara will now be hiding out in an abandoned flower shop while the LoA is after her.
  17.  This is one of my issues with Laurel...she doesn't offer anything unique to the narrative. All of the roles that she was meant to inhabit are currently occupied by other people: Felicity as love interest, Sara as BC, and Quentin as a connection to the law. To find something useful for Laurel to do, I feel like the writers are probably going to have to take these roles from others and hand them to Laurel, and that's not something that I want to see. What exactly does Laurel offer that isn't already covered by one of the other characters on the show? So yeah, basically I think that we throw Laurel into the background and have her show up on a limited basis. But even that pisses me off because I think about how much money the show is wasting by keeping KC on there when Laurel really serves no unique purpose. If we lost Laurel, I feel like her parts of the story could be easily handed to other characters without the show missing a beat.
  18. Barry would be wise to keep his secret identity from Laurel considering the love/hate back and forth that she's had in regards to the Arrow for the past two seasons. She might sic a SWAT team on your ass, Barry!
  19. Max sounded pretty concerned about the cost of rehab and being able to afford it so I hope that things work out for him. I'd like to see a season two entitled Finding Max. The plot could involve Max suing the convenience store, winning a big settlement, going through rehab, being a big bro to Grant, reuniting with Taylor, making croutons, whatever. I'd watch the hell out of that show.
  20. Grant is really underused on this show. I hope that they find something interesting for him to do next season. I thought that maybe he would run away or be kidnapped by Lori in this last episode, but nope. Here's hoping that we have some sibling bonding time next season. Things kind of suck for Max right now. He's just been shot, he broke up with his girlfriend, he probably just lost his job, and now he is saddled with a huge amount of medical debt that he surely has no way to pay for. I'm guessing he didn't have any health insurance through his job at the convenience store. I wonder...if you are shot at your job, can you file a work comp claim? Get on that, Max.
  21. Yeah, diamonds and gold are Laurel's best friends: https://arrowfashionblog.wordpress.com/2014/02/15/laurels-gold-rings/
  22. Laurel's styling was so much better in season one. Her outfits were cute, her makeup was more natural, her hair was full and healthy looking, and she didn't wear 56 rings all at once. I hope that they get back to that.
  23. I'm waiting to see the poster to see where Laurel is positioned. If she's right next to Oliver, that could mean nothing or it could mean she has a more prominent role this season, which will worry me. ETA: OK, poster just added RIGHT as I typed this. Cue worry now.
  24. I suppose if KC is forced out against her will, she probably won't be eager to make any more appearances in the future (fingers crossed). What worries me is the scenario where Laurel leaves the show alive and KC is on good terms with the EPs. Shado and Tommy are dead and they still manage to show up occasionally. If KC is happy when she leaves, she might be more than willing to make guest appearances if her schedule allows. DO. NOT. WANT.
  25. See, this is why I want Laurel dead (and I mean actually dead, not Malcolm dead). If Laurel is sent away, there is always the threat that she can come back. They'd send her away for a season, I'd really start loving the show, and then they'd announce that she's coming back. Ugh, that would be awful for me. I would normally just wish for an annoying character to be written out, but for me, Laurel is beyond annoying. That being said, I don't actually think that the EPs are going to kill her off because they've used that tactic far too many times now. If they really want to get rid of her, I think Laurel will be sent away (just please don't send her over to the Flash because I may want to watch that show).
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