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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Yes, I would prefer that the show just have Felicity/Diggle steer clear of Laurel and keep it mostly civil if they do need to interact with her. I am hopeful that Team Arrow will remain Oliver/Felicity/Diggle with Roy and Sara added as needed, but the EPs keep talking about how much fun it will be to write for Laurel now that she's in on the secret, so that scares me. I think that I would really enjoy a Felicity/Thea friendship, but I don't know how that would happen since it sounds like Thea will be off with Malcolm training. Roy and Felicity could be fun for the snark.
  2. Yes, sadly I'm at the point where the only spoilers regarding Laurel that will elicit positive feeling from me are "Laurel is not in this episode" or "Laurel is dead." Sad but true. Eh, I'm glad others like her or don't have issues with her, but I just can't.
  3. I'm wondering if Laurel will be mainly dealing with Oliver, Sara, Quentin, and Ted Grant. CH said that she's definitely not a part of Team Arrow, and we know that Oliver will be catching the criminals and she will be cooking them or whatever, so maybe she won't have much reason to be in the lair. I can see her occasionally needing help from Felicity with computer related tasks, but really, her dad is a cop so whatever info she needs he could probably obtain legally much easier. This is just my preference, anyways. They kind of mishandled the Sara/Felicity friendship and didn't develop that one enough, so I don't have a lot of faith here. I think Felicity and Diggle would do well to avoid Laurel as much as possible...who knows what she'll do if you are on her bad side. Set you up to be taken down by a task force, throw an exploding glass at you, blackmail you, shoot you in the back??
  4. I like Colton's face in that picture. He's like, "WTF?!"
  5. Anyone have any idea if this will ever make it to DVD? My satellite internet can not handle streaming video!
  6. Yeah, I watched about the first 20 minutes of Outlander online, and I just wanted to get to the time travel part! I discovered that my satellite provider also has a free preview of the first episode, but they made it very difficult to find. I actually had to do a menu search for Outlander to even find it. Accents, kilts, beautiful scenery, and an epic romance? I'm definitely in. My mind exploded when I found out that the lead guy in Outlander is the same guy who was in that Hallmark Christmas movie, A Princess for Christmas. Doesn't even look like the same person at all. I'm glad to hear that the main leads have great chemistry. That would have been a disaster if they didn't! I'll admit, I'm a little terrified that Ronald Moore is involved with this. I'm still not over how Battlestar Galactica ended. Ugh.
  7. I keep seeing stuff on tumblr and elsewhere about Outlander, and it's making me want to watch the show but I don't have Starz! I don't even have a clue what the books are about, but the stuff I see on tumblr makes me want to watch it. Anyone here read the books? I'm staying away from the forum so I don't accidentally get spoiled, but I might have to see how that one turns out (not even sure if that series of books is completely finished yet?) before I get invested. I do not like unhappy endings. Feel free to PM me if you like but don't get too spoilery with anything!
  8. I'm wondering if the men actually believe that they are dressed up. I see it all the time...the girls will have on dresses and the boys will wear cargo shorts and polo shirts/T-shirts. The Arrow women had wardrobe and hair changes and some of the men are dressed like they are going to Walmart! (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the guys could have put in a little more effort). Also, Emily always has the cutest shoes!
  9. I think that a few of the couples on that "second ship" list could have been avoided by casting properly in the first place. If Jason Dohring had been cast as Duncan instead of that Teddy guy, a second ship probably wouldn't have even existed. If Yvonne Strahovski or a similar badass had been cast as Laurel, Felicity might not even exist. So, I am actually a little grateful because I think that the miscasting of Laurel (IMO) brought about Felicity and I don't think that I'd still be watching Arrow without her.
  10. Don't know...I tried to Google it but didn't find anything. She really did seem absolutely embarrassed by SA showing his abs at SDCC. I can only imagine that Ted Grant, a boxer, is going to be going shirtless a lot, so that could get awkward.
  11. I'm thinking that the amount of screentime that the Laurel and Ted Grant storyline gets will be majorly dependent on how well the two actors click. If the two are a black hole of suck, then I think Ted will quietly disappear or be replaced by Ted 2.0 down the line at some point. If the two have wonderful chemistry, I think more of that story will be featured. Based on what I have seen of KC's acting in Arrow, J.R. Ramirez's past acting roles, KC's awkwardness about Stephen Amell being shirtless (???), and her possible issues filming romantic scenes with a married co-star, I don't know. If her awkwardness is just limited to SA, she could be fine, but if the issue is that she has problems with romantic scenes, I don't know what could be done to fix that.
  12. Geez, it looks like Deathstroke's sword has some blood on it! That's a little dark. Who is the one on the far left supposed to be? Is that Malcolm?
  13. In that combined Arrow/Constantine/Gotham panel from SDCC, I love how enthusiastic John Barrowman was for SA to show his abs (it's around 58:25 in the video). He's motioning for Stephen to "take it off!" Actually, most people are laughing, encouraging him to take his shirt off, turning around to look at the big screen to get a better view of The Abs. KC actually says "Do not take it off." Pretty sure she said something about killing him too and then she hides her face as he proceeds to lift his shirt up. I also saw a GIF of her online where she's saying, "It's really awkward when Stephen's shirt is off." One: how could you not appreciate SA's abs and Two: I feel like a lot of this awkwardness from real life is responsible for the chemistry issues that SA/KC seem to have (IMO) on screen.
  14. The official Arrow tumblr page is kind of funny if you scroll through everything and look at the hidden tags. There's a salmon ladder one tagged with "I can't even handle this" and "it's like his abs have abs." They clearly love Team Arrow, and Olicity in particular. Must like Sara too...they have her tagged as "Black Canary" rather than just Canary.
  15. You read my mind. I was totally thinking that she will make a play for Oliver if she shows up in present-day instead of flashbacks! That'll be awkward, for sure.
  16. So, I went back last night and watched clips of J.R. Ramirez in Emily Owens. He was...OK...didn't have a whole lot of chemistry with the lady that he was supposed to have had an affair with two years prior (and he was trying to be all flirty and get back together with her, I think). He came off as kind of stiff, but he was only in three episodes. He has also been associated with some truly awful looking stuff. I tried to watch the two minute trailer for the movie The Coalition. It was terrible...couldn't even make it the entire way through. Consider yourselves warned in case you try to watch that video online now. Here's some clips of him in Hacienda Heights (which also looks terribly cheesy - I think that maybe it was a soap opera or something?). J.R. Ramirez first appears (shirtless) around 1:05 and there are clips of him throughout the rest of the video. Judge for yourself!
  17. If you have to work, you have to work, I suppose. I just think the shooting schedule could have been planned a little bit better considering some of these con appearances are confirmed months ahead of time. Maybe KC features heavily in whatever episode they are shooting that week...I don't know. If it keeps happening, I'll give it the side eye.
  18. Well, at least they informed fans well in advance this time instead of a few hours before the event. I get that shooting schedules are tight, but it sucks that they can't try to work around things like this.
  19. Episode 48 would be the second episode of season 3, is that right? Sara is supposed to be in at least five episodes this season, so I wouldn't worry too much. I agree with @Orion. I think that the EPs are keeping Sara around this season so that she can step in if things go terribly wrong with Laurel. Edit: However, I do think that it's possible that something bad is going to happen to Sin.
  20. Oooh. We get to vote for least favorite character in a few days. Have to remember to check back!
  21. Yeah, I was confused by that too. Is she actually responding to someone else and not Thomas? I know this is probably dumb, but I don't use twitter and find it confusing to try to follow conversations :)
  22. I'm hoping to see more Oliver Queen in suspenders...any of the other men can join in as well. Please make this happen, show.
  23. From that Guggenheim interview linked above: They sure are investing a hell of a lot of time and thought into Sara's backstory and transformation into a badass fighter. Problem is, if they are trying to parallel this with Laurel's journey, I can see this backfiring in a major way. Even if the EPs aren't trying to compare the two women, I can see this backfiring in a major way. Whether intentional or not, it seems like Laurel is being set up to fail. Sara has the connections to the big bad of the season, the proper training that she received from the League, and the motivation to beat up bad guys. Are they really going to go out of their way to show us more of that and then just rip it all away from Sara and give it to Laurel? I just don't get it...is it another one of these situations where the EPs have seriously miscalculated how the audience is going to react?!
  24. Yeah, Ripper Street is another one that I enjoyed. So glad that Amazon saved that one from cancellation. You might like Copper, I don't know...that one's pretty dark and I didn't enjoy the second season all that much. With the flash-forward, I remember being so confused and thinking (not in a good way, either), "WTF just happened?!" I will say, though, Joss Whedon does do a fantastic job where casting is concerned. His shows have introduced me to some truly wonderful actors/actresses. No biggie, I'm glad he's got his fans, but whenever I hear his name attached to a TV project, I have to think twice about whether I should give it a chance or not.
  25. I will have to catch up on Dominion and Falling Skies so that I can read the forums. If you like ridiculous sci-fi shows, as I do, I'd recommend Helix (chances are you might have already seen that one, though). Extant forums are funny, but you might fall asleep watching that one...it moves soooo slow. I realize this is super unpopular, but I'm not really that big of a Joss Whedon fan. He's been involved with some great shows (Firefly), but he's been involved with some terrible ones too (Dollhouse). Plus, I'm really not a fan of shows that think it's a good idea to kill off main characters. I assure you, when I invest years of my life into watching your show, seeing a main character die is not what I "need." In my world, Serenity doesn't even exist.
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