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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I used to like Gordon but he's just sooo useless. I just thought that he was in a funk and this new project would be the match that lit a fire under him, but he remains pretty worthless. He can't do anything right: he couldn't put the bird out of its misery, he forgot to pick the kids up after school, he screwed up the business meeting set up by his father-in-law, he forgot the Cabbage Patch doll, he invited Joe over to dinner at his house and didn't even attend, etc. Donna may as well be a single parent because he basically contributes nothing to this marriage.
  2. I am really enjoying this show so far, but there was a little too much of Athos and his manpain in this episode. I thought that is was awful that at first, Athos seriously seemed like he was willing to let Porthos die just so he wouldn't have to go back to his home that he shared with his crazy dead/but not really dead wife. I did love how horrified Gaius Baltar was by the brutishness of Athos punching Porthos unconscious. "Prepare the patient." Ha! I understand where Constance is coming from. She's clearly attracted to D'Artagnan, but she's a married woman who feels a duty to her husband. She seems tempted, but I don't think she wants to be unfaithful. I find it sort of strange that we have D'Artagnan and Aramis both going after married woman and we even had Aramis commenting to D'Artagnan (about Constance), "I think she likes you." Apparently adultery wasn't that big of a deal? Aramis still remains my favorite. He's just so darn charming and funny.
  3. Oh, Gordon, I'm not even going to feel bad for you when your wife cheats on you with her boss. She deserves so much better than you. We've now moved on from killing animals to killing people! With all of that water and a live power line, I'm not sure how Gordon didn't get electrocuted, but whatever. What kind of person could see someone dead in the street and just go about their day without calling the police or 911? Yeah, there's nothing anyone can do for the dead guy but I'm sure his family would like to know that he's dead. I hope nobody else gets electrocuted because Gordon failed to report the line being down. God, these people are truly awful!
  4. Geez, that is dark. I like it! Laurel just seems so primed to go dark based on what we've seen so far: prosecuting her ex's mother in a death penalty case, maneuvering to snatch Oliver before Sara could, shooting a guy in the back, blackmailing multiple people, throwing an exploding wine glass in a fit of rage, being gleeful when her sister was returning to the LoA...I'm sure there are others I'm missing...not exactly the qualities of a good-doer. There's some truly shady stuff going on there.
  5. Ah, that's right. Laurel Lance, official good-doer and heart of the show. We all know that you can't survive without your heart, so it will probably be Thea going dark instead and Laurel being just plain awesome.
  6. Does anyone think that it's possible that non-comic readers interpreted the jacket handoff scene differently than people who know that Laurel was the EPs intended Black Canary when this show was cast? What I mean is, if you didn't know that Laurel was supposed to be Black Canary, could you just think, "Oh, that's nice. Sara is leaving (to be an assassin!) so she is giving her big sister something to remember her by." Beyond the gleeful smile, I don't remember exactly how that scene played out and I'm not sure I want to go and relive that moment to find out. Perhaps people who don't read the comics are going to be totally confused when/if Laurel does become BC.
  7. With the EPs love of parallels, I'm wondering if we are going to watch Thea's and Laurel's storylines mirror each other (with the training and whatnot), but Thea will decide to let go of her anger and go back to Oliver while Laurel turns to the dark side. If the EPs insist on keeping Laurel, I guess that would be a scenario that would make sense since she's pretty hostile.
  8. Yeah, this sounds familiar! In season one, I was able to just ignore Laurel, but a few episodes into season 2, I just got to the point where apathy turned to rage. One character was managing to ruin an entire show for me, and I've never had that happen before. I mean, there a lot of characters I don't like but I can usually manage to just ignore them. I was also convinced that Laurel was going to be killed off based on several factors: Laurel being pushed into the background on the season two poster, KC being completely media silent, Laurel missing from several episodes, the blind item that said that KC was being written out of the show due to her diva behavior, the EPs talking up a four-episode Laurel arc (which I thought would be our Laurel sendoff), etc. When KC was at New York Fashion Week and people were commenting about how blonde her hair was, I thought that she must have been killed off if they were letting her dye her hair. Nope. Sigh. Edited because dye and die are not the same thing. Freudian slip, I guess.
  9. I think we'll find out much sooner than that. Just watch to see if KC goes media silent. That'll tell you which direction the EPs are going with the Laurel character. Rewatching some of the season one episodes, I realized that with a more nuanced actress, many of the Laurel scenes could have gone such a different way. Instead, I'm just getting super-bitchy all of the time when it comes to Laurel.
  10. Without wanting to get too much off topic, I just had a quick question regarding the conventions that the cast members have been/will be appearing at. How do the conventions handle audience questions? Are questions screened, or do you just basically get up and ask whatever you want? Thanks in advance!
  11. I think that I found this episode to be the most interesting so far, and that's mainly because of Donna. I would like Donna to have a bigger role on Gordon's project but I'm conflicted. She's easily the smartest one in the room and her ability to read Cameron so well in the short amount of time that she's known her was awesome, but I don't want Donna tied to these fucking morons. Loved her telling Gordon, "I make your world possible!" So true, so true. Cameron has the emotional maturity of an eight year old and Joe is a manipulative sociopath. They're like a match made in hell. Seriously, stealing someone's keys, scaring their kids to death, and driving to their house in their car so that you can vandalize it, all because they called you white trash? Girls got problems. Speaking of Cameron, apparently everybody just forgot that someone is supposed to be monitoring her. The guy who was supposed to be doing it was at least in the episode telling everyone to disperse! when that feared blue IBM binder showed up again. What is this show's obsession with killing animals? The armadillo, the bird, the horse. Seriously, I'm worried about the people who are writing these scripts.
  12. @iMonrey, back in season two, Danny accidentally butt-dialed Riley while he was talking to his mother about how he's loved Riley since she climbed into his treehouse, and how he thought she was "the one." Bonnie grabbed the phone from Danny to erase the message, but she ended up actually sending the message instead. At the end of the episode, we saw Riley listening to the voicemail, hearing Danny profess his love.
  13. Katie Cassidy has some sort of background in gymnastics, right? I know that she has posted a lot on her twitter about going to the gym, but I'd like to see some videos similar to SA's with running, jumping, etc. You can work out and have muscles but still be a complete and utter klutz. Anyone know of any KC clips that would show her fighting/sparring so that I could get a sense of what she would be like as Black Canary?
  14. When the red-headed killer's brother told her that he had given the police a sample of his DNA, I totally thought that the police would find DNA evidence on the victim and be able to figure out who the killer was due to getting a familial DNA match from the brother. I didn't expect that they'd use the brother's DNA to figure out who the father of the baby was. The victim looked terrible with red hair! It may have been the lighting, but there also seemed to be a continuity error with the killer's red hair. When Angie and Vega showed up at her house to ask if she had been calling the victim, I swear her hair looked red but at that point it should have been brown. Brian, what are you doing? The awkwardness between him and Officer Sung might be cute if he wasn't, you know, married! He's totally going to cheat on his wife. Did Angie seem a little jealous at the end when Cross went off with the Alphas lawyer lady? She has Vega, so I'm not sure why she's even glancing in his direction, but whatever. I just really enjoy Vega's personality and humor, like when Angie asked how much a pack of cigarettes goes for these days and he was like, "Don't pretend you don't know" and "there you go." Are cigarettes really $10 to $12 a pack in Canada?! I'm not a smoker, but I know that's like double some of the brands here. Ridiculous.
  15. I thought that maybe Cameron could have an interesting relationship with the guy who was supposed to sit in the room with her all day and make sure she didn't have contact with Gordon or his team. But then that guy just disappeared and nobody really seems to be monitoring Cameron, so I don't know?
  16. I could imagine a scenario where we are introduced to Laurel as the Black Canary right around the same time something romantic is happening between Oliver and Felicity. Kind of like a distraction--pay no mind to the woman in the black mask--look over here at this shiny new relationship! That way, Laurel fans are happy that she is Black Canary while Olicity fans are happy that Oliver and Felicity are getting together.
  17. I know many have expressed that they don't want an Oliver and Felicity relationship to move too fast, but I'd like to at least see a kiss next season. And I don't want one of those fake, "we have to pretend we're a couple for reasons" kisses...I want an epic one. Think Hook/Emma's first kiss or Kate/Sawyer, or Castle and Beckett's first real kiss. I am not going to sit around for six seasons (fuck you, Bones) and watch Oliver and Felicity stare intently into each other's eyes. They don't have to get together right away, they can just kiss and decide that for now, they are better off friends and partners. By the end of season 3, I would like to see something major happen between the two, though (a kiss, Oliver verbally admitting his feelings to Felicity, something!).
  18. I'm not even sure how this show got renewed. It is terrible, and not in the fun way either. Really, the only part of the episode that I liked was Harry telling Savi off. I had to laugh when he was telling her that he just wanted to get rid of the house, and get rid of her, and how he had forgiven her and chosen her when she cheated on him (but she chose Dominic), and then she was like, "I made some mistakes, but so did you." Uh, what? As far as I remember, he was a loving and faithful husband before the whole cheating thing. Yeah, he bailed after Savi chose Dominic, but was he supposed to wait around while she continued to have an affair, hoping that she'd come back to him? Dumb.
  19. Oh, that's an easy one. I believe it involves her becoming the Black Canary. Unthinkable from my perspective, that is.
  20. I had to come on here and check if this was an old episode that aired out of order and should have been shown at the beginning of this season, but it doesn't appear so. I don't get why they don't just pair Riley with Danny and be done with it. Ben is a giant douche. At this rate, the show will be cancelled before Riley and Danny ever get together!
  21. Probably under Carmen's bed or in her closet. The back of her car, maybe?
  22. The EPs just have to make sure that they don't do too good of a job with regards to the casting of Daniel. I'll admit, I'm down with Olicity, but I could be swayed to abandon that if Daniel is played by an actor that I like and someone who has great chemistry with EBR. The EPs have to cast someone that fans like, but they have to make sure that fans don't prefer him more than Oliver (if Daniel is meant to be a roadblock to an Olicity relationship). If Luke Mitchell or Max Brown are their casting choices, well goodbye Oliver!
  23. I suspect that at the beginning of season 3, we are going to see Laurel kind of in a holding pattern for the first chunk of episodes. The EPs don't seem to like to commit to any sort of storyline with regards to Laurel, so I don't see her as Black Canary right off the bat. They seem to love KC, but I honestly believe that they are fearful that Laurel is going to kill their show. I predict that nothing much will happen with Laurel until after the first batch of episodes air and they begin receiving feedback. We'll probably just see a lot of training montages. If the feedback is good, they will continue on the Black Canary path. If feedback is bad or there is a negative impact to ratings, then I can see them going the Manhunter route and saying that this was their plan all along.
  24. I had to laugh at Marisol's shock! that her chatty nurse was gossiping about her. What did she expect? From the moment that we met the lady, it was pretty obvious that she wasn't exactly discrete. It looked like Ty bashed his head pretty hard on the floor when he fell trying to "rescue" Carmen. Here's hoping he has a brain bleed and dies. He's a freaking psycho.
  25. I started watching this show because of Lee Pace, but I think that Gordon is the only character of the main three that I am actually interested in. His wife is a smart lady, and I love that she offered up a really innovative idea, even if it is something that is logistically impossible (due to the ways the parts are currently manufactured) according to that guy that Gordon fired after the random car accident. Can Gordon's wife please join the team? Joe's and Cameron's stories are just off in WTF territory right now. I don't really care to watch Cameron partying with some unemployed losers that she met two seconds ago in an alley or Joe hook up with a guy he's known for five minutes.
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