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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I can't believe that this show was renewed. I know that this probably isn't the reaction I was supposed to have, but TC's little crying scene at the end of the episode had me cracking up. I thought that the acting there was just terrible. Note to all shows everywhere, please save us all and stop casting Jill Flint as the main love interest. She is probably a very nice lady in real life, but she just has no charisma and no chemistry with her male co-stars IMO.
  2. Sadly, I feel like the couple with the best chemistry is Joss and Harry. It does sort of seem like Shoe Guy is just a speed bump thrown in the way to temporarily stall a Joss/Harry hookup...said hookup will probably be right around the time Savi decides she wants Harry back.
  3. Love triangles don't bother me much as long as it looks like one of the people involved is just a temporary delay to keep the other two apart. I do, however, resent it when a show tries to get viewers by doing crossovers. Chicago Fire and Chicago PD did this the entire season and all it did was piss me off. Besides, unless both shows share the same writers, I'm not sure that the Flash writers will be able to portray the Arrow crossover characters in a manner that is consistent with the way that they are written on their own show. I'm not even sure that Oliver was very much like Oliver in the Flash pilot, if that makes any sense.
  4. I don't know, Oliver kind of looks like he's being an ass to Felicity in those photos. He's not looking at her when he's talking to her, he's walking in front of her, he's using hand gestures that looks like annoyance to me. Felicity doesn't look very happy, that's for sure.
  5. "Hypothetically, we have these polygamist "friends" who share a bedroom. Not, us, of course..." Yeah, I totally got the same impression that you did! The "Previously on Sister Wives" showed Robin's threat about not having time to have another baby right now, so I totally thought we were getting a baby announcement this week. Maybe next week?
  6. Oh, OK. That whole sequence where Gillian was talking about Eddie's death was confusing and I deleted it off the DVR so I can't go and watch it again. I thought that Alan had said that Gillian had found Eddie after his suicide attempt, but he wasn't dead so Gillian hit him with a block of wood to put him out of his misery. Then I thought that Alan told Celia that he had his doubts whether it was really a suicide attempt at all. I think that all Gillian told John was that she didn't call the ambulance right away and Eddie died. That was consistent with the story last season as well...nothing about hitting him on the head with a block of wood the last time I heard the story!
  7. With everything going on this episode, I still felt the worst for Donna. She comes home, sees a ransacked house with blood drops all over the floor, and finds her daughter lying motionless on the ground. That had to be terrifying. Then she goes outside and sees her hubby in the middle of a psychotic break digging a huge hole and rambling about finding a giant. Seriously, Gordon has to have some mental health problem, right!? To make matters worse, Donna absolutely humiliated herself by kissing her boss in a drunken state, only to have him turn her down. How mortifying. Sorry, but if he wasn't trying to lead Donna on, he was way too touchy and completely up in her personal space. And now I'm worried that they've made it a point to tell us that the boss read the name "Susan Fairchild" somewhere. Donna is totally going to get fired for helping on the Cardiff project, isn't she?
  8. David Ramsey looks disgusted. Stephen Amell looks amused. What was KC's response? "Laurel's got this."??
  9. Yeah, John Pyper-Ferguson's character does seem to be going after any woman in his sights. I thought it was funny how he saw Danny and the girlfriend looking at each other for like three seconds and then immediately figured out that they had a thing. Nobody else on the ship figured it out over months and months but that guy is so intuitive he knows after one glance and a comment about no fraternizing in the Navy? I also thought it was funny how CO Eric Dane was praising the engineer for coming up with the idea to put the virus samples in the ocean, like he was a genius for figuring that one out. I'm not an engineer, but even I managed to think of that before they did! At the end, I thought that it was pretty dumb when people were pouring the fresh water over their heads. Let's not be wasteful, here. If you want to take a bath, go jump in the ocean. Save the fresh water for drinking, please. Also thought it was dumb that Danny looked jealous of his girlfriend. She wasn't doing anything except taking a glass of water from that guy and talking to him. How dare she?!
  10. With each episode, I hate Celia more and more. I have to wonder if this is what the show is going for or? She's the absolute worst! After Celia had told Robbie about Gillian's abortion, it was like Alan and Celia were only sorry about it because they hadn't known that Robbie was the father. I'm terrified for Gillian now that Celia knows that she finished off her husband after his suicide attempt. Oops, maybe Celia will blab that one to Robbie too and he can arrest Gillian since he's a cop. I also didn't like Celia telling Caroline that Gillian has been a nuisance to Alan her entire life. She's made plenty of mistakes, sure, but who hasn't? She seemed to have a great relationship with her father before Celia came along and now she's a big disappointment to Alan?? You are the absolute worst, Celia!
  11. I liked Aramis hustling to keep up with D'Artagnan there at the beginning when they were chasing the assassin guy. It took me 10 full minutes before I realized that was JJ Feild! I have to say, angsty Aramis is so much better than angsty Athos. Plus, thanks for the soaking wet Aramis, show. I really appreciate it. The less Athos there is, the better I think the show is. He's just such a drag! I'm definitely thinking that D'Artagnan had other ideas of just exactly how Constance was going to show her appreciation to him. I thought he was adorable in that scene.
  12. Oh, this show. It's so ridiculously over the top and has some truly terrible dialogue, but I have to say that I find it really entertaining. Yeah, the guy that told his girlfriend, "I love you, now fuck off!" was being really jerky, but he's so pretty (especially in his wet T-shirt and hoodie) that I'll just forgive him. It is the end of the world basically, so eventually I'm sure nobody will care much about rules and regulations and he can probably openly be in a relationship with the girlfriend. Here's hoping Eric Dane stops shaving too since he looks so much better with facial hair. With the peril that the crew is in every week (like terrorists firing RPGs at the Americans) I've been wondering what kind of action we'll see next. Anthrax outbreak? Category five hurricane? PIRATES? The suspense is killing me.
  13. Won't the Arrow Comic Con panel be posted online? I figure that if nobody can report back on all of the juicy stuff that goes down, we should be able to watch it online to see people's body language, facial expressions, attitudes, etc.
  14. I know this is terrible, but I think that Celia is a nasty bitch. I've basically hated her since she was in that huge fight with her daughter last season and said all of those awful things to her. Her suggesting that Gillian called Alan and had him come over to talk about Raff was really some ploy to get money out of him (while also bragging that she was a woman of means and wealth in the same episode) and saying "perhaps they're Christians" to explain why Raff's girlfriend's parents weren't answering Gillian's phone calls? Awful! Yes, Celia, this is the 21st century and sometimes people do have children out of wedlock. She just seemed so snooty about that whole situation and I get the impression that whatever term she used to describe how Raff was just like his mother was something pretty offensive. Alan was such a sweet and lovely man and I feel like Celia is having such a negative impact on him. It was just so unlike him when he told Gillian last episode that she was a disappointment to her mother. It has to be very difficult on Gillian to be so close to her father and go from seeing him every day to barely even speaking to him on the phone.
  15. PB looks so young with his head shaved. I like Laurel's outfit in that picture, it's more lawyer-appropriate and I think she looks a lot healthier and prettier than last year. I liked her hair better in the first season, though. It was so much thicker and fuller looking. Yeah, that's the same exact dress Felicity wore in red last year, so maybe someone just manipulated an older picture? But it's possible she has the dress in purple too since she had that panel dress in two different colors last year. Yeah, Roy and Ray is going to confuse the hell out of me, I think. I guess that they are kind of stuck with the name since he's in the comics, but couldn't they have used his middle name or something? Not sure that comic characters even have middle names but I could see the actors getting confused and calling Brandon Routh Roy and Colton Haynes Ray.
  16. That Olicity spoiler seems very manipulative to me...the EPs are throwing out a few crumbs in the first episode to rope in Olicity fans for the entire season. I can imagine how this plays out. Oliver asks Felicity out, some bad villainy stuff happens in Starling City, and we get more of the "because of the life I lead" crap. Cue Brandon Routh's entrance. For the next fourteen plus episodes, we have Felicity and Ray flirting, dating, etc. while Oliver wallows in his angsty manpain. Maybe by the end of the season, Ray is gone and the Olicity romance gears up. I really didn't think Oliver would make a move so soon in the season, considering he's been very guarded with his feelings for Felicity. Watch, it probably won't even be a date at all...we'll have a situation where Felicity bumps into Oliver eating alone at a restaurant and he asks her to join him or Team Arrow is supposed to get a bite to eat and Diggle can't make it. I'm hoping this is not the case, but these EPs tend to seriously overhype everything. ETA: I was typing this while new posts were added above mine, but I see that multiple people are just wondering what kind of trick this will be. I think that it's sad that I have such a level of distrust with these writers that I always look for the negative in any good news I get. You have failed this show, EPs!
  17. Just to clarify, I think that Laurel the character (not KC the actress) comes off as bitchy or kind of nasty a lot of the time. That's fine, and it works if I'm supposed to dislike the character (or love to hate her), but it doesn't really work when I'm supposed to see that character as a warm, compassionate person who is meant to be the lead's love interest (which was initially Laurel's role, but I'm not sure she's in the running for love interest anymore). Most shows quickly realize their mistakes and dump the actors who aren't working. The fact that Laurel is still around leads me to believe that either (A.) the EPs don't realize how many people really hate Laurel (B.) I'm seriously overestimating the amount of people who want Laurel gone or (C.) KC has some iron-clad contract keeping her on the show. Like others have mentioned, I have not felt this level of dislike towards a character since Lana fricking Lang. I'm a pretty loyal TV viewer, but I've gone from watching live to letting the show sit on the DVR for a week and instead just reading the forum to see if the episode is worth my time. Next step is dumping the show altogether.
  18. Geez, after watching that season four trailer, I'm afraid that Linden isn't going to make it out of this season alive.
  19. Here's hoping Robbie's role is kept pretty minimal. Berlanti seems to be in love with him based on what I saw on the Tomorrow People, so I'm just a little worried. He's not terrible or anything, just sort of bland.
  20. Boo! Not happy about Robbie Amell being cast on this show. He managed to be majorly eclipsed as the lead actor on his previous show, The Tomorrow People, so I'm just not feeling good about this news. I'm not at all familiar with the character that he was cast to play, but hopefully that role doesn't require a whole lot of charisma. I wish the CW would stop recycling their actors...I'm tired of seeing the same person show up in four or five different CW series.
  21. Boo!!!! Taking response over to Flash forum. PS: Please stop recycling your actors, CW. And if the CW insists on recycling their actors, why couldn't Luke Mitchell have shown up as Daniel. Double boo! Also: Please keep Firestorm far far away from Felicity. I don't want real-life cousin swapping, thank you very much.
  22. Ha! Half the time, there is no guarantee that the show is even in sync with itself. Also, I shouldn't have to read a comic book to get more info on the show that I'm watching. Any story that could be written into the comic could be spared five minutes of airtime to explain it to me.
  23. DO. NOT. WANT Robbie Amell on Arrow or Flash. He seems like a very nice guy, but just NO.
  24. For me, the problem with Laurel is 80% crap acting and 20% crap writing. Unfortunately, Laurel's laser pointer eye darting, drunken Mick Jagger walking (which was actually not from alcohol but from snake venom), completely sober acting but getting a DUI, etc. are some of the worst acting I've seen in quite a while. I watch a lot of shit shows with terrible writing and ridiculous plots, but for the most part, the actors are able to rise above it and keep me engaged. I just can't blame the writers when it's this one character that is consistently bad. There are a few other bit players on this show that I have problems with too, and my issues there are that I think that the actors either suck or were miscast as well. I feel like if the issue were the writing, surely something with Laurel would have worked because they have literally tried practically everything with that character. Everything that Laurel says and does comes off as bitchy, so they should just go with that, but the EPs seem to insist that she's this warm compassionate person. I just don't see it, but then again I don't see most of what the EPs claim is happening on the show so I guess that I'm just watching wrong or something.
  25. I too never realized how great Zachary Levi would have been until it was just mentioned here. I'm not too sure about Brandon Routh. I'm another one who doesn't like or dislike him, but I was just envisioning someone with much more charisma. I wanted someone basically the opposite of Oliver - warm, friendly, open, etc. I've not seen those qualities in Brandon Routh, but maybe he'll surprise me...I'm willing to give him a chance and see how it goes, anyways.
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