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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. No, you are not alone. I watch a lot of British television shows, but there are times where I have no idea what the people here are saying. I found Mrs. Fitz particularly difficult to understand. Also, the inclusion of Gaelic (?) words while the characters are speaking English is a little confusing. Aye and bonnie were pretty self-explanatory, but I was confused by "ken." Mrs. Fitz said something like, "She's my granddaughter. You ken?" I thought she was saying something about being her kin/family. Makes more sense now that I know that "ken" means "know." It was also a little difficult to understand Jamie at times, but I think some of that was because he was speaking too quietly and mumbling. Articulate, people! After his little lunch with Claire, a guy came up to him and basically told him to get back to work, but all I could understand from Jamie's reply was something about starving. I guess I'll have to try closed captioning and see if that helps.
  2. Yes, I think mysterious is a good description. She seems to delight in the fact that people say that she's a witch. I think it will be good for Claire to have an open-minded friend that she can confide in. Maybe some of the voice-overs will be replaced with discussions with Geillis instead. I've never seen the actress in anything before, but I took an instant liking to her, so she must be doing something right.
  3. I like his pretty red curly hair (although they aren't consistent with the styling of it and sometimes his hair looks terrible). Jamie does seem to have a bit of a temper, which I saw in the second episode when he was interrupted by Claire while training a horse. Yes, this is one of my favorite parts as well. Lots of tension in those scenes. It looks like this may be an ongoing thing this season, too. In the preview for episode three,
  4. I like the fact that Jamie trusts Claire so implicitly at this point that it doesn't even occur to him to lie to her about who he really is and the past crimes he has committed. He hardly knows her but he feels a connection with her. Didn't Jamie realize that by taking Laoghaire's punishment for loose behavior, it may appear like he was the one she was committing said "loose behavior" with? I did enjoy how he looked over in Claire's direction as he was being carried away after the beating, like he expected her to follow him and fix him up again. I'm beginning to wonder if a little tiny part of him actually enjoys being injured just so he'll get to spend some alone time with Claire. When Claire mentioned that he'd need to change his bandage in the next few days, his first thought was to ask, "Would it not be easier for you to do it?" It will be interesting to see if he finds excuses to continue to see Claire in the future. Jamie actually seemed a little annoyed at the end there when Laoghaire interrupted his goodbye with Claire. I can't believe that in the preview for next week's episode,
  5. You would think that some of the vaccine volunteers would have been excluded based on the fact that they were too valuable, but I guess not. No way the chief engineer lady would be allowed to volunteer, and Danny's girlfriend seemed like she had multiple useful skills as well. I also thought that it was pretty dumb that the crew was wasting their ammunition by firing shots at the dead guy's funeral. They might need that ammo when they get back on dry land. Didn't the doctor use the primordial sample to make the vaccine successful? I already deleted this off of the DVR, so I can't go back and check. If that's what she did, how is she going to be able to create enough vaccine to treat the entire ship? I guess that someone is going to be taking a trip to the arctic to get some more.
  6. Yes, this was by far my favorite episode of the season thus far. I just think that more Aramis makes everything better and I actually found Athos to be pretty entertaining this episode...he's growing on me. Loved Anne charring the fish and The Musketeers politely pretending that it was delicious. D'Artagnan was pretty stealthy while dumping his plate of food behind his back.
  7. Poor Jamie. As if seeing his sister half-naked wasn't bad enough, then he had to be punished by flogging as well. Poor guy can't catch a break. Jamie's got it bad for Claire. Two seconds after finding out that her husband is dead, he's trying to put the moves on her. I am hoping that he keeps getting injured, though, so we can have scenes of Claire tending to his wounds in every episode. I like Geillis and I'm glad that she was there to translate the Gaelic for us. That scene would have been a difficult one to figure out what was going on, I think. SO much happened in this episode. Man, that hour went by fast.
  8. Another one here who subscribed to Starz just for Outlander, but I am actually interested in Black Sails and DaVinci's Demons too. I'm irritated that Starz is only showing eight episodes and then breaking until 2015 to show the remaining eight because I don't want to cancel and subscribe again next year! I'm so glad this was renewed but I wish they weren't doing a book per season since I'm not crazy about the spoilers I've read for the next book. Yes, I came across that one earlier this week by accident while trying to find a different Outlander video. Yum!
  9. Do you have to be logged in to see this video? I searched all over and couldn't find it. I'm not on facebook, so of course you probably have to have an account to view some of these extra videos. Ugh!
  10. Max continues to be the best. I am pleasantly surprised that there wasn't a bunch of drama between the Max and Taylor after last week's episode. Taylor immediately figured out that he had blown her off in the convenience store because Lori was in there meeting with Carter. I also enjoyed Taylor just taking Max's hand and declaring that they were dating - hopefully that ends any potential love triangle between Gabe/Taylor/Max before it even begins. It did seem as if Lori was planning on "having" another baby, didn't it? Man she's crazy. At this point, I'm hoping she doesn't kill someone. Still not very interested in Carter or her friends. I find myself wishing that they had cast someone like Maia Mitchell (from Alex Saxon's other show, The Fosters) instead. That girls never fails to make me tear up for her! Crash has become a little too clingy and I'm not sure that he's going to be able to handle any sort of rejection from Carter. He seems to have latched on to her and I can see him ending up in jail if Carter tries to bail without him.
  11. You got me show. I was totally surprised that Daniel is an FBI agent. I feel like maybe the writers just decided to make this up recently because he had a pretty convincing art studio...guess he was just "undercover." Geez. Shoe Guy moves awfully quickly. How long has he even been dating Joss? I don't even know the guy's name! Harry to Joss (regarding Shoe Guy): "Maybe he was just waiting his whole life for you." What he is actually saying is "I was waiting my whole life for you." I thought for sure that those two would be together by now. I'm guessing we are going to get a last-minute confession from Harry at Joss and Shoe Guy's wedding.
  12. I didn't have SciFi channel when Peacekeeper Wars came out, so I couldn't watch it. I read about what happened online, but I never actually did get around to watching it. It's been sitting on my shelf for ten! years because I just don't want to admit it's really over, I think. I remember them talking about Farscape webisodes or something like that, but I don't think that those ever happened, sadly. Ben Browder was also supposed to be in some online thing, Naught for Hire. Don't think that ever happened either. Edited to remove spoilery bits. Spoiler tag just doesn't want to cooperate today.
  13. I like that Jamie seems genuinely amused by the fact that Claire is kind of mean to him. There's the part mentioned above where she's like "does it hurt now?" and he says "aye" and smiles and then there is a part where I think he is talking about having to move his shoulder or he'd never be able to move anything again (because he'd be dead), and then he tells Claire that it's OK, she can just fix him up again when they get to the Castle. Claire responds, "That's what you think" and you can see Jamie behind her on the horse laughing. He seems to dig the attitude. It's very strange how Sam Heughan (Jamie) can look so different in various scenes. When we first meet Jamie by the fire, he seems younger and his voice even sounds higher pitched. At the end there where Claire is fixing up Jamie's gunshot wound under the tree at night, he looks much older and his voice is deeper. I'm OK with there being no subtitles when they are speaking Gaelic. You can pretty much get an idea of what is being said anyways. When Jamie and Dougal were discussing the possibility of an ambush, you could figure out what they were talking about.
  14. Oh, this show never fails to make me laugh. They need to find better writers...some of the dialogue is really awful. Danny's "You rocked it man. You really rocked it" to the guy who may or may not be dead was so cheesy. Also cheesy: Danny carrying dead/possibly not? dead guy onto the ship at the end underscored by triumphic music. I did like Tex's irritation that Dr. Rhona Mitra kissed Chandler instead of him "You're married and what about the rules against fraternization blah blah blah." I was sort of shocked by the kiss for a second but then figured out what was going on as I noticed that Chandler kept his mouth clenched shut after the kiss. Didn't she pass him like a utility knife blade while kissing him, though? That doesn't seem safe at all.
  15. Just wondering, do Jamie and Claire ever kiss before their wedding? Sam Heughan (Jamie) said something about a hot first kiss in an interview and a steamy scene coming after that, so I'm just sort of curious how quickly the show is going to jump into their relationship. It had better begin before the show's midseason break!
  16. At this point, I'm kind of ignoring anything involving Carter and her friends. I find myself wanting to get back to Max and Taylor's story most of the time. Poor Taylor is so unassuming that I can totally believe that she still doubts that Max is really interested in her, even after their major make-out session. Yeah, I think he's going to have to tell her that he wants her for her to get it. Carter didn't seem too excited about her Russian passport. I kind of wish she would leave with Lori because she's just so unlikeable all of the time. The problem for me, I think, is that the actress that plays Carter comes off as cold much of the time. She's not capable of making me feel any sympathy for Carter.
  17. I thought that it was kind of icky that Carter plotted to make sure that the bottle landed on Taylor every time during spin the bottle. I could be wrong since I watched a bunch of episodes in a row, but I think that Carter knew that Max and Taylor kind of liked each other at this point, so maybe she could have just made the bottle land on Taylor when Max was the one spinning it. Speaking of Max, I think that it was completely sweet that he wanted to be Taylor's first kiss. Basically, Max, Taylor, and Grant are the only kids that I can stand on this show. The rest of the teens are just awful. The way that they go along with Carter and actively try to help her reunite with her kidnapper is bizarre. Outside of Max, Taylor, and Grant, none of the teens have an ounce of sense.
  18. Does anyone remember this TVLine interview quote: I don't recall, what was the reason for Slade clenching his first like that? Either it was never explained or I've totally forgotten.
  19. Well, I don't even remember Laurel and a little boy. I don't remember that happening at all. I must have completely tuned out that first season. I really need to go back and rewatch, but there's just so much TV and so little time.
  20. OK, good. Online info made it seem like most of the book was taking place back with Frank in the 20th century. Still sad that Jamie won't get to raise his daughter and will be missing Claire for 20 years, though. Also sad that Jamie will be 20 years older (but happy that physically he will look pretty much the same. They can color his hair and whatnot, but he'll still have those abs). Has anyone said that it will be one book per season? I'm hoping that they drag the first book out into at least two seasons, actually, but I don't know if there's enough story to tell there.
  21. So, in a few of the trailers that I have seen, there is a shot of Jamie staring intensely at Claire while she begins unbuttoning his shirt. It looks like it may take place after some sort of big party/celebration thingy because Claire has her hair done up and she's wearing the same earrings that she was wearing in the trailer when they show her at the party where Jamie was dressed up in his full Highlander regalia. So anyways, I'm just wondering what is going on there with her unbuttoning his shirt. Are they psyching us out and she's just going to be checking the dressing on his wound or something?? There was some extreme eye sex going on there.
  22. Well, from what I have seen in the trailers, he sure has perfected the art of intense staring. Looks good in a kilt, looks good on a horse, looks good covered in blood, looks good shirtless. I approve.
  23. So, I have not read the books but I went online to read some spoilers to get just a general idea of what I'm in for. I absolutely hate the idea of a twenty year separation between Jamie and Claire. They aren't going to be together for very long before they are separated and I hate the idea that Frank, who I immediately decided was an absolute bore of a man, is going to go on raising Jamie's child for the next two decades. Gosh, I would really prefer that the time jump was shorter, but I'm not sure that the TV show can do that since it looks like the daughter will have a role in later books. How in the world are they going to do this? Are they going to show a few episodes of Frank and Claire reunited and raising her daughter and just keep jumping ahead a few years every couple of episodes until twenty years passes? I think that this could be a real problem for the show too, because if people really connect with Jamie and Claire's story and the chemistry is there, I'm not sure viewers are going to want to watch an entire season of Frank educating little Brianna on the exciting world of genealogy and useless historical trivia. Eh, I know I'm probably being way harsh on poor Frank here, but in a contest between him and Jamie? I would take Jamie every time. Sorry Frank, but the cards are really stacked against you here.
  24. And Tom Cavanagh as well. And he is a man! I was thinking that maybe when Felicity is over in Central City with Barry, over on Arrow they could show Felicity in flashbacks to the few months that we are skipping over between season 2 and season 3. They could show us Oliver falling harder for Felicity, speaking to Diggle about it, committing to ask her out on a date, etc. In the present, we can see *sad* Oliver wishing that Felicity wasn't off with Barry and regretting that he had to push her away due to reasons. ETA: That is an awkward looking photo of F/B holding hands. It looks like he's pulling his grandma along behind him or something. "Come along now, Grandma." Ha!
  25. Another one here who has not read the books. My interest was piqued a while back when I saw a photo of...well all I remember are the kilts, really. I saw some GIF sets online and wondered why photos of a brunette Cate Blanchett (yeah, I know it's not really her) were in a GIF set with photos of men in kilts! I read positive feedback on the show, so I watched the free preview on my DVR. I really enjoyed this first episode. I just figured that the Claire voice-overs were necessary in the pilot episode because she was alone in so many scenes and didn't have anyone to interact with, so I'm hoping that those go away. I also thought that the Jesus H Roosevelt Christ thing was completely dumb, so I'm hoping that goes away too. We can keep the term Sassenach because Jamie sounds completely sexy saying that. I found myself really anxious to get to the time-travel part of the episode. Eh, goodbye Frank. I won't miss you or your fun! historical facts. The way that Jamie looks at Claire and lets her manhandle him while fixing him up? Yes, I think this will lead to some nice sexual tension all season long. Seriously, I can't believe that this is the same guy that was in the Hallmark movie A Princess for Christmas. Quite sexy, indeed.
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