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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. If Laurel is meddling in bad guy's business, that doesn't really make sense either because Team Arrow already has a hacker who could pretty much find out anything with a few clicks of the keyboard.
  2. I'm not sure what the purpose is storywise for Laurel to uncover people's secrets. Is she going to be using the info that she discovers for a malicious purpose like blackmail? When people want you to know their secrets, they will confide in you. Ferreting out people's secrets and confronting them tends to make them angry.
  3. Yes, @Sakura12, I saw that quote earlier and wondered about it. I'm hoping that the "something extremely terrible" that happens is NOT the death of Sin.
  4. Yes, Marissa definitely overstayed her welcome... I'm glad Barrowman is heavily involved with Thea's arc. I'm hoping that if the writers try to do anything dumb, he will steer them clear of that by providing some helpful suggestions like he did when they tried to make Malcolm Oliver's father instead. I'm expecting good things from these two.
  5. Finally got around to watching the first two episodes. I get that teens can be awful, but Carter's new "friends" are all little sociopaths. That mall prank was just awful and not one of the kids involved looked even a little guilty about it once they saw Elizabeth's face. Also, I'm pretty sure that Gabe was probably breaking some sort of law by fake-texting Carter to throw off the police. I'm glad that Max at least seemed to feel kind of bad about Elizabeth being hurt by the mall prank. I'm hoping he gets far away from Carter very soon (and it looks like he may from the trailer at the end of the episode, so yay).
  6. Yeah, I wasn't a fan of Willa's character when she was on The O.C., but I like her here. She's always had great chemistry with Roy and seriously, she's like the most supportive girlfriend ever when it comes to him. She is so adorable with John Barrowman in real life (in a nice father/daughter sort of way), so I'm looking forward to seeing more of her in season three. I'm really hoping that the writers do her "island" story justice.
  7. Anybody here have any shows that they watch just so they can read the forum comments? I'm currently watching Under the Dome and keeping up with it so that I can read the comments...they are pretty amusing. Just wondering if anyone had any funny forum recommendations. PS: The snarkier, the better!
  8. I just don't like how Arrow tries to manipulate me into reading the comics and watching The Flash. Sure, it's a good business move for them, but it irritates me. If they want closure for Barry and Felicity, why can't Barry come on over to Arrow for one more episode to resolve things? Instead, some of these Arrow characters are going over to the Flash, so now I have to watch a second show (or read the comics) to find out things that are affecting the Arrow universe. And with the 2 hour Arrow/Flash thing happening later this year, it looks like I'll probably have to watch The Flash to see the resolution of that episode. What if I hate The Flash? (I probably won't, but I kind of hate whoever came up with the brilliant idea for crossovers)
  9. I know nothing of Ted Grant but I was envisioning someone older...perhaps in his mid to late 30s or early 40s. Maybe if I have time I'll go back and watch an episode of Emily Owens to refresh my memory on who J.R. Ramirez was on the show...I vaguely remember the cold brilliant doctor who was having an affair with him. I imagine that Arrow had to cast a lesser known actor because they have to save the big money for Ra's al Ghul. Yuck to Felicity going on a double date over on the Flash. They need to let that show stand on its own merits, I think. I really hate it when shows feel the need to do crossover episodes. On one show I watch, a main character is actually in a relationship with a character from a different but related show! Stupid.
  10. I watched Emily Owens, M.D. but I don't remember J.R. Ramirez, though. He's young and cute so I'm guessing that he will be Laurel's love interest as well. I'm also guessing that the EPs are waiting to see if the two 'click' and that is why he is listed as possibly recurring...if they have hot chemistry I'm sure he'll be featured more. I also notice that he was in 90210 as well as Emily Owens. Seriously CW, stop recycling all of your actors!
  11. This is totally petty, I know, but it kind of annoys me that the women always dress up so nice and pretty and the guys wear... T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. Doesn't seem very fair!
  12. You are not your sister and you are not even Laurel. You are adopted or the product of an affair between Dinah and some other guy not named Lance (or possibly switched at birth, as well).
  13. I get that the Navy has rules and regulations regarding fraternizing and all, but seriously? Like half the planet is dead, many of the crew will probably have no family to go home to, and the US government is in shambles so who cares anymore? Punish the two for nearly messing up the plan in the Russian ship episode (which was pretty much ALL Danny's fault, but whatever), keep them off of the same missions, warn them to be discrete, and then look the other way. It just seems like there are bigger problems to worry about right now. Pretty sure more crew members will be "fraternizing" once they figure out that they aren't going home for quite a while and that even when they do get home, the dating pool will be seriously limited.
  14. Oh, I don't feel bad about the fact that Gillian killed Eddie. It seems like many agree that Eddie was an A-hole and Gillian did what she had to do. It sounds like she was a victim of terrible abuse, definitely. I'm just annoyed that the show seems to have retconned this from suicide, then to suicide with Gillian putting Eddie out of his mistery, and now Gillian outright killed him and even said, "I murdered him." She's still my favorite, even though she makes some really bad choices. I just wish the writers would give her a break every one in a while. Some bad crap has happened to her, to be sure, so I don't see why they had to throw murder into the mix!
  15. Man, I was really hoping that Gillian's big secret was that Robbie was actually Raff's father or something like that. It was bad enough when the story was that she put Eddie out of his misery, but why did they have to go one step beyond that and make her a full-fledged murderer?! Poor Caroline looked physically ill when she was listening to Gillian confess. I am glad that Gillian and Alan seem to be on better terms but they kind of skipped over their entire reconciliation. I am also enjoying Gillian and Caroline's friendship. Their drunken giggling and phone conversation when Muriel called Celia were both funny. I think that Alan suspected some abuse because he said something like "he liked to drink too much and he was handy with his first" when he was speaking to Celia about Eddie. I know that Gillian is a murderer, but I just feel so bad for her with all of the crap that she's had to deal with.
  16. My mind was blown when I found out that neither Tatiana Maslany nor the actor that plays her brother on Orphan Black are actually British in real life. Their accents sound 100% authentic to me. I kept bugging my brother to watch it and eventually just bought him the Blu-ray for his birthday in an attempt to make him watch it. It took a few episodes for me to really get into the show, but it's one of those that you could easily get sucked into and marathon in a day. I'm a fan.
  17. Thanks for replying, guys. I won't feel so weird now if I send people messages. I have been watching The Musketeers on BBC America right now, and it's a show that some people on here may enjoy. It's fun, humorous, has a lot of adventure and action, plus it has the added bonus of some really good-looking men and women. It features some really great actors, too: Peter Capaldi (newest Dr. Who), James Callis (Gaius Baltar), Colin Salmon will be in season 2.
  18. Paul Blackthorne looks hilarious in that silly picture posted up a ways. Why does Benedict Cumberbatch look so short standing next to Stephen Amell? I always had the impression that he was a tall guy...must be sitting down or something.
  19. Do people on here ever PM each other? There are times I would like to discuss totally mean and petty Arrow-related things with people who I am pretty sure share my opinions, but I wasn't sure if that is appropriate or not :)
  20. Yeah, Thea's storyline looks really interesting to me this year and she has great chemistry with Barrowman (appropriate father/daughter kind of chemistry only) so I'm looking forward to seeing her training and such. Also, is the jacket that Sara is wearing in the trailer the one that she gave to her sister? Maybe she took it back.
  21. Maybe Oracle could be her hacker name or something like that.
  22. Looks like KC isn't there either. That sucks for her fans too. This wasn't handled very well at all. Well, this was disappointing. I was looking forward to the panel but they basically just told us a bunch of stuff that we already knew.
  23. I just empathize with her fans who are going to be disappointed not to get to see her and possibly meet her. I'm sure that for them, it is less about getting info about the show and more about just getting to see her in person and possibly speaking to her and/or getting an autograph.
  24. I think that I would be seriously ragey if I was attending SDCC to see EBR. It's one thing if it's a family emergency or something like that...fans are generally very understanding. I just can't believe that the filming schedule couldn't be adjusted somehow and that they would literally wait until the last minute to notify fans that EBR wouldn't be there. That's just rotten. Definitely trying to hold back my inner conspiracy theorist over here.
  25. So that's why Guggenheim kept pimping Resurrection in his tweets earlier this year. I actually avoided the show at first since I thought he was involved in it but it turns out it was his wife who was involved.
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