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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. Ohh, I remember this too! Now granted, I was never a fan of Susan Lucci and all the fawning people did over her and those damn Emmy was ridiculous (you want to know why you lost that many time La Lucci? Because they were better than you. You are not a good actress!!) so I may be a little biased, but that was insane! It was ludicrous. How the crew got through those takes without busting put laughing is beyond me. And the fact that somehow SMG came out of that with the bad reputation is baffling. She was a kid. So some maturity Susan.
  2. This is why I haven't watch This Is Us. There's something very schmoopey/touch-feely about it to me. The ads, the commercials, the reviews; I get the same annoyed feeling about it I did with thirtysomething and Sisters and Brothers and a few others. However I'm all in with The Good Place!
  3. I still enjoy this little fluffly fun. Was afraid I'd miss it last night since every.single. channel. had. weather. (Central FL) - luckily Gainesville ABC HD came through! And the power stayed on. I really liked the exchange between Louise and Julia and that Julia looks down on Louise. She may be a borderline, pill-popping drunk who likes to sleep around, but if she's got that show with that much clout/ratings (or what we've been led to believe) she's gotta have some chops. You would think Jules should know/remember that.
  4. This episode was just all over the place. Sam being "whatever, we got the asset, sucks about Kens" was way out of character. At one time I could see him being that way about Deeks, but not Kensi. Nell. Just no. Just stop. I find her barely tolerable most of the time, stop trying to make her the most awesome agent that ever awesomed. What did the cal her,,, the Nellinator?? No. Hetty was enjoyable, but the idea that some under secretary can handcuff and haul off the Director of Special Projects (or whatever it is their called) with no seeming input from anyone higher up is bullshit. And I don't particularly like Hetty! I did like the idea that Sam has been teaching Eric how to shoot in the off-screen time. That seems like a very Sam thing to do. I love that Kensi's mom was shown, even if for a brief moment. I also love that woman's voice.
  5. Ditto. While 3 & 5 seem to have the exact same personality, I really enjoy Emma Roberts as Channel Prime. She's actually what Jaipur me watching along with Chad and Denise) last year. Keeping I the unpopular opinions, I did not find Hester particularly scary/intimidating/Hannibal Lechter-esque. I found her rather funny. And not in a good way. However, the shower scene should be repeated. And maybe add Dr. Cascade? Don't want poor Taylor to feel left out.
  6. Ehh, not really into the Huda palette. I like the shimmer colors, but the other's don't really excite me. I think the last thing I need is another palette. There just so pretty!!!
  7. Clutch the pearls again, because that is exactly what I thought!!
  8. No, it's the only reason I started watching Graceland until the stupidity got too much. I enjoyed it. It's fluffy and silly and fun. I also like the chemistry between Perabo and Sunjata. They've got great chemistry so it seems natural that TPTB would play up a "will they, won't they" but maybe with the EP's being the real world inspiration, maybe they won't.
  9. Hmm, New and yes: so far, Notorious. Haven't checked out much more (Macgyver is a maybe), except... New and no: Kevin Can Wait. I still like Kevin James but the new wife reminds me WAY too much of Julia Stiles. I keep thinking Doug is married to Nikki (fromn the Bourne franchise) and it freaks me out. Keeping: most everything; Scream Queens, NCIS:LA, Modern Family, Criminal Minds, Big Bang. Dumping: Marvel Agents of Shield (too much Daisy or whatever her name is), Quantico, something else but I can't remember the name - obviously very exciting!
  10. Snackin Cake was the bomb. I prefer unfrosted cake (actually I prefer cake batter but they don't sell just that) so this was perfect.
  11. I still have cable and I still like cable. I really enjoy being able to watch things "live" our at least a little later that night. I have a Dr but I mainly use it to record multiple episodes of shows that are on syndication do I can watch them on the weekend. That and for on demand, but I much prefer watching a new episode on the day it premiered. Until streaming or roku, etc. can do that I'll keep my cable box (and pay an obscene amount to have 1600+ channels and watch maybe 20 or so).
  12. I love this show. While I don't think it was as outrageous as the first premier I also don't really expect it to be. Lautner didn't add a whole lot right now but stamos is probably considered the bigger name (which I agree with) so today makes sense, at least for one episode in. And is his name really Cassidy Cascade? That's hysterical. I still can't tell chanel 3 & 5 apart. 3 is earmuff girl, right?
  13. How many moles can one unit have?? Granted, I'm catching up on past seasons (no joke, my DVR in 70% this show), but it seems like this is the 2nd or 3rd??!!
  14. I always do a thin layer of frosting on the cake first, refrigerate it, and then frost. It seeks in the crumbs. Sometimes I thin the frosting a little with milk if it's too thick to spread as thin of a layer as I need. My birthday cake is write cake with pink frosting, not flavored. My birthday was a few days ago and I now have two cakes from friends! Good thing simple carbs and sugar are some of my favorite things!
  15. Creamed butter and sugar on white bread is awesome. I've also always wanted to try fairy bread, which apparently is butter on white bread coated with sprinkles. Pickled sausage. And pickled okra. Yums! Bologna and cream cheese. Rolled up is the best but as a sandwich is good too.
  16. I have a completely irrational hatred towards Nicholas Cage. Every. Single. Thing. About Him makes me what to hit him with my car and run over him a couple of times. His voice, his face, his acting. And I'm sure he's a perfectly fine actor (so I've been told), I'm sure he's a lovely person, he's even in movies I would probably enjoy very much. If he wasn't in them. I actually tried with National Treasure one night. My friends are all "You'll love it, he's great in it, you won't even notice and then you'll like him!!" Nope- I just kept asking why did he have to be in a scene (he's the lead), I was so irritating after a while they gave up. Completely irrational. I also really can't stand Susan Lucci. I think it comes from her enormous (and IMO completely undeserved) popularity on All My Children. In the same soap opera vein, I really cannot abide the guy who plays Sonny (it's like Bloody Mary, you can't say the name too many times otherwise he'll appear) mainly due to the fact that he destroyed any enjoyment in a show I had watched religiously since the 80's (Frisco and Felicia Forever).
  17. What!! I never heard this. I love both of them (Angie and Jesse were my mother's favorite back on the day). I must look this up now!
  18. I read this as "Jamie Farr" and was very disturbed for a moment...
  19. Agree. For me it's all the animation, haven't even made it to the dialogue. I'm very old school animation, anime seems all Shari lines and distorted shapes.
  20. While certainly not comparable to the stigma that darker skinned women deal with, there is a tendency to comment on when one is too pale. I'm thinking of the name calling/comments along the lines of "Casper" "so pale I can see though you", "you're blinding me" (the idea being that o0ne is so white the sun bounces off), "see-through", "pasty", "so white your like milk". And then there' is the suggestions of getting a "healthy tan" because one looks sick because they're too pale or they'd look so much better with a little color. Again, not necessarily comparable, but the idea is the same, that somehow if you are too dark or too light, it's somehow bad, instead of just realizing and embracing that beauty isn't dependent on a "right" skin color.
  21. Yeah, I turned to watch last night and what the heck, not a new episode. After reading the description (and living 1hr away from Orlando), makes sense. Anyone know if it's a week delay?
  22. I had fun. The they both committed hard, which is essentially everything this show is about. I think it helps that Peters (and I have no idea who he is) is a comedian.
  23. Little late but...These were probably the least favorite 2 episodes I can think of. While I like Christine Baranski the Beverly character is just horrible. At least there were a few redeeming factors when they first introduced her. I kept waiting for Penny to tell her that the reason they got married and NO ONE thought to even consider inviting her is because she is an absolute bitch to her son who has, from all we can tell and what we have seen, has always treated her son like shit. Why on earth would anyone want her there? Why would anyone think she would want to be there?
  24. Add me to the disappointed. While I'm sure they'll find a way of making it not creepy, I just don't see it as being as interesting. And with kids I would think the moms would be involved and if the 10 minutes of Dance Moms I saw once (and I still want those moments back) I can see it getting way to drama filled. One of the reasons this was the only reality competetion I've watched is that there is no (televised) drama or backbiting. ...I wonder if I can on demand the british bake-off show.? And somehow not eat an entire cake while doing it...
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