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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. I'll admit I get irritated by people who the only thing they seem to do is slam a show. There are seriously show threads I avoid here (and on TWOP) becasue for months I would never see one positive thing ever. Not even on mildly non-irritated comment. But at least they were watching! Why would you comment on something you haven't even watched, I don't get that. People do that? How do you have that much time? I mean I have a decent amount of free time on my hands, but that seems excessive! My UO (?) is that while I don't hate watch, I do boredom watch. Right now I'm watching Family Guy. I do not like this show. I have never once laughed at anything on this show. I find it seriously offensive on more than a few levels. But it's on after the Simpsons and Brooklyn 9-1-1 and nothing else is so I watch it.
  2. Cragen did not deserve Bensaon and Stabler. I kept wanting the mothership to swoop in and rescue him Lupo was kind of Goren light, meaning I did like him (I cannot say the same about Goren). And also as much as I love the early season cast, I gotta say, I do like the last cast. And I really liked Anthony Anderson. This did not happen. There was no Pod Paul. I think my least favorite cop was Fontana. No wait, it was the beauty queen, whatever her name was. That character decision made no sense. At least I got Fontana (and Farina). What exactly was the point of her?
  3. Wear the sandals and the waterproof is smart.If you go on a water ride or it rains, the sneakers are going to suck, plus the sandals will be nice if your feet end up swelling by the end of the day. And I like the skirt with the tee and chambray shirt. Depending on when you go, and where you're from, it'll be hot as blazes but inside a lot of places it can get cold.
  4. I have a reusable k-cup. I like it. I have it, but I also have the paper cups. Yo put the paper (non-reusable) in the littler holder that you would put the reusable one in. I love both of them. Seriously, I can't state that enough. I don't like particularly strong coffee. I also have favorite coffees (Don Fransisco Vanilla and Colombian coffee straight from Columbia) that you can't get in k-cups. The re-usable was one of the best things I bought for the Keurig.
  5. Fuck me. I have 2 seasons of Justified on DVR (I'm saving for a long weekend next week with wine and good chines food). I saw the last 15 minutes last night, saw Winona and Raylan don't end up together and now I'm pissed to the point that I just want to delete (haven't yet). Fucking show.
  6. I could never stand Shannon Doherty so I was glad whenever she left (it was always inevitable). I always preferred Moriarity. And Robinette was my favorite ADA, tied with Abby.
  7. I liked it. Everyone looked like they were have a great time. I'll DVR it. Seeing The Rock refer to Taylor Swift as Tay-Tay cracked my shit up.
  8. I didn't hat Rey either, I also didn't think he was self-righteous, He was opinionated sure, but hell, so was everyone else. My favorite DA was Branch. I thought he was a good balance with others.
  9. The only thing I know about that movie is that they changed the main character from Asian to white. Truly, that is the. only. thing. i. know! so you're campaign worked.
  10. Actually, I did watch the Sixth Sense knowing the twist. Wasn't an issue for me, I still enjoyed the movie. I agree. And perhaps the soapy nature of them do get in the way, but I've never found her female characters very empowered or well-developed. Sorkin does both well, but he definitely needs to expand his world-view and get off his high-horse on a few issues.
  11. Both! I find that books I know I'm not going to reread or books I have a passing interest in I do the ereader, but books I know I'll reread (short stories) or reference I buy in hardback. Ereaders are great when you're traveling or on vacation.
  12. I couldn't finish the Twilight series. Not because it was bad (it wasn't the worst thing I've read. Wasn't the best either), but because I made the mistake of seeing the first movie before reading the books and so whenever I was reading and pictured Bella, it was Kristen Stewart whom I saw. And I can't stand Kristen Stewart.
  13. Jeez, Ophelia is dull (and you go to KY and call Jack Daniels bourbon, you may get shot. And they got places to put you). Liam is dull too, but less annoyingly dull. Gemma is fun, she needs to stick around. Team Gemma all the way. Eleanor is irritating. There is nothing I find interesting or intriguing about her. And I'm not sure I believe the drugged or the video story. I don't know, something fishy.
  14. I started this show late and then binge-watched a few seasons and honestly I enjoy the current shows as much as the early shows and I have a much smaller time frame to compare them. I still laugh, I still like the characters, and I really enjoy when they pair up "odd couples". I would like to see more Gloria and Claire interaction and Mitch and Phil to hang out. And one of my favorite scenes was Jay hanging out with Mitch and Cam at the bar with their friends during the Vivaldi concert. I am not a Cam fan (not sure if that's unpopular).
  15. Try Ale-8-One. It's out of KY. I'm not sure how it compares to Vernor's, but it's certainly not tasteless.
  16. Hmm, picking up on this... until I was well into my 20's I never knew there was a difference between mayonnaise and Miracle Whip. We always called it mayo in my house. I remembr I was at a friend's mother's house and tasted her potato salad (made with Duke's) and thought it had spoiled. That was my introduction. I too am not a fan of ketchup. I occasionally use it on fries, if they're bad and I'm desperate. The exception is burgers. I mix the mayo and yellow mustard on one side and ketchup on the other. Never any different. While I now prefer white butterbread for sandwiches (I have different bread preferences depending on how I'm eating it), I grew up with ROman Meal wheat bread, which is oddly different from the Roman Meal of today. It was more square shaped. Does anyone remember that?
  17. Ditto. I really can't stand TH. I feel ashamed really liking that scene. This is short-sighted. Beyond the fact that he was one of two reasons I even turned into the show (NYU forever!!), the show needs a balance. As much as I like Tariji, Cookie can be too much. Between Cookie and Lucious they're just exhausting. Vernon was smart, cunning, and got Lucious in a way others didn't. I never thought he has Luciuos on a pedestal (which in the beginning Cookie, IMO, seemed to some degree); he never wanted approval/love (Jamal and Andre), and never tried to live up to (Hakeem). He respected what Luscious had achieved but also understood it came at others cost. I don't know, he seemed to have the most clear and objective view of Luscious. Not a lot of people on this show seem to have that (maybe Rhonda, there's an interesting dynamic).
  18. Am I the only one who thought "GI Joe" when they were talking about "The Baroness"? That's a little too much crossover for me (and I like GI Joe)!
  19. Would they have let him out? Yeah, probably. But they probably also sold a lot of tickets and raised money for this charity because he was there. Whether or not he could skip it isn't the point. He's also 83 years old, the same age as Leonard Nimoy. Maybe he can't physically handle the jetlag like he once could. I actually never heard of him speaking much about it until after I saw people online going after him.
  20. I don't particularly like chocolate cake. It is a rare day when I find one that I enjoy. I much prefer plain white cake. I also don't like chucks, or chips, or swirls of anything. I like chocolate chip cookie dough, but I spit the chips out.
  21. Not sure how on-trend it is, but I always like doing a pretty lemon yellow with white tips. I also get a ton of compliments on it.
  22. I guess my current UO's is that: 1. spoilers don't alter whether I watch a show or not. I read them all the time, never changes if I'll watch or not. 2. I don't have a problem with show going on for a long time. There has been only two shows that i Stopped watching in their later seasons, and it wasn't due to lack opf original stories or a decline in quality. West Wing and Homicide: Life on the Streets. I stopped them in their last (few) seasons due to cast changes not writing or quality of stories.
  23. That's not entirely true. I know A LOT of people for whom The Daily Show is their only source of news. But my personal opinion is that one should not get their news from any one source be it, Daily Show, CNN, Fox, NPR, NBC, whatever. I am still enjoying Modern Family and Glee. I got into both a few seasons in so I've binged watch seasons (this was maybe a year ago for Modern Family) and having watched most of the series in a short time, I haven't noticed a decline in quality for Modern Family. Glee, yes (but I still enjoy it).
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