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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. I think I tend to hate a lot of the main characters: Jerry from Seinfeld (how is he funny?? Can someone please explain that?); House from House; Olivia Benson from L&O: SVU; Goren - L&O: CI; and Grissom from CSI. A lot of the others have already been mentioned: Sonny/Carly/Jason, the trifecta of evil, upon who's alter many great characters have been sacrificed and Willow who I just always hated. I also did not like Falsone form Homicide. He was just a little rat faced bastard who strutted around like he was such an awesome cop. I wanted someone to run him over with one of the crappy Chevy Caveliers they always seemed to drive (It was also around the best show ever began to suck, so some anger he may not be directly responsible for). And a major hate, and also a major UO: I despised Pacey Witter from Dawson's Creek. Despised. To the point where I can't really stand Joshua Jackson and his little scrunched up ferret face.
  2. Yeah, I didn't really get all the love for Ricky and Jessica's routine. Admittedly I'm over Sonya (although I don't think I've ever been a huge fan. Kinda in the same zone with Mia Michaels for me), but it was good, definitely not the best I've ever seen, or the best of the night. No one irritated me which is a huge good thing. Normally at lest one person gets on my nerves. I'll probably vote for everyone this time. (Maybe not Jessica and Ricky out of petty spite. I know I shouldn't...) I have no idea which one is which, one was good the other not so much, but I just want to see more ballet so bad. Never thought that would happen.
  3. Most I like have been mentioned here, I think it's key that TPTB show why the cream in the cookie triangle (I'm hungry, sue me) can't choose. Sonny/Brenda/Jax (GH) is perfect. While I was totally Team Jax, I got how Sonny appealed to a certain side of Brenda's (even if I wanted a bus to hit him, a train to hit the bus, a building to fall on the train, and then all of it drop into a sinkhole and spontaneously combust). I also thought the Richard/Monica/Chandler was pretty good. Everyone was a pretty decent person, no assholes, no monsters.
  4. ToxicUnicorn I agree about some of your SYTYCD UO's (not Twitch and Alex though. Love them!) I also don't get Jesse Tyler Ferguson love. I mean I like him on Modern Family and other than squeeing out with me over some of the hot guys, he doesn't seem to add much to justify his over-presence. . I like the fan aspect to a judge, so it's not that, I just wish there was more celebrity fan opinion rather than always relying on him. Also, I like Nigel as well. He's done a good job, it's a great show (I love that they have never gone the "let's watch behind the scenes" route) and he hasn't, to me, been the problem with the show (I put that on some of the other judges). I also haven't gotten the skeevy factor everyone talks about. Now I really want to find a character named Daniel who's a complete prick...
  5. Bella, she gets along with them pretty well. I have 4 cats and I foster kittens. I wouldn't say that she's best friends with them and the cats definitely rule the house, but they'll lay down on the dog bedd together or on my bed. They walk under her and they all share the same water bowl (at the same time) and the cats sneak some of her food... no problems. If anything she's more scared of them the littler they are. I've only ever had 1 problem, when one of the cats jumped on her (didn't know she was up there) when Carly (my dog) was in a dead sleep. Carly snapped at the cat, not intentionally, more shocked.
  6. I missed the first half with Mia, but was able to catch the part with Precious, the peeing cat. I have a cat that likes to pee on everything of mine (her most recent acquisition was my cell phone!) and sorry, maybe I'm just a bitch but 1.) Tenille must be the stupidist person alive if she couldn't figure out that the cat was TERRIFIED and completely insecure about her place in the family. She brings a new guy (more on him) and two dogs into the house around the same time (appx. 1 year) and the two dogs favorite activity is to bark, chase and try to attack poor Precious. Dumbass. 2.) Chris. I was done with him when he called Precious "it". Just an ass.
  7. Even though I"m more of a cat person, I'd love to see an episode about greyhounds. I have one I rescued from a track in Jacksonville and she's one of the best dogs I've ever had.
  8. The Tina Fey American Express ad just drives me nuts!! Specifically when she's at the register to pay for whatever and she slides the card through the reader the strip isn't in the machine!!!! I know it's so the AmEx logo can be seen, but if they didn't have a stupid see though card it wouldn't be so obvious. So basically Tina is stealing all the stuff. It's just such a huge flub I can't focus on anything else.
  9. Duhamel was also in the Transformer's movie series (the 3 with Shia LeBouf). I would say that all three are probably equal once it all evens out. That being said, Duhamel may be the weak link dramatically, if it actually ends up being a serious drama versus a procedural. IMO, Penn is probably the better actor of all of them. I guess we'll wait an see.
  10. It's interesting you bring this up; yesterday (I think) I was reading Buzzfeed (or maybe HUffington Post) and they had an article on Orphan Black and the new clone. Now I have seen appx 20 min of the show, just kinda bored me, I couldn't get into it, but since I'll read practically anything when I'm bored I read the article. While I have no clue on the acting/writing for the new clone I can say unequivocally that my first thought when I saw the picture was "Why is that woman wearing Sharpie marker on her chin?" and then "Oh wow! That's a horrible stick-on goatee.". I was kinda curious what the viewers thought.
  11. I liked Twin Peaks, but it wasn't nearly as good as it's remembered to be. Damn, he was annoying, wasn't he!! The only character I never liked was the newbie chick. Everyone else, to varying degrees, I like. Aex, Elle (I actually like those two way more than Garcia and Prentiss). And yeah, I totally love JJ (sorry!). And while I'm not sure how UO this is, since I'm watching Law and Order SVU I'm thinking "I would watch this show way more if they got rid of Olivia".
  12. Hell, it wouldn't be Law and Order if someone wasn't sanctimonious. Olivia & Eliot over at SVU, Greevey, Logan, McCoy, even Lenny could get the self-righteous shorts in a twist from time to time. Curtis didn't really seem all that much different than many others. But that 3-parter, jeez... possibly the worst episodes ever. (Most) anything with the Russian mob is pretty bad as well. Favorite episodes? That one's hard. I pretty much love anything with Robinette and Stone.
  13. I've never seen Revenge, but I will humbly submit the most infamous last season of Roseanne. The show was slowly going down the drain and then picked up more steam but that final season... Roseanne just jumped off the cliff and took everyone with her. That 70's Show, last season. I just completely ignore that it happened. And damn, sometimes I wonder who Mila Kunis pissed off, but they really just beat up on her character. Homicide: Life on the Street. Truly my favorite show ever, or at least the first 1-4/5 seasons. Then it all went to hell.
  14. Rob Lowe and Sam is the reason why I statrted watching the show, and why I stayed watching the show. I adored him and the show lost something pure when he left. When NASA basically shuttered I always remembered this. It's just beautiful and inspiring.
  15. Oh my gosh, the welfare episode!!! No one, NO ONE!!, I know likes this show, so there have been a few times I have tried explaining why it is so very funny and I always use the welfare episode. Unfortunately, just the memory of it makes me laugh so hard that I am literally crying I am lauging so much and now my friends think I'm a complete whack-job.
  16. Watching L&O now on TNT (why do they always seem to replay the same episodes??). Briscoe and Logan were my favorite pairing, closely followed by Briscoe and Green. The beauty queen cop (what the hell was her name), was easily the worst cop they had. I can't even comperhend why TPTB went that route. I mean I didn't particularly care for Fontana but I still got it: great actor, interesting history, trying to bring back a little of the gravitas lost when Lenny left; but I never understood what the point of her was. My favorite AADA's where easily Robinette and Carmichael, closely followed by Ross. WHat I saw of Rubirosa (I kind of faded out towards the end) she seemed really good. Claire.... I don't remember her getting on my last damn nerve in the first-run, but jeez, that character ddin't not age well. And I find I'm constantly distracted by her god-awful ill-fitting suit jackets. I guarantee the character was supposed to make more than what I earn and I know enough to get things adjusted! And Southerlyn.... I just can't. JUst no. And she's on most of the episodes that have my favorite DA! Which leads to an extremely unpolular opinion (UO).... Branch is my favorite DA! Yes I know, what about Schiff? Schiff, who never seemed to meet a deal he didn't like. He just came across (to me at least)as (mostly) not willing to actually stand up for something, just make a deal to get the win. Drove me nuts. Nora, great actress, horrifically miscast.
  17. I absolutely loved Amy!!! I think I read somewhere that Peppard din't think a woman should be a part of the main cast and over time got the rest of the guys to turn against. Loving Hannibal, that just makes me sad. Face and Amy are ny favorite characters!!
  18. I love Wayne Brady! He's actually my favorite on this show and I wish he had his own sitcom, I'd watch that in a heartbeat.
  19. Wow, just here a couple of days and I'm starting a topic! One of my absolute favorite topics/forums from TWOP is discussing how race and/or ethnicity is reflected (or not reflected) in television. While I hardly ever contributed to the discussion, I loved reading the various opinions and debates that others engaged in. Hopefully those members will find this and continue contributing to my education (I've seen a couple of them pop up on here already).
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