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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. The last two episodes were everything!!! Reminded me of the first episodes when it just came off as friends getting together and hanging out.
  2. Yeah, I don't get that either. I actually didn't even know it was a thing until after I saw the movie (finally. it was a few years after it came out) and I started noticing all these "Tom Hiddleston is everything" posts. But hey everybody's got a type. I've always had a weird thing for Steven Tyler.
  3. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ailbhemalone/absolutely-bobbins#.caR2nK1ppn Here you go. Buzzfeed tries spray om polish!
  4. NO, NO, NO. FUCK NO!!! I do not accept this. The Powers that be need to go back and figure out whatever they fucked up and beg this person to come back. Seriously, When one watches a show for two reasons (more on the girl side than the boy side) and one half of that two is removed due to the trite "I've done all I can do" tripe, I call bullshit. This is a great show, I love the characters, past and present, and would love particular ones to come back. I love that it is an ensemble show with two main nonsexual leads. And the ensemble is relevant and useful to the story as a whole. TPTB need to figure out how to get her back.
  5. Crap I didn't know this was back! Saw it pop up on my DVR, I have no idea who these people are - never watched Walking Dead. "That's a good stripper jam." - might be the best line EVER! (I like Chrissy)
  6. JJ is my favorite. I also like Tara on the show.
  7. Scorpion. Yet another show where they are the most awesome, bestest crime fighters ever and everyone else is stupid, stupid, stupid. How on earth did our country survive this long without them??? And then last night I actually saw about a minute or so of the show and I kid you not one of the male characters is holding on to a tree or something, with one hand, holding on to a female character with the other and they are in what I believe they said was an f4 tornado. And of course no one had any sort of injury. At all. Seriously?
  8. Delurker, I don't think I've ever had strawberry purr that is cream/custard base (I'm in florida). That seems weird to me. Weird in a good way thought, I kinda want to try it now. Anyway, I've always made strawberry pie with just halved strawberries and sugar poured into a pie crust.
  9. I would have preferred it sticking to the book (normally not doing so doesn't bother me) but the Lombard/Claythorne hookup seemed gratuitous (though still sexy as hell - taking advantage of killer chemistry). Also, like others I would have preferred following the note in a bottle ending. Also, y'all can have Turner I'll take Mr.. Douglas Booth. Damn that man is pretty.
  10. That is kind of interesting. According to that article the previous show runner, a rather youngish looking (at least to me) white guy, who has been responsible for some odd the most arguably diverse lineups the big for have seen in awhile, has been replaced by a women of color - which I hope on the surface, would lead to more diversity, both behind the scenes and in front of them. And as a side note, I was watching Blackish when I was reading the article.
  11. Yeah, sorry - I edited it. Typing on my (not great) phone keyboard while walking back to my office was not the smartest move.
  12. Overall I liked it. Vanessa Hudgens is incredible being able to do this, but I do think she was miscast in the end. And whoever said Kiki was channeling Eartha Kitt nailed it. It was a little weird - props to having a more diverse cast though. Everyone looked to old, but they dod in the movie to so I didn't really notice. And why did they make this Patty so irritating, she was petty in the movie but not to the point you wanted to hit her with your car.
  13. Really liked the ending where they gave the background dancers their moment. That was classy. I also liked how (if I caught this right) they dedicated the show to Vanessa's father. I know she was dedicating her performance to him, but nice they did the whole production.
  14. I'm enjoying it, not as much as I had hoped, but still. While some of the vocal talents are lacking, I keep trying to figure out if there are mike issues. Aaron Tevit can sing, but sometimes you can hardly hear him. And there's something, some spark, missing in the main girls that the movie actresses had. Jepsen is close. I do think the kid plating Doody is doing great! And I really enjoyed his song - anyone know if that is from the stage version or for this show? On the upside, these guys are way better dancers than the movie cast. Boys 2 Men!!!!
  15. That may have been the best thing I have seen in awhile. I love kaley but gad as trump was amazing. She did dance with a python though. Props to that.
  16. I prefer the brush or a stippling brush to the sponge. Normally though I end up using my fingers.
  17. Damn, this show is firing on all cylinders. Watch any cheesy underdog movie from the 80's and you recognized this episode. And I loved that Charlie finally was the only rational, coherent person around (that sentence doesn't seem right). And he had hot sex with a hot girl Good for him!
  18. This might actually be my favorite current show (that and It's Always Sunny...)!! That was amazing - I just rewatched it. And it made me not dislike Beyonce for about 30 seconds!! That's a true miracle. Small minority - I like Chrissy. And she was hella-into singing the Beyonce song!
  19. I got my Carly (greyhound) off the track. She was three, so still kind of young. I don't think she was abused - I adopted her from a rescue based at the track that worked with owners to retire greyhounds into homes. I actually picked her up at the owners house/kennel. It was pretty nice, all the dogs seemed really happy and well kept, the kennels seemed nice, about as big as the humane society I volunteer at have. The main thing with her was for about 6 - 10 months she would always stand up in a grooming position when I would got to pet her. Other than that, which made me really sad, she hasn't had any problems. I have four cats and foster kittens and she's completely fine.
  20. Hmm, I like some of the Chanel eyeshadows and lipstick (the green & moonlit pink shadpw and the lipstick in Energy), but yeah the Dior line looks...weak. Pretty, but unremarkable. Spring colors are always a regret for me. I like them in the package, not so much on. Considering my shadow palette tends more to black/grey/browns and red lipsticks, I guess that's not surprising. :)
  21. I like her to. She's seems hysterical in the outtakes.
  22. That was hysterical. This is the only show I laugh just as much reading comments about the show as I do watching. I googled like a crazy person at the previous posts.
  23. New years day is corned beef, collards, cornbread (honey for me),and blackeyed peas. I grew up with them meaning luck, good health, and good wealth but not sure which is which. My favorite meal is the next day: cut the cornbread in half and stick in a layer of the greens, corned beef and peas to make a sandwich. Yumm.
  24. I haven't seen any of this year's Mindy Project but is it really an unknown thing that Danny is a jerk? Seriously? He's always been that way. It's part of his charm. She flaky, self centered, and shallow; he's kind of dickish. It's why they work.
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