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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I have Amazon prime free for a month (or another few weeks - this one is going fast). I've been trying to catch up with True Blood, but might try to watch Six Feet Under, before I lose Prime. I had wanted to re-watch Carnivale, and The Americans, but a friend of mine keeps talking about SFU being her favourite show. I only watched a few episodes, when it was on.
  2. Thank you. I'll check mine - it's done that before (or just not to record anything at all, so I'll have to double-check later on). Tonight is the finale, isn't it? That went fast. :(
  3. I would hate it, too. The whole point of Netflix, is to be able to watch it all. I wouldn't mind waiting a week in between episodes, but not three months!
  4. Yeah, I already said I didn't mean for Stan to be on the loo. I wonder how long it will take him to find out who they are, if that will be the season finale next year.
  5. LOL! I didn't mean that I wanted to see Stan on the loo. :) I haven't watched BB since it ended - it's been almost three years, and I'm feeling the urge to watch it again.
  6. I wish that she had a nicer title for her thread. I miss her, too.
  7. It did give me chills, when Oleg mentioned the Challenger (someone mentioned that on the previous page). I like how they're zeroing in on things, like the mail robot, and other things. I'm also glad that Paige's parents told her she doesn't have to "work" Matthew. I was afraid that Elizabeth was thinking about encouraging her in that way. I was also surprised that Paige was suddenly so willing to get information for them.
  8. Thinking about Stan finding out who they really are, is making me want to watch Breaking Bad again. I don't know what I want to happen. I want the kids to be okay, and don't want Elizabeth or Phillip to be executed, but I'm not sure that I want them to get away with it all. I like William, because he's thinking about just how far he's willing to take things. I hoped that Phillip would go along with him.
  9. I'm watching for Noah and Audrey. I like them. Wasn't expecting Jake to go so soon. It seemed to me like they were going for a "Saw" vibe when he woke up in the barn - and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
  10. I loved how they stopped long enough to take a breather, and say a dramatic sentence, before resuming the attempts to kill each other. That sort of thing always makes me laugh. I loved Punisher turning up at the end, but leaving the killer of Elektra to Matt. I was more invested in season one, but I've had trouble focusing on things for most of the year, so I'll give it another chance if/when I get my concentration back. I wasn't impressed with Elektra when she first showed up, but I really liked her in the last few episodes. Now I want to watch Jessica Jones again. I loved that.
  11. Do you think we'll find out what those agents wanted with Gaad? Philip said he put his vacation to Thailand, into his report.
  12. I think it's because she seemed happier again. She could be cute with Christopher, but they put her in situations in season 7, like getting married without their daughter present (so she was on edge when they came back, and for some reason, she alone got the backlash from Rory - Chris is her dad, and was there too - it wasn't Lorelai's decision alone), dealing with her parents, and a party she didn't really want (because it wasn't her scene, or because she seemed to be more concerned with everyone else, than she was of Christopher's feelings - like she wasn't so in love that she would love to relive it again for her family). Christopher talking about Rory's room now being Gigi's room (another change she hadn't considered, and wasn't thrilled about). It seemed like she was walking on eggshells a lot - I remember when I first watched it, she seemed so different, even though she hadn't seemed like herself during season 6, with Luke and her issues with not being allowed around April, or that he hadn't told her. It was weird seeing her so off-kilter. Or was it just me, projecting it onto the character?
  13. I've been thinking lately, that I wish I'd taken martial arts as a kid - and this episode confirmed my feeling that it would have been a good thing. I would have loved to have the confidence to walk around knowing that I could take care of myself that way. I agree with those who thought she had a natural reaction of anyone with a child - she protected her, and I thought that was great. I can see Paige being grateful, but then upset - I think that's also a natural reaction to someone you know being responsible for another person being hurt (badly) or worse, even if anyone else would have done the same thing in their shoes.
  14. I was 25 when it premiered, and I agree with the above. I can't remember when I started to hear about it (I remember Lauren Graham was suddenly everywhere in magazines, as "the cool mum"), but the one article that stands out was in 2003. I didn't watch the show at the time - we had trouble with the channel (didn't have cable), and I also thought it was a kid's channel. I think if I'd been able to get hold of DVDs when the show was on (early years), I would have started to tune in on the nights it aired.
  15. I hate Fisk. I guess he set things up for Frank to escape, so that he could take care of certain things outside, and blame him. I also felt bad for D.A. although she'd been trying to cover things up. I don't think she deserved that. I also like Frank and Karen together. That ending was creepy.
  16. Kacey Rohl seems to be popping up everywhere (The Magicians, iZombie, etc). She had me missing Hannibal. I didn't catch the recap, and don't remember exactly how the first season ended, so I'll have to google. I read the books, after seeing the first episode last year, and was interested in that ending. I don't blame Carla's character for taking her own life.
  17. I didn't know about the book.. I've just guessed, in another thread, that they might release it the day after Thanksgiving. It's a four-day weekend for most people. Maybe they'll release it the weekend before? I was hoping it would be more like Labour day weekend, but that might be reserved for season 2 of Narcos.
  18. I was thinking they would release it in October, or on Thanksgiving weekend.
  19. I was going to respond to your posts about this, but my own would be straying off-topic, so I might take it somewhere else. I remember Shogun! Not a book, but the mini-series. Just vaguely, but I remember Richard Chamberlain, and it being re-broadcast at some point, when I was six or seven, during the day, when we had our school holidays. I'm pretty sure that's the case, unless my memory is merging with something else. I'm going to have to look up both the show, and the book. I completely missed Stan seeing that book - I have no recollection of it. I'll have to watch everything again.
  20. I hadn't seen this, until I saw someone else quote it. I agree - we've seen him do a good job, once he's on the trail of something. It was just a passing thought. Like getting to Paige through his son, somehow (since she's been a little "off" with the worry). He would be watching them all the time, though, if he really suspected them.
  21. I started to cry, too. He was perfect for this. I was glad when he shot the guy who threatened his dog, and said, "who cares?" about HIS family, when he was just torturing this guy over the death of his son. Wilson Fisk was involved in all sorts of bad things, like human trafficking, from what I recall (his associations were with people doing that, at least). This guy wanted to rid the place of the people like that, and I can't say that I blame him. I'm watching episode 5, but just barely. I'm going to have to finish tomorrow. After what I just watched, I have no interest in this Elektra person right now (I'm not a big comic fan - I only got into this because I'd heard it was good, last year, and it actually was).
  22. I've just finished episode 4 of Daredevil (season 2). Jon Bernthal is perfect in this - this episode just broke my heart.
  23. I must admit, I'm having a bit of trouble disliking the Punisher, because of this. Just a bit. I love Foggy, and wish that Karen would get together with him.
  24. Now I'm wishing I'd watched this in March, but I was having trouble focusing, and I wanted to watch it when I was feeling better. I watched this episode last week, though, and just watched episodes 2 and 3, so I might have to comment in another thread. The one thing I remember from the first episode, aside from the meat hooks, and the Punisher's entrance in the hospital, was Karen running in heels. I can't even walk in them, so I always end up wondering how they do that, rather than say, the bullets flying in her direction as she runs. That's a motivating force, and I might even be able to run in them, in that sort of situation. Jon Bernthal was peefect for this role.
  25. I was hoping the episodes would be listed here, instead of just an all-season thread. I've just finished episode 3. *edit. Oh, wait, I've only just seen "S02" up at the top. :) I'll check there.
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