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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I somehow missed Fet's butt, but I thought the same thing about the water. I also really don't like the kid. I'm usually easier on them because they are children, but it's like they read everything about him being annoying last year, and amplified it, like we're supposed to loathe him. He reminded me a bit of Michel, in the Gilmore Girls. :)
  2. That's what you get for setting someone up for murder, screwing with him beforehand, and eating people.
  3. That about sums up my morning, and it would be nice to be able to visit the diner, and have someone to share the hate with. I was watching the first season again, and I was wondering how Luke was supposed to have met Rachel. Did she live in Stars Hollow? Was she passing through town, and stopped in at the diner?
  4. I'm watching it online. It took having his head sliced into, to make poor Will look like he just doesn't give a crap, anymore.
  5. This sounds like an episode that will have me looking away a lot.
  6. I've been feeling depressed, and was hoping it would distract me a bit. I thought it was starting in a week or so. :(
  7. You don't have to see why it's a problem. I just didn't like the sound of it.
  8. Eighteen months?? Were we going to have to wait that long, if they stayed with NBC?
  9. We still have to wait over a month? I was hoping it would be sooner.
  10. I forgot about it last night. I'll have to see if it recorded.
  11. I'm so sorry for all of your losses. :( I have my one dog, Walter, 16, left from his litter of five. I lost them in consecutive years, starting four years ago. I miss them, and others that I've had before, so badly sometimes. They were the best years of my life.
  12. That was one thing that I liked about Jess. Dean assumed that he and Rory would break up, once she graduated, and went to college. Jess, on the other hand, looked it up, to see how far he would have to travel to see her. :)
  13. I liked when Emily was arrested, after telling the officer that that breathalyzer wasn't going anywhere near her mouth. Not that she was arrested: her response. Of course, that made Lorelai's already great night, perfect. I don't remember many of the titles, but I still love Cinnamon's Wake. I love the whole town coming together, to be there for a grieving couple. I'm reading a book called The Village Effect, that talks about social connections being important for your health and well-being - in-person connections, not online (although they've helped me). I miss knowing all of my neighbours, which is part of the appeal of the show for me.
  14. I didn't see Luke as a father figure, either, but he did panic when Lorelai said she'd run away, and went into one of his vents when he found out that she'd dropped out of college. He also flipped when she was alone with Jess (upstairs). He did seem protective of her, at times.
  15. It's apparently Italian for "sweet", so sweetbreads? As in Will's brain? Along with the love connections between people.
  16. Bedelia wasn't eating people, and Will knows just what it's like to be screwed with by him, as does Jack. We just wouldn't have had the trippy images, as we got her view of things.
  17. I wish that Bedelia had just told them that she tried to attract their attention in the safest way she could think of. That she didn't kill anyone (intentionally), nor did she eat anyone. The scenes were well done, but I don't understand why she would do that when it came to Will and Jack - unless she expected the Italian police first. I liked that Will seemed amused by Chiyo throwing him off the train. I still can't believe they went there at the end, though. *shiver*
  18. I barely paid attention, so I have to watch it again, but Grey's Anatomy had a married woman choose to have an abortion, only she told her husband beforehand. He knew she didn't want to have children, but a lot of drama happened, because he'd expected her to change her mind.
  19. I love that he rescued the dog, and although creepy when he's checking up on people, I liked that he told that guy to stop being such an ass to women.
  20. Do you think the Principal will be killed?
  21. I completely forgot about Mason at the beginning. It reminded me of how awful he is.
  22. I didn't think they would go there, for some reason. I keep blocking it from memory. I've never seen the whole movie, but I've come across that scene when changing channels, and it makes me gag. I want Will to win at some point. I'm so tired of people getting the jump on him. So, are they planning to have Alana carry the baby? Or a surrogate? I need to watch something lighter now.
  23. As much as I didn't like Jess at first, he could be funny, and I thought it was weird how everyone freaked out and blamed him. I liked, "What's up Quippy?? Why so silent??!!" from the episode in which she's late for the test. Her whole part yelling at Paris, and then, "The name is RORY!!" cracked me up. Anytime she seemed really shy and awkward. Rory telling Jess when he was being a jerk. Her being excited about being home alone, and doing what SHE wanted to do. I used to love getting the house to myself. Her just happening to fall into a clique, and sitting alone again, later. I take at least two books with me everywhere, as well, which comes in handy when the van breaks down, or in long lines. Oh, and the lists! Dad teased me last year, when I panicked over not having my notebook with me. I don't make pro/con lists, but everything else goes down. Her insistence that she wasn't going to break down over losing her boyfriend, only to cry and then get crabby later on. Her waking up early, and making a list of things to do, is like me, and Lorelai was like my parents trying to make it happen.
  24. She wore it all the time, and anyone else would have handed it to her, telling her that she'd dropped it. He may have been right in that she hadn't missed it for two weeks, but if he hadn't know who it was from, he surely would have told her that he'd found it somewhere, and given it to her as soon as possible - instead of hiding it in her room whilst she ran around freaking out. I love the ending of the Thanksgiving episode where Dean tells Jess that he no longer has to be on his best behaviour around him.
  25. I've just watched the original movie, and there was more energy to it. I loved Tatum lobbing those bottles at Ghostface. Those attacked so far, haven't had a chance to fight back.
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