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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I liked her. She was grounded, and didn't take any BS, but did her best to be polite (until pushed). I thought the family were a good base. like the family in "Medium" - responding to the craziness the way the viewers might, and I did root for them (the husband, not so much, until the end). I've never really liked the really over-the-top parts of the show, but there were other elements that kept me around. I even liked more of Freak show than most seem to have. But the previews, the little snippets of things that end up not being in the actual show, were more interesting to me with Coven, and Freak Show. I prefer spooky, and menacing (sometimes) to outright gore. I hated the Hostel movies. That just isn't my thing. I'm going to watch the premiere again. I liked Se7en, and watched it a couple of weeks ago (the story, not the disgusting visuals - I turned away for those). The only part that I really liked of this, was the girl's walk down the hall, with the kids appearing, and the chatty maid. I'm just not sure if I'm up to it this year.
  2. I had similar thoughts. :) Not a bad day's work. The episode was mostly disappointing for me. I didn't know if it was my mood, since I generally like the first episodes of this series, but I'm not waiting impatiently for next week. I agree with those who have said it's too much gore and too many shocking scenes. I loved the first two seasons. I think it would be more shocking (and more interesting - to me) if he toned it all down, and went with more of a regular spooky story. I've stopped watching other shows, because of their need to increase the shock value, year after year. I do wonder how they got the little boy, unless vampires can be out in the sunlight in this series. The best part of this was the ghostly maid, for me. Her amused little comments, all cheery and friendly. I'll have to watch it again, when I'm in a better mood, to see if I like it any more than I do this morning.
  3. I was confused, as well. Taylor Swift does that? The part about personal gain made me laugh, too, because it reminded me of anyone who does giveaways on TV or online, when they're trying to sell something, or gain new followers/book sales/viewers, etc.
  4. If someone killed my dog, I don't like to think about what I might do. I freaked when he wandered out of the garden this morning (I found him relaxing in a ditch, enjoying the sunshine). I use a lot of hot sauce, so I'd be getting the side-eye from certain people in iZombie world. This episode was a little off, but I laughed at the Archie Bunker reference, and the T-shirt comment. I expected the roommate to be the secretary.
  5. I watched this the other night. Ugh, the animals being killed, the girl being gang-raped... that was a really tough episode to watch.
  6. I still don't like the covers. I've never minded April, but I really like new April. Blonde intern reminds me a bit of Brian Krakow (?) from My So-Called Life. He looks so familiar, I don't know if I was actually confusing him for the other actor, or if I've seen him in something else over the past year.
  7. I've just watched the first two episodes on the freeview part of on-demand. I don't have Showtime, so I'm going to have to find a way to catch up online. I had no interest in it before, and only watched because it was there, but now I'm intrigued.
  8. They can't smoke on TV now? I'm not a smoker, but I think that's a bit much. But people can be shot, or take drugs on TV, and so on.
  9. I've started to watch Glee, and I like it so far. I mostly liked tonight's episode. I don't catch all of the references to other shows or movies, because I either haven't seen them, or it's been well over twenty years since I did. I barely remember anything about Heathers, so anything taken from that, I'm not catching.
  10. I wonder if he dies from his injuries (or if Daniel kills him, since he can't send him back to his friends/co-workers), and he turns. I think the character mentioned above, said something about "humane termination". I also don't understand why they would just kill people. Maybe they've lost too many men elsewhere, so they need to move on, but that's no excuse for killing healthy people. I also liked Liza taking the gun, and putting down Grizelda (?), before she could reanimate.
  11. I suspected that, as well, but I also wondered if one or both of them were undercover for another agency, tracking another FBI recruit, as someone just mentioned above. I also wondered about the blonde girl.
  12. I have. I preferred Asylum, to Coven or Freak show. I think Jessica Lange might be making an appearance. I watch way too much TV. I'm so sorry to hear this. :( My Walter is still with me,but I worry. He's the only one I have left (of my dogs). My cat George, tipped my new-to-me monitor onto the floor, a few weeks ago. I'm usually okay with them knocking things over, but a string of things had already been broken, and we can't afford to replace everything. I wasn't angry for long,once I found that it was mostly okay. I was more angry at myself, for having left the door open, when he kept sleeping on my old monitor. We've also had a raccoon in the kitchen, several times. I now remember to shut the back door. One morning, gone 4am, I thought dad was up early. Nope... raccoon under the sink, looking for cat food. He had no interest in the vegetables, in bags on the floor. :(
  13. I liked the episode, mostly. I didn't like the torture, but the daughter had a believable reaction to it. I also don't want to see step-siblings getting romantic with each other, or seeing them trash someone else's belongings.
  14. I was also expecting the soapiness, since it was marketed as Grey's Academy, and I liked the episode. I just wasn't expecting an almost exact replica. I thought the ending pointed to the boss, but I wonder if one of the twins could be a terrorist, and the other one in the dark? I wonder why they didn't apply together. They're probably both innocent, and each good at different things. I wonder what happened in Malawi.
  15. I was checking them off as they happened, too. They have her set up as Meredith, and Angel Spawn as McDreamy, but she reminded me of Izzie in both looks and personality.
  16. I'm glad that they didn't feel the need to have them paired up. I was amazed when Paris declared that they were both happy, because they had boyfriends. Paris! Although I liked her with Doyle, I also liked it when she was trying to make sure that she made a big decision correctly for herself, instead of her relationship. It bugged me when Rory felt the need to put Jess' mind at ease, whenever she'd been around Dean. He was such a hypocrite. I don't care that Dean wanted her back.
  17. ohhh. I thought that he was writing it, for some reason. I missed the bit about him cloning their computers.
  18. I had to laugh at him calling someone else a psycho killer. I wonder how many other people he's killed, besides Lila.
  19. It reminded me of - put in spoiler quote, just in case, since it was out a few years ago.
  20. Did you ever watch True Blood? There was a character named Eggs.
  21. I wasn't fully paying attention, because the roommate thing felt like they were trying to redo her adjusting to George and Izzie living with her. I'm also not that excited about it, anymore. I miss the days when I would look forward to the premiere. Arizona was amusing. I can't believe people think that she lies about having a fake leg, though. She would have been in the news, the plane crash would have been a huge story, and she's one of the owners of the hospital. She doesn't need to fake anything for attention (except for the ripping of a tag, for the roommate position ;) ).
  22. Fitz didn't earn either term as President. I don't know if I'll watch again, but I do wonder who leaked their affair (this time).
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