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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I'm recording both now... Reelz is 275 on Time Warner Cable in NE Ohio.
  2. ^^ Me, too. :) (elzin.) I suddenly have the urge to watch My So-Called Life.
  3. Not even in the bathroom alone. I light one or two in the living room or dining room occasionally, but have to keep an eye on them because of the animals. I was 19 when the murders happened, and OJ was arrested. I can't believe I've forgotten as much as I have, because it doesn't seem like that long ago. I remember the chase, and watching it with my sister and parents, and watching the part of the trial that aired on the three basic channels we had at the time. I think the full trial aired on cable. I was really distracted by John Travolta's face, as well. Whatever he's doing to it, he needs to stop.
  4. I wonder if Lane's children will be hiding things under floorboards (or have some other way of hiding things from their mother). I can't see her being as harsh as her mother, but I had to laugh when her it turned out her mum was hiding things from *her* mother.
  5. I loved it. I liked Mulder discovering the truth about certain things, and having it be a really dull reality; also his trying to get used to new technology. And Gillian Anderson really did look like she was having fun. I laughed out loud at the guy's, "I don't want to go to work tomorrow!" and his adopting a dog, because animals are so much nicer to be around.
  6. I've just remembered Sherry when she was in labour, and angry because she'd scheduled the birth. Her, "I WROTE IT DOWN!!" cracks me up, every time.
  7. "Welcome to Luke's, where the motto is 'Eat it and beat it!'" LOL. The exchange between Rory and Lane, after their neighbour's cat dies - and the whole bit where she's talking about how he slid across the freshly polished floor. "Did you laugh?" *shakes head* "Did you want to?" *nods head*
  8. I liked it (and I wasn't expecting to). I did do a mental eye-roll at the devil being/sounding English, because it seems as though we're always cast as the evil ones, but I found him charming as well. I'll watch again.
  9. Wait, I must have watched the second episode first, somehow. It started with the classroom, and their fighting someone off. This is what I get for using the Syfy app.
  10. I've just seen that they might be in talks to build season 6 around Slenderman.
  11. I've only seen the first episode, and didn't mind it. I'll watch the other one in a while. I must live under a rock, because I've never heard of the books. I'll have to find them through the library.
  12. I wasn't a die-hard fan when it was on - I loved the first part of the first season, but we moved to a different State the following January, and I couldn't get the Fox channel in on our little TV with rabbit ears. God, it's so weird remembering that. I've watched episodes here and there on cable, over the years, and finally started to watch the whole series last Summer, on Netflix. Anyway, I loved it tonight - once I got past football being the first half of my recording. I had to find it online, to watch the rest. I got goosebumps when it started, and I also liked seeing the opening credits.
  13. This was a huge deja vu, so I'm wondering if I saw a preview sometime last year, and just forgot about it. The explosion in the truck, and the wife taking off her top as he walked out of the bathroom, the insulin being made from dogs, and her trading a bottle of booze for it. It also reminded me of Falling Skies, but I only saw a few episodes of that, the first season. I've recorded the second episode, and will watch it soon, or tomorrow.
  14. I'm watching season 2 on netflix. I'm really missing this show.
  15. I hoped this was starting this week. I didn't see the whole thing play out on TV, because we didn't have cable, and I think they were broadcasting most of it on Court TV.
  16. I thought it was obvious who was behind it, just because of how they were all gathered, but I briefly changed my mind, and suspected that it was none of them - and that it was the man who said he would see her hang, if he had his way. They did get me there.
  17. There is a real school by that name, in California: http://thacher.org/ I wonder if it was like a product placement, or is it considered to be a good school?
  18. Right. They made her sound like an emotional vampire - her reason for killing people, was to keep them around, but also drag them lower than she was (and then take care of them).
  19. I've just watched San Andreas, and the pretty girl who plays Carla Gugino's daughter, played Valentino's wife this season. I knew she looked familiar. Also from the first season of True Blood.
  20. I had something to add to this, but I can't remember what it was! Damn, I have to start taking notes of what I might want to say. I keep forgetting that Denis O'Hare was on True Blood, even though I loved one of his scenes there. His whole speech, finishing with, "And now for the weather, Tiffany!" really made me laugh out loud.
  21. No, I'm fine without another episode of American Porn Story. ;)
  22. I actually loved this episode. :) The meeting was my favourite part - almost all of them together. I want Liz to have her own show. Sally and the internet - ha! Liz and Iris make a great team. I also loved that Donovan came through and told his mother that he was in a place that smelled like pancakes - not hell. Did the show end with Lady Gaga? My DVR cut off, so I don't know if there was anything else to the episode. I found myself hoping for a cameo by Jessica Lange. I was tired of them casting her as the same sort of woman in each season, but I missed her tonight. I also thought the second part of the episode was weaker, and I wasn't happy to see the serial killers back again. But it was nice to see it mostly tied together. I wonder what was supposed to have happened to the child from the first season. How old he is, how many people he's murdered...
  23. She was in that 666 TV show in 2012, as well. About a hotel in New York, with John Locke from LOST.
  24. I thought he was laughing at something said to him - he's looking at the person next to him. Then he gives her that look when she shoves his arm out of her way. If I'm wrong, then he's an ass for laughing at her. I may not think she deserved to win, but she doesn't deserve that. I think it's brave for anyone to at least try something different. They may not be getting shot at, but brave on a personal level. I've never been a huge Leo fan, either.
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